I am starting to get depressed. Is this site supposed to ma

Well, I just posted on my home page, "I have decided to lose X amount of weight before I start to work out. Reasons are that I can't move as easily until I lose a certain amount of weight. Agree or disagree?"

Someone responded to that already and I would like any opinions you have, because In the past I was able to do a moderate Jog for 6 miles and I was able to box for a few rounds and I was able to do a lot of things.

I forgot to mention I have developed asthma in my 30's. This probably has nothing to do with weight. I don't think asthma has anything to do with anything I have done to myself. And it almost brings me to tears to think of being active and not being able to do some things that I used to be able to do.

In October of 2009 I joined Golds gym and intended to turn a new leaf but I could not keep up with any of the classes. I found that I was out of breath and I felt I was going to die. I also developed a very bad cough and there was a fluid that accompanied the cough at times. I stopped going to the gym and cancelled the membership. At the beginning of 2010 during a doctors appointment I found out I had asthma. I have 2 inhailers for this now, the symbocort is a daily inhailer that is preventative and the ProAir is just for emergencies.

So with the weight and the asthma I feel I cannot be active at the levels I could be when I was fit during certain periods in the past and it is discouraging to the point where I don't want to be active at all until I lose X number of pounds.

Does anyone relate to this?

Is it rational at all?


  • afyfe
    afyfe Posts: 93
    Why not just do walking till you get the weight down to a manageable level? You should be able to do that even if it is slow, with asthma. I understand the frustration, as I have leukemia and there are some days I can't do what I'd like running-wise, but you can't give up. Exercise is not only for weight loss, it also has numerous health and mental benefits.
  • Kblack2882
    Kblack2882 Posts: 20
    Yes, start slow, no need to jump right in and kill yourself in the beginning, that is the easiest way to lose motivation. Like the above said, start with walking and diet. When you feel you have lost enough weight challenge yourself with a new physical activity like a class or simply up what you are doing.
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    I've had chronic asthma since I was two. There have been times in my life when I've spent weeks in hospital and times when I've been totally symptom free. The best advice my Doctor ever gave me was to stay active. Being active, irrespective of the intensity will help your lungs strengthen and prevent asthma. I too have gone from being a state level basketballer to being overweight and unfit. For awhile I was feeling really awful and I struggled to keep up in a lot of aspects BUT changing my attitude was the key. Start small. A slow walk, although seemingly insignificant is a good way to begin to get your fitness back. Swimming is phenomenal. The breathing patterns when you swim help to strengthen your lungs and it's low impact. Look up the Buteyko method of breathing. I took this course and it changed my life. I went from taking 6 medications a day and being reliant on steriods to being virtually free from most symptoms. You obviously suffered an infection which weakened your lungs but regardless of whether you've had asthma all your life or you've only just started suffering symptoms, getting on top of it is possible with determination and looking in the right direction. Don't give up... Start small and work your way up to fitness classes. Don't expect results straight away, it can take a few weeks before you really notice changes. Good luck!!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Walking is a wonderful way to burn calories. It is the primary cardio exercise I have used since joining MFP. I started walking when I started my new lifestyle in April 2009. I didn't start doing any strength training until I had lost some weight. Do what feels comfortable for you, and ask your doctor for any advice concerning how to manage physical activity in regards to your asthma.
  • flwyland
    flwyland Posts: 142
    I was diagnosed with asthma several years ago. It was due to acid reflux. The acid reflux was due to my weight. Then the doctor told me that losing weight would get me off the reflux medication and off of the inhalers. It's taken me 16 years (and breast cancer) to finally listen to his advice. I'm down to a daily reflux pill (I used to take it twice a day), and I have no more inhalers. Only a dozen pounds has helped both a lot. I"m looking forward to the day I no longer need that daily pill. When I couldn't breathe I just walked and did some strength training. As it got easier to move I added cardio and increased the weights. I'm just about ready to increase both again. You, too, can get through this. Just keep moving!
  • AbiLuV
    AbiLuV Posts: 47
    Did you know you burn the same amount of calories running a mile as you do walking a mile?! The only difference is that you get it done sooner when you run it. Take your time, work your way up. You can do this!
  • IanRS
    IanRS Posts: 68 Member
    Hi - I do not have asthma but I do have a knee which is problematic after two operations 20 years ago. Prety much the only exercise I do right now is walking - as I get lighter (quite a bit) then I will up the intensity slowly. Without the walking, I would not have made progress. It is important to try to do some exercise.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    On the note of swimming that somebody mentioned - it is also usually a lot easier for those with asthma because of the humidity.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I have asthma. The more you work out, the easier it is to control. I suggest walking, biking. ELLIPTICAL, swimming, etc. Running is very, very hard for me, and one day i want to run. Can't let the asthma win :)

    IMO: I disagree 100%. Exercise. It helps. Start slow, do what feels comfortable, and then push it a bit. Keep pushing. it will take a while bit it will get better.

