feeling sick from upping my calories, help :(

okay so today was day 2 of upping my calories to 700 from 500 and im already feeling really sick.
all ive had is a bowl of rice krispies and a tracker cereal bar
surely i shouldnt be feeling sick?
to be fair the tracker bar is the first bit of processed foods ive had in about 2 months but irs really making me want to go back to my old ways


  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    You should see a doctor.
  • yep, see a doctor, or better yet a dietician. not a nutritionist, a dietician. you need to learn about food and calories in a healthy way. you are eating way too little.
  • Ducey99
    Ducey99 Posts: 26 Member
    You should see a doctor.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You should see a doctor.

  • KimberlyDCZ
    KimberlyDCZ Posts: 525 Member
    Why are you eating so little to begin with? We need some background info here.

    What are your "old ways"??
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I agree, see a doctor.

    It's probably the sugar in the tracker bar that's making you feel sick. I really don't know what to advise, because after an extended period of eating too little, you do have to be careful what you eat and how much while you're going back to a normal amount of calories. Hence getting advice from a doctor. And if you're undereating due to an eating disorder, that needs to be treated as well (if you're already getting treatment for that, then ask whoever's treating you for advice)
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Rice Krispies are processed too.(anything out of box is processed) And I do hope you mean raised your calorie abother 500 to 700 calories, not that you are eating 700 a day. That's just plain stupid. You need to fuel your body. Eat veggies and fruit and get some protein! My diary us open if you need ideas.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    You are not as far from your "old ways" as you think you are. 700 calories a day is still extremely disordered. Please get help.
  • bexxybabe
    bexxybabe Posts: 1 Member
    If you say these are the first processed things you have eaten, then I would (as a non-doctor, non-nutritionist) say that may be the issue rather than the number of calories. Perhaps treat your body as kindly as you can and stick to non-processed things at least for now. How about eggs? Some simply cooked chicken perhaps flavoured with lemon and a tiny bit of garlic or rosemary? Try cooked brown rice?

    Good on you for working on getting from 500 to 700. Perhaps think of your food as a series of tapas throughout the day? Little and often?

    Thanks for sharing.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    you are beyond MFP threads for help ...see a dr...seriously..
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    Definitely see a doctor or dietitian.

    Also, try not to stress about it. You may be feeling sick because you are anxious about upping your calories, our heads can be nasty places and do funny things to us. What you are trying to do (up your cals) is healthy and best for you.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    You do need to be eating more, way more.

    Are rice crispies not processed? Try to eat some fruits and vegetables.
  • KayteeB07
    KayteeB07 Posts: 341
    i do understand i need to eat more, hence me upping my calories slowly
    i was in a very bad place and i know that, thats why im getting on the road to recovery
    i tried to up my calories to 1200 but it made me freak out and start starving/binging.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Please do see a doctor as soon as possible. You are definitely not eating enough and need some protein and fruit at least - whatever nutritional claims they make, cereals such as rice crispies are not the basis for a healthy diet.

    Meat fruit and veg are the perfect basis for a healthy diet as long as you eat enough of them.
  • KayteeB07
    KayteeB07 Posts: 341
    was starving myself on 3-500 calories a day and then going on huge binges which made me sick. My stomach exploded outwards under all the stress and i was seriously depressed. Crying and being extremely low all the time which was doing me no good as it made me want to starve/binge more.

    I fell into this trap by forcing myself to live on just meat, fruit and veg for 31 days in order to lose weight which was so stupid, i know! As soon as i upped my calories from 500 - 1200 i freaked out. I gained weight rapidly, i had insatiable cravings which made binge and binge and binge untill i was crying with shame

    On Saturday after another day of starving myself i had a sudden breakthrough. I was more miserable now than when i was fat, which is not normal lol. So ive created a more sensible eating plan which is slowly going to up my calories, it includes a portion of carbs in the morning and one treat a day so i can get out of the habit of binging. Im starting at 700 calories a day (which i know is still stupidly low but its a push in the right direction) and every week im going to add 200 calories. This way i can get back to normal eating habits without totally freaking myself out again lol

    my story ^^
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Also, try not to stress about it. You may be feeling sick because you are anxious about upping your calories, our heads can be nasty places and do funny things to us. What you are trying to do (up your cals) is healthy and best for you.

    and this!
  • Gracie1214
    Gracie1214 Posts: 120 Member
    You are not as far from your "old ways" as you think you are. 700 calories a day is still extremely disordered. Please get help.

  • KayteeB07
    KayteeB07 Posts: 341
    yes i know im not there yet! but im doing it slowly, sensibly rather than upping to 1200-1400 straight away and freaking myself out
    i know its not healthy at the moment etc but i wasnt well and now im getting better
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    yes i know im not there yet! but im doing it slowly, sensibly rather than upping to 1200-1400 straight away and freaking myself out
    i know its not healthy at the moment etc but i wasnt well and now im getting better

    You have recognized you have an issue, and you are taking steps. That's a good thing. Try more calorie dense but not "treat" foods, it will help you get your calories up with less risk of triggering the binge/guilt switch.
  • was starving myself on 3-500 calories a day and then going on huge binges which made me sick. My stomach exploded outwards under all the stress and i was seriously depressed. Crying and being extremely low all the time which was doing me no good as it made me want to starve/binge more.

    I fell into this trap by forcing myself to live on just meat, fruit and veg for 31 days in order to lose weight which was so stupid, i know! As soon as i upped my calories from 500 - 1200 i freaked out. I gained weight rapidly, i had insatiable cravings which made binge and binge and binge untill i was crying with shame

    On Saturday after another day of starving myself i had a sudden breakthrough. I was more miserable now than when i was fat, which is not normal lol. So ive created a more sensible eating plan which is slowly going to up my calories, it includes a portion of carbs in the morning and one treat a day so i can get out of the habit of binging. Im starting at 700 calories a day (which i know is still stupidly low but its a push in the right direction) and every week im going to add 200 calories. This way i can get back to normal eating habits without totally freaking myself out again lol

    my story ^^

    Thank you for sharing your story. I have no advice to offer, but seeing a dietitian is probably a good idea. Best of luck to you my friend!