help just can't stick with it! keep failing

each day I start off great then by the night time it's all blown, so I say tomorrow's another day! I just keep eating more and more and not stopping I feel bloated , nothing fits now except my stretchy pants!!!! how can I keep motivated I feel so alone


  • ThatDamnRobyn
    ThatDamnRobyn Posts: 47 Member
    I know how that goes! I've been doing well, but this weekend I made cookies and binged. Then I seemed to have caught what my son has and feel crappy, so I haven't been exercising for a few days and have turned to comfort food.
    I don't worry about the exercise -- I love that. But I do worry that I'll get off track eating and continue down the slippery slope. Are you on Facebook? I am in a group with some great women and we do little challenges and we really encourage each other. I could add you if you want.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    This weekend I've been away from home, eating out, and driving a lot so my food choices have been pretty bad. I may gain weight this week, I may not, but I still track it all. I've found that the accountability of tracking it helps me stick to it and improve my choices.
  • nannukka
    nannukka Posts: 52
    You are not alone. You are here with all of us and we are all doing the same thing. Don't worry about what happened. It will be fine. Just keep at it!

    Make sure you are eating enough. If your goals are too low, you are going to feel miserable and it is easier to fail. if you are following the calorie amounts that MFP gives you and if you put as a goal of loosing 1-2lb/week, you probably got very low calories. it is not fun and it is often not sustainable. Some people still want/are able to do it, but that didn't work for me. Often results are binge type of eating. You might have to increase your calories.

    Have you seen this Level Obstacle thread . It is relatively simple system to increase your calories. Why don't you see if it is for you.
  • nannukka
    nannukka Posts: 52
    This weekend I've been away from home, eating out, and driving a lot so my food choices have been pretty bad. I may gain weight this week, I may not, but I still track it all. I've found that the accountability of tracking it helps me stick to it and improve my choices.

    ^This. I fully agree. Regardless what - put it down. You ate it, you log it. And it does make you think when you know you "have to" log it.
  • Cocozest
    Cocozest Posts: 28 Member
    Some days i feel in the same boat. What helps for me is eating fibrous foods that make me feel full but don't have as many calories (beans, lentils, raspberries). I find when i eat refine carbs like rice, noodles or bread... I feel full but quickly have an urge to eat again shortly after. So after 5pm, i avoid refined carbs much as possible or those night cravings get really bad for me
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Is your calorie goal perhaps too low? A lot of the time people set their calorie goal really low because they want to drop weight fast, but then they end up failing because it sucks to be so hungry all the time. Try setting your profile to .5 or 1 pound a week loss and use that calorie goal. You may find that to be quite manageable.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    well... if you dont change now, don't worry, rock bottoms coming! yeh!
  • jennymogirl
    jennymogirl Posts: 8 Member
    thanks for the advice it's hard this time staying motivated, I have a real sweet tooth never had that before, I have put on so much weight since my divorce almost 40 pounds yuk!
  • nannukka
    nannukka Posts: 52
    It is hard to loose weight. And even harder when you have other things going on in your life. Just do your best. That is all you can do.

    I also have a sweet tooth. A bad one. What helped for me (and everybody is different) is to increase those calories (I'm doing TDEE-15%). What happens with these systems (also the link I put in my earlier post) that you might loose slower, but you WILL loose and you will eat more which means that you CAN put some sweet deliciousness in the there as long as it fits your calories. And that is what I do. I can NOT totally stay away from sweet stuff, so I will not even try. I just do my best to limit it and enjoy it when I do not (but I always, always log it in. I eat it, so I log it). Just keep at it!
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Have you tried leaving most of your calories for the evening.
    I leave a good 1000 calories for supper and late evening snacks. When I am at work and busy I hardly have the time to think about food, and know that when I am at home relaxing that's when I am gonna want to eat. So I work my calories that way. I have chocolate nearly everyday.
  • nannukka
    nannukka Posts: 52
    That is an EXCELLENT idea to leave whole bunch of calories for evening.....I will try it.
  • jennymogirl
    jennymogirl Posts: 8 Member
    love that idea I will also give it a try, I think I also have to prepare some snacks for the evening also.
  • GiddyNZ
    GiddyNZ Posts: 136 Member
    I eat what I need to to not become a blithering mess at work, log it before I leave the office on the way to the gym, then I know how many calories I have to burn at the gym so that I can have what I have planned for dinner.. try to leave 600 - 900 after burning 300 - 500 depending on what I have planned.. and if there is extra after dinner then I get a cup of tea and a treat :D
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    each day I start off great then by the night time it's all blown, so I say tomorrow's another day! I just keep eating more and more and not stopping I feel bloated , nothing fits now except my stretchy pants!!!! how can I keep motivated I feel so alone
    It has to start with a commitment. Until you do that, you'll just be winging it.............................and that usually never ends up successful.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • kalea_kane
    kalea_kane Posts: 37
    I have learned that I simply have to stop eating by a certain time and that is it. Once 7:00 pm rolls around, I am done period. I have to do this, because I get picky in the evening, and if I give myself an inch, I take a mile. I remind myself that I can wait until tomorrow and have the treat then if I really want it. The only time I am flexible with that is on the weekend. Are you staying up late? I also noticed that I can go on an eating binge when I stay up later than I need too. You can do this. :)
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I have learned that I simply have to stop eating by a certain time and that is it. Once 7:00 pm rolls around, I am done period. I have to do this, because I get picky in the evening, and if I give myself an inch, I take a mile. I remind myself that I can wait until tomorrow and have the treat then if I really want it. The only time I am flexible with that is on the weekend. Are you staying up late? I also noticed that I can go on an eating binge when I stay up later than I need too. You can do this. :)

