Weights/cardio balance advice

Now I know similar questions have been asked a trillion times over BUT I'm looking for advice specific to me not just a one size fits all answer.

I had a steady weight loss of around 1lb a week up until the new year. I then started a weights program as I really want to tone and build muscle. One of the trainers at my gym drew me up 3 programs for upper body, lower body and abs and I do them probably 5 days a week plus cardio then on the off days do just cardio (treadmill, group classes etc).

My initial goal was to lose another 24lbs but that may change as I get closer to my ideal 'look' as that is more important to me than weight. Overall I just want everything tighter, toned arms, butt and thighs and a flatter stomach.

Over the last 8 weeks I've reduced my body fat by around 3% which is obviously good but I've gained 2lbs. Now I understand that this will happen as my lean muscle has increased but I thought it would level off by now and I'd start losing again. The only area I've really noticed a change in is my lower body. I'm seeing no changes on my mid section and I know you can't spot reduce which is why I'm still doing a lot of cardio in the hope that that will have an effect.

(I also raised my calorie intake to my TDEE minus 20%.)

So I guess my main question is where am I going wrong? Not lifting heavy enough, too much cardio, bad diet?

Any helpful advice would be much appreciated.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    it doesnt sound like you are doing anything wrong, you just need more patience.
  • thecapillary
    Like the other person said, it doesn't sound like you're doing anything wrong.

    Lifting weights causes muscles to tear and part of the healing process is for fluid retention to accumulate at the area of muscle tearing. It's temporary but if you're always feeling sore muscles after weights then this could be happening and there isn't much you can do.

    You mentioned you want to focus less on weight and more on appearance try taking a tape measure to all of your body parts and then again in 6-8 weeks time to see if there are any changes that way (I have found this most helpful since my weight hasn't changed but I've dropped a dress size).

    There are a couple things you could try to see if they'll affect your weight like increasing the weights, increasing weekly cardio by a bit, changing up the routine, keep hydrated, trying a different weights programme, carb cycle (although I find that difficult and not very practical), stress less? These are the suggestions that I've picked up from various reading and used myself to some benefit. Good luck!
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    have you been doing the same program since january???? do you lift to failure? did you read the info i posted last week? time, patience and clean eating. throw out the scales and measure everywhere. take pictures - sometimes we feel like we are getting no where and yet the difference is very obvious if we look at a photo. I know you are working hard, just relax and trust the process :)
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    when you do you week weigh in do you take the measurement of you body?

    I'm the same as you cardo and weights. if you are not doing measurement I would start, coz this is where it will show

    I few quotes

    "instead of focusing on the weight of your body going down, focus on the weight of your dumbells going up"

    5kg lost on the scale does not mean 5kg fat lost from your body. Learn the difference

    anyone can add me
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Are your measurements going down?

    Do you take any rest days? (It sounds like you're saying you do cardio even on your rest days from lifting, is that right?)
  • jasonpclement
    jasonpclement Posts: 146 Member
    weight loss will be stubborn in certain areas. You can't target what part of the body it comes off. Some people hold more in their bellies, some their hips, some their thighs, arms etc... keep up the lifting program! The scale is not going to go down as much, and thats a good thing. The most successful transformations I see are the ones done with a healthy combination of lifting and cardio. Many cardio folks just become smaller soft versions of their current self.

    stick with it. Enjoy the journey.
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    Thanks for all the good advice guys. I know patience is a big part of it, I was just concerned that I might be doing the 'wrong' thing for 2 months and that's why I wasn't seeing changes.

    @mumof5 - I did have a look at the link you posted but as lifting is pretty new to me I'll be totally honest and admit a lot of it went over my head. Also what do you mean by lift to failure? And yes, same program since mid Jan. I get the feeling you're going to tell me to change it up :smile:

    At the moment I've been avoiding the scales as I got obsessed so only weigh in once a month but have recently started taking measurements.
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    Are your measurements going down?

    Do you take any rest days? (It sounds like you're saying you do cardio even on your rest days from lifting, is that right?)

    No I don't usually take rest days. I class my 'non-lifting days' as rest days.
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    by failure i mean the last rep - anywhere between 10 -15 is failure. you still have good form but you couldn't possibly life another ounce! if not - its not heavy enough! and yes..our muscles have a memory and if you don't change things up it will get used to what you are doing and not change. change your program at least every 4 -6 weeks. personally i never do the same program in a week. you also need to rest. rest is part of the program. you cannot grow tired muscles so listen to your body. if it says today is rest day, then take it. i do 1 rest day a week - i walk and do yoga on this day, very low impact and relaxing. i usually take it on the weekend but if my body is screaming for it, i will take it when i need it.

    **** EAT****REST*****TRAIN****REPEAT******