    In terms of gym classes, don't other trying to keep up, just do what feels sane. Within a month you will have doubled what you can keep up with.
  • beMyself
    beMyself Posts: 29
    Did you know you burn the same amount of calories running a mile as you do walking a mile?! The only difference is that you get it done sooner when you run it. Take your time, work your way up. You can do this!

    What the f*** ? oh my....
  • becca09
    becca09 Posts: 54 Member
    I began my weight loss journey in January for the first month i just ate the 1,200 cals a day. i couldnt move much because i had an accident and i couldnt really walk much without my foot bleeding and running was out of the question. so i went the first month just doing 1,200 a day. In feb i was fed up, my weight losses stopped being so big, and i hit a plateau so i decided its time to get moving, so i bought a bigger sized shoe and wrapped my foot in bandages and went to the gym. it was so agonizing but i knew that its for the best. i kept doing that for a month (and went through a lot of blood soaked bandages lol) and then the hospital finally did my operation. I was told to not exercise until no more blood came out, but being me i didnt listen and i wrapped my foot up in bandages and got back to the gym a week after my op. my foot slowly healed and i could take off the bandages and i could put on my normal sized trainers and throw out the bigger size. i didnt want to make excuses for myself to not workout. i wanted to change my life for the better and no stupid foot was going to stop me, now when i have a migraine or i feel sick i still go to the gym, i think that it depends on you. how much do you want to be fit and healthy? are you determined enough to run with blood pouring out your foot? or do you want your health problems or illnesses own you? my best friend had asthma (probably spelt that wrong) and she is working her butt off with me in the gym 5 days a week and she doesnt get problems with that anymore. she can run along side me with no problems. she didnt let any illness or health problem become her. she works hard and she is reaping the benefits.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Wow, Becca!!

    Next time I have trouble booting my two dogs off my lap so I can go exercise, I will remember your story!! Keep at it, and you will reach your goal!!! WTG!!!
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    I have always been asthmatic (I've also always been a heavy soda drinker, full calorie up until the age of 23 and then diet from then on.) It was severe in elementary school, it lightened up in high school (when I was highly active in sports and did alot of walking around with my friends,) and in college it flared up again. A couple years later it was at it's worst.

    I cut out sodas completely (including diet) and noticed an immediate difference in how often I needed to use the inhaler. I added daily walking to that and now I only need my rescue inhaler when I have a seasonal allergy flare up and it causes my lungs to inflame.

    Sorry for rambling on but exercise has definitely made an impact in my asthma, and it was just walking around my neighborhood a couple laps a night. I don't know if you drink diet soda but I found it was a trigger for my asthma and I would have never guessed that so who knows, maybe try weeding out any food/beverage triggers of your asthma?

    Good luck!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    When I started I told myself two things. I will log my food and drink my water every day. I slowly added in exercise by walking 15 minutes a day or every other then slowly increased it. Start off slow baby steps. Get things down before you take on new things because if you get overwhelmed you may throw in the towel and that isn't why you are here. You can do this and you WILL DO IT!
  • SassyMissDasha
    I started this 2 weeks ago, and I haven't done any exercise at all .. I have lost 14 lbs, and I am slowly becoming more energetic and physical. Last Sunday I was acting like a asthmatic when I walked 10 minutes to my mother in law's house .. I was ready to die. I am 385 lbs ..so it's really hard to carry that around. I planned to do this ..and I made myself do the walk a mile at home today, and you know it was hard .. but I did it!! I didn't know that about the mile ..that it burns the same calories as running it. That's pretty cool!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    When I started this journey, I weighed 286 lbs. I am asthmatic and I have bad knees. I was afraid to even get out and walk around the block because I was literally terrified that I wouldn't be able to get back home. I borrowed my mothers treadmill because I knew that I could "stop" whenever I wanted. For the first week I would get on and walk for 10-15 minutes at 2 - 2.5 mph (NOT FAST). I'd get on a couple times a day whenever I felt the urge.

