please help!

missheidi Posts: 465 Member
I usually just search for my answer, but i don't know what i would look for. I have been an avid exerciser for two and a half years. I've been unable to work out for a month due to school. tonight, i tried Turbojam for the first time, but i was only able to go about 7 minutes! is it possible that i've lost all my hard work in a month?? or is it maybe stress and my allergies driving me nutty? do i have to go back to square one, or just a little ways back? i'm freaking out a little because i've worked so darn hard the past two years and i was really doing great until school got nuts.

thanks, heidi


  • Don't worry. It takes a lot longer than a month to loose all your work. I have no idea what Turbojam is (I am a yogi) but any time you try a new exercise activity you are going to be challenged. I went an entire year without working out and no yoga while I was pregnant (the pregnancy was just sucking the life out of me) and it all came back within a matter of a month or so. If your allergies are bugging you -this is the worst allergy season in memory according to weather reports- you were probably just having an off day. Start back a slow with an activity you are familiar with and love to do. You can always try yoga too :happy: If you want to get the real mind body connection go for sivananda or another gentle hatha style. If you want a challenge try a power or ashtanga yoga. Good luck and don't be too hard on yourself.
  • GRose
    GRose Posts: 69
    I agree... Taking a "break" from exercise will cause you to lose some of your progress but it shouldn't take it all away. Try to get back into the habit of working out & go from there. You'll be back to yourself in no time.

    By the way - I also agree about the allergies. My husband has asthma & is going through twice the amount of inhalers as normal this spring. Take it easy when you need to but focus on doing something. Adjust the exercises as needed and try to make it through it (I don't know what it is either).

    Good luck!