Where do I find the motivation?



  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    You can't enure it. People struggle with it everyday. You have to master your mind first. Only you can make the ultimate decision of how you want to live your life.

    If you really want to change, start changing the way you think first, then change your environment. Avoiding having tempting foods that you can easily access.


    It's not like we just found motivation underneath our couch cushion while searching for loose change.

    It wasn't loose change...I dropped a Cheetos, the crunchy kind..so yeah, it was worth getting back.

    ...the crunchy kind? Do they ... Do they make another kind? Like, ” New, Jelly Cheetos! Now made with Oikos Greek yogurt!!” ?

    I think he meant opposed to the cheeto "puffs" , Aurie...

    Which are still crunchy... Gah, why are MFP people so mean!!!12!!!.... >:(
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    You can't enure it. People struggle with it everyday. You have to master your mind first. Only you can make the ultimate decision of how you want to live your life.

    If you really want to change, start changing the way you think first, then change your environment. Avoiding having tempting foods that you can easily access.


    It's not like we just found motivation underneath our couch cushion while searching for loose change.

    It wasn't loose change...I dropped a Cheetos, the crunchy kind..so yeah, it was worth getting back.

    ...the crunchy kind? Do they ... Do they make another kind? Like, ” New, Jelly Cheetos! Now made with Oikos Greek yogurt!!” ?

    I think he meant opposed to the cheeto "puffs" , Aurie...


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    You can't enure it. People struggle with it everyday. You have to master your mind first. Only you can make the ultimate decision of how you want to live your life.

    If you really want to change, start changing the way you think first, then change your environment. Avoiding having tempting foods that you can easily access.


    It's not like we just found motivation underneath our couch cushion while searching for loose change.

    It wasn't loose change...I dropped a Cheetos, the crunchy kind..so yeah, it was worth getting back.

    ...the crunchy kind? Do they ... Do they make another kind? Like, ” New, Jelly Cheetos! Now made with Oikos Greek yogurt!!” ?

    I think he meant opposed to the cheeto "puffs" , Aurie...

    Which are still crunchy... Gah, why are MFP people so mean!!!12!!!.... >:(

    You're supposed to suck on them until they get soggy and mushy...
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Why are you binging? Don't go on a "diet" that says you can't have this or that. Make changes so that you are eating the proper amount of calories. Then begin to change the things you are eating to healthier choices. You will find that you can eat a whole lot more healthy food than junk for your allotted calories.

    Agree with the person who said to set yourself to lose 1 pound a week, so that you have a reasonable amount of food to eat.

    Re: exercise..... I used to hate exercise. Now I have made it part of my routine. Motivation comes from this: "nobody can do it for me". So if I want it, then it's all on me to do it.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    My favorite quote right now - "if it's important to you, you will find a way. If it's not, you will find an excuse. "

    This kicked me in the butt and made me realize that I am fully responsible for what I put in my mouth and when and how I move my body. Is it hard? At first yes but it totally gets easier. Every second of every day is an opportunity to make those choices. You have to be conscious of what you're doing at all times.

    Find something that motivates you - something that you want so badly but is impossible for you to have unless you lose the weight and get yourself into shape. Mine is that I want desperately to have grandchildren and I want to be an active, fun-loving grandma. I may be 5-10 years from being a grandma but when it happens, I'm going to be ready like nobody's business! I'm more fit than my 21 and 27 year old kids right now!
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    I think you have to find something deep that resonates with you emotionally for your motivation. Probably most of us would say we want to look better or feel better but that might not be enough to get you through the inevitable rough patches. One way to go about making the connection might be to think about something you've always wanted to DO that you feel you can't now. Will losing the weight allow you to achieve that dream? Can you imagine how it might feel to accomplish that? Many people tie their motivation to a desire to care for or support their families. For others, it might be a desire to avoid some debilitating disease or condition they've seen others endure. For you, maybe it is all of these or some of them or something else entirely but I really feel it must be a personal, emotional connection that speaks to who you are and how you want to manifest that with your body.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    You can't enure it. People struggle with it everyday. You have to master your mind first. Only you can make the ultimate decision of how you want to live your life.

    If you really want to change, start changing the way you think first, then change your environment. Avoiding having tempting foods that you can easily access.


    It's not like we just found motivation underneath our couch cushion while searching for loose change.

    It wasn't loose change...I dropped a Cheetos, the crunchy kind..so yeah, it was worth getting back.

    ...the crunchy kind? Do they ... Do they make another kind? Like, ” New, Jelly Cheetos! Now made with Oikos Greek yogurt!!” ?

    I think he meant opposed to the cheeto "puffs" , Aurie...

    Which are still crunchy... Gah, why are MFP people so mean!!!12!!!.... >:(

    You're supposed to suck on them until they get soggy and mushy...

  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    How can I ensure that I will not over eat and force myself to exercise. I HATE the way I look, but for like 5 minutes I forget that and binge and feel horrible after. Do I need more motivation??????? I desperately need help.

    "Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion or rest, or the tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion."

    All it takes to overcome inertia is to start. Start. Don't post about it, don't delay one more second. Just. Start.

  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    How can I ensure that I will not over eat and force myself to exercise. I HATE the way I look, but for like 5 minutes I forget that and binge and feel horrible after. Do I need more motivation??????? I desperately need help.

    It has to, has to has to come from within you. You can have all kinds of people screaming at you, working you to a lather sweat and feeding your the correct foods. But, when they aren't there for accountability, when no one it looking, and when it is just you, that is when the real accountability happens.

    It is about understanding yourself. Being positive internally. and continuing to make the best choice you can as often as you can.

    Good luck.