Breakfast BLAH!



  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    poached egg and 2 grilled bacon medallions, which is back bacon with all the fatty bits taken off and just the big round lean meaty bit. That with a cup of coffee is my breakfast every day now. It's only 123 calories for the lot

    What brands of bacon do you buy and what size egg is that? If I was to make that breakfast I reckon I'd reach at least 200 calories.
  • OneDimSim
    OneDimSim Posts: 188 Member
    So the commercial goes "Studies show that women who eat breakfast tend to weigh less"....

    Note that studies DON'T say that women who don't naturally feel hungry in the morning but force themselves to eat breakfast anyway lose weight. They want you to draw this conclusion from the statement, but that is not something that has actually been proven. Correlation does not imply causation, as they say. Just because people who eat breakfast tend to weigh less doesn't mean that eating breakfast will MAKE you weigh less.

    I say if it doesn't suit you to eat breakfast and it doesn't make you binge later in the day, just do what feels right for you.

    Interestingly i just read in a book that skinner folks tend to be hungrier in the morning than fatter that is probably the correlation!
  • Katrinadionne1808
    I know you are probably going to think I don't have time to do this, but honestly you do! I have two kids and work and I am regularly managing this

    Recently I've started having poached eggs in wholemeal toast, shred wheat with dried fruit, egg white omelet's, this morning I had a protein pancake with blueberries. All very quick and easy to make. To make the omelette even quicker you can buy Two Chicks Egg white so all the hard work is done, they even have an omelet mix. Can be found in Sainsbury's, Tesco and Waitrose / Ocado I think and if you are in the UK, but I think in the US you can easily get this stuff?. I used to think I don't have time other than to pour out cereals, but these are surprisingly quick to make.

    But as others have said if you are not hungry first thing don't force yourself, just take care not to binge later.

    Also Queenhiphop - you could try Turkey bacon, they are very low in calories.
  • AbnormalYak
    AbnormalYak Posts: 55 Member
    poached egg and 2 grilled bacon medallions, which is back bacon with all the fatty bits taken off and just the big round lean meaty bit. That with a cup of coffee is my breakfast every day now. It's only 123 calories for the lot

    What brands of bacon do you buy and what size egg is that? If I was to make that breakfast I reckon I'd reach at least 200 calories.

    It's from a UK supermarket called Tesco and it is called Tesco Finest British Oak Smoked Wiltshire Cure Bacon Medallions, 38kcal for 2 medallions, and that's 0.6g fat. I grill them so I don't add any fat. And I have one medium egg which is 66 kcal and 4.4g fat. I poach that in water so there's no added fat or any other calories. I make a double espresso coffee and add about 2tbsp of semi-skimmed milk which adds another 19kcal and 0.4g fat. I put freshly ground black pepper on my breakfast, and sometimes a dab of hot sauce. It all adds up to 123kcal, 5.4g fat.
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    How about a shake/smoothie?

    I don't normally eat breakfat until at least least 10.00am but I had an exam early this morning and didn't really fancy eating before I went but knew I needed to eat something to keep my energy levels up for the exam!

    I made a quick and delicious shake using chocolate protein powder, 10g porridge oats, 40g frozen raspberries and 200ml of almond milk.

    Came in at 192 cals and actually kept me full for about 4 hours.
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    Leftovers for breakfast are so so easy. Sometimes I make up a soup just so I can eat it for breakfast (currently I am working on a homemade lentil and veggie). Sometimes I make up hard-boiled eggs to grab for a quick breakfast. I also make a breakfast crustless quiche type thing that you can eat cold or it reheats well.