    Here's what I told myself: "ANYTHING that I do is more than I was doing before. ANYTHING helps."

    I patted myself on the back for those mini workouts. I celebrated every glass of water. And I lost.

    By my second week I was walking at 3-3.5 mph for 20-40 minutes. And now I walk at 3.5-4.3 mph for an hour to an hour and a half. What I learned is that I wasn't as out of shape as I thought I was. Now my favorite exercise is mowing my lawn... the pollen and grass isn't bothering me half as much as it used to. Losing weight often does help asthma.

    Doing ANY activity at all will help you stay motivated and will make you feel better. So you can't do what you used to do... who cares? Do what you can.

    I can honestly tell you this... I am not a nice person if I don't get my workout in now. That time that I spend on the treadmill, with my Ipod earbuds in my ears and my water bottle by my side is sacred... it is my ME time. I am a nicer person, a better wife, a more compassionate mother and an all around better ME after I've had my walk. To use Nike's slogan... JUST DO IT!
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    I understand about asthma because I have had asthma since I was three years old. Since gaining all this weight I have had a lot more issues with my asthma so I do believe that gaining weight does not help it. On the advice of my doctor and nutritionist I have been incorporating little things to exercise and it has helped tremendously.

    I agree that it is harder to move when you have a lot to lose. Right now I weight in at 351 lbs. and I have a very hard time with any kind of vigorous exercise but that is to be expected at my weight and also because I have been so inactive for so many years. It will be hard at first but within time you will be able to move easier the more yo do it :) I don't completely agree with not exercising until you lose X amount of weight.

    For me I believe that moving is important no matter what you do. Even if you only walk around the block at least your moving. I am thinking about investing in a Wii because I hear that is great exercise and I feel at my weight I would be able to do it ....and even if it's hard at first I can always go my own pace and within time I will get better and better. Now I don't think that I could do any vigorous and hard work outs ...not yet but eventually!!

    You have to do with what is going to make you feel comfortable but the important thing is to move every single day no matter what!! Good luck on your journey .
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    I have asthma also. What a pain in the butt that is!

    I agree that walking is the best way to start. Just start walking away from your house and keep going. After 15 minutes, turn around and head home. You'll get a good 30 minutes in per day. Don't even worry about counting miles or speed at first, just move at your own pace for 30 minutes everyday. Thats the minimum recommendation by most medical professionals anyway.

    Always keep your inhaler with you. But pretty soon, you'll notice that in the 30 minutes, you get farther and farther away because your walking faster and faster. Try to focus on getting a mile in those 30 minutes, then a mile and a half, then 2. When you get to 2 miles, try to make the 2 miles in under 30 minutes.

    I lost all my baby weight this way. I managed to "power" walk 2 miles in 20 minutes by the end. Then I started sprinting the last block. Eventually, I was running 2 miles per day.:bigsmile:

    Most importantly, get to know your body. Pay attention to what goes on in your body and in your mind. Are you really physically tired? Or is it emotional? Do you want to quit because its too hard or too easy? Don't rush into being an all out athelete right away. When you push yourself, you need to know when too much is really too much.

    Good luck!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Do what you can today, and you'll be able to do more tomorrow. Some people begin at 70% fitness and in 6 months they're at 90% fitness - and others might begin at 20% fitness and in 6 months they're at 50%,,, and that's ok too. It's all progress, all improvement. As long as you don't quit you don't lose. So don't quit. :smile:
  • Thinwithin2010
    Thinwithin2010 Posts: 166 Member
    I have only been here a few weeks and at the time was sick with an upper resp infection. I had issues breathing and a cough that wouldn't quit.. Then a stomach virus on top of that.. I have alot to lose and all the other times I would diet I always waited until I had some off. I found out right after Mothers Day my coughing caused me to break 3 ribs. I was wanting to start but it was painful. So I waited a couple days and while I can't ride my bike I found out I was ok on the treadmill. I only did 10 minutes but Those 10 min really helped me feel accomplished... I now set myself to do 30 min and it is only at 2.5 mph. but you can go slower.. Even 10 mins 3 times a day works.. Hey start out at 5 minutes.. No rules, and tomorrow walk 6 min.. Baby steps honey.. You can do it!!! I have faith in YOU!!