25yr old new girl in the UK - 30lb to lose

Hello people!

Nice to be here - I'm really glad to have found this site. You're welcome to add me :)

I've always had an unhealthy relationship with food (spending pocket money on pringles and eating the whole tub in one go anyone?!) I've decided enough is enough! I've just turned 25 and want to make a positive change.

I've joined my fitness pal so that I can keep track of what I'm eating, to monitor my progress and to have a supportive community for any questions/help with reaching my goal.

I'm a vegetarian (including no fish/seafood) and try to avoid dairy too. I'm just about to start Jillian Michael's 30 day shred.

Hope I can be of help and encouragement to others on this journey!


  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    Hi there,

    Check out the Team UK and British People! groups on here. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. I'd love to see how you get on with 30DS.
  • mangomango21
    mangomango21 Posts: 15 Member

    I'm 22 and from the UK too. I'm currently on day 5 of the 30DS! How are you getting on with it?
  • sarahf3092
    sarahf3092 Posts: 147 Member
    Welcome!! Hope you find MFP as helpful as I do with tracking etc :)
    I hear you on the pringles thing.......why is it impossible to stop after a few?!
    Feel free to add me if you would like, I log everyday! :smile:
  • Montarosa456
    Request Sent! Always looking for new veggie pals :)
  • mlcantwell
    mlcantwell Posts: 243 Member
    I'm 24, in the UK, not a vegetarian but always looking for more motivation/support! Request sent!
  • FR89
    FR89 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP! :)

    im 23.. and need to lose 26lbs.. i joined a while back and lost 13-14lbs.. need to seriously get rid of the rest of the lbs for good..

    i fell of the wagon for a while but im 100% back on..

    Feel free to add! =) x
  • StarrySkiesYvaine
    StarrySkiesYvaine Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks guys!

    mangomango: how are you getting on with 30DS? I haven't started yet - today's the day! (after work)

    sarahf3092: Pringles have the most accurate slogan ever; once you pop you really can't stop!

    Montarosa456: Hi! Me too :) how long have you been a veggie?

    p.s. I have moved on from the pringles problem of my youth - my current problem is baklava (little middle eastern nut & honey pastries = sugar and fat overload = delicious!)
  • BakingMadGymAddict
    Hello Hello!

    I am originally from Scotland. Lived there for 27 years before emigrating to Australia!

    I am happy to have you as a Fit Friend if you are interested!!

    I tell all my new Fit Friends that I have a Facebook Page called "The Baking Mad Gym Addict" where I post up videos of workouts I do, recipe ideas, motivational stuff and helpful articles. Please feel free to check it out and give it a big LIKE if you would like to get to know me better. I posted up last week a FITNESS MOTIVATION VIDEO I made of my fitness journey so far and to celebrate me turning 31 years old which you can check out here:-


    Hope to see you on my Facebook page because that is where I post up all my foodie creations!!! Have an awesome day and good luck with your journey!!! xXx
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    Welcome to MFP! It's great on here :-)
    I'm 25 and from the UK too.
    I started 30 day and and got about half way through before I got bored but I would say if you can stick with it it's well worth it!
    Days 1-4 are pretty sore but then from day 5 the aches go away!
    Best of luck and feel free to add me :-)
  • StacyD015
    StacyD015 Posts: 62 Member
    Hey im stacy 26 from glasgow :) not a veggie but wud love to eat more :P

    Im also doing 30DS x
  • M______
    M______ Posts: 288 Member
    Welcome to the site :)

    UK here, on and off veggie soon to start the insanity workouts. Will drop you an add :)
  • StarrySkiesYvaine
    StarrySkiesYvaine Posts: 35 Member
    Wow, baking mad gym addict: I think I'll watch your video everyday for motivation! That's some hardcore training you've done - great job!
  • Dieting_Jen23
    Dieting_Jen23 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey there, add send. I'm 31 from Glasgow and on L1D4 of the 30DS. Lost 12lb since I started on the site, still got a looooong way to go. Not a veggie, but just don't eat a lot of meat through choice, so hopefully you can inspire me with your diary!
  • NadineSabbagh
    NadineSabbagh Posts: 142 Member
    Hiya! I'm 24 and from the UK too :) I just started the 30 day shred yesterday! Looking forward to seeing the results! Friend request sent! :)
  • eringrace10
    eringrace10 Posts: 135 Member
    22,day 7 of 30 day shred. :)
  • lcyfrn
    lcyfrn Posts: 121 Member
    Hi, I'm 20 and from the UK. I have started 30 day shred before and only got to about day 4, I was working full-time though so was so tired all the time. Definitely going to try it again! I have a bit more than you to lose (53lbs). I've added you, please anybody else feel free to add me, joined yesterday. x