    Even though I save a lot of calories for the evening (I have a small supper and usually 3 snacks in the evening) I also have a cut off time (9pm). Once I get to that time my brain is now conditioned to stop thinking about food. Has nothing to do with not eating within a certain time of sleeping, it strictly has to do with the fact I generally eat all my calories by 9 and when I am 'allowed' to think about food I want to eat. So I give myself a cut off time (it's not really strict, if I get home late and haven't finished all my snacks I will allow myself to eat them after 9, however once my planned snacks are done, that's it)
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    each day I start off great then by the night time it's all blown, so I say tomorrow's another day! I just keep eating more and more and not stopping I feel bloated , nothing fits now except my stretchy pants!!!! how can I keep motivated I feel so alone

    You can conquer this one meal at a time. You've got breakfast down pat. Keep it that way. Move on to lunch - own that. Once you've got lunch (and morning snack) in a good way, move onto the afternoon snack, then dinner, and then the evening snack. Tackle each meal progressively. Within a week you'll have a routine and you won't feel deprived. Don't feel like a failure if you don't have the perfect day when you start - just keep going on the good food choices.

    One trick that really helps is I try to drink at least 16 ounces of ice cold water before a scheduled meal. The days that I get all my water in are the days that I'm successful. Also, water helps me with bloating (counter intuitive - yes - but it works). If you are knocking yourself down mentally - stop it - you are only setting yourself up for failure. Now get going. :smile:
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member

    You can conquer this one meal at a time. You've got breakfast down pat. Keep it that way. Move on to lunch - own that. Once you've got lunch (and morning snack) in a good way, move onto the afternoon snack, then dinner, and then the evening snack. Tackle each meal progressively. Within a week you'll have a routine and you won't feel deprived. Don't feel like a failure if you don't have the perfect day when you start - just keep going on the good food choices.

    This can be good for some people, but not everyone. This would not work for me. I don't eat breakfast, or morning snack. I eat lunch as my first meal, then I eat an afternoon snack, then dinner then 3 evening snacks. I am never hungry for breakfast and I like to save as many calories as I can for the evening. You have to find what works for you.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    This can be good for some people, but not everyone. This would not work for me. I don't eat breakfast, or morning snack. I eat lunch as my first meal, then I eat an afternoon snack, then dinner then 3 evening snacks. I am never hungry for breakfast and I like to save as many calories as I can for the evening. You have to find what works for you.

    You're absolutely right. This worked for me because I would start the day like gangbusters, something bad would happen at work or just life would happen, and I would end up thinking "screw it all" and binge. Gradually reaching the required caloric intake worked best for me. It's different for everyone but when that something clicks for you, it's great. :smile: What really has helped me is this site - logging the food / exercise is so simple to do and it makes such and impact. The OP will have her defining moment and things will turn around for her.
  • Luthien007
    Luthien007 Posts: 281 Member
    each day I start off great then by the night time it's all blown, so I say tomorrow's another day! I just keep eating more and more and not stopping I feel bloated , nothing fits now except my stretchy pants!!!! how can I keep motivated I feel so alone

    When people say they blew it, I always wonder if they have done the calorie numbers. It might not be so bad. Most of the time if i am over my daily goal i will still be under or near my tdee and so still in a calorie deficit or near maintenance levels.

    Maybe work out the numbers and see if you can stick to maintenance levels for a while? When you are ready you can setup a deficit and start losing again?
    At least you will be in control, not feel guilty and down on yourself and can plan the next step. I'm afraid of the spiralling downward trap.