Where did it go?

Hey everyone.

I am just coming off a very long, unintended "break from myfitnesspal, and it definitely shows. I had started last summer, lost 16 pounds, felt awesome, looked pretty good (I don't think I have ever been able to say that about myself!), and just over all was a happier person. Then I stopped - stopped eating healthy, stopped drinking my water, stopped exercising. And it stinks. I have since gained back that 16 pound, and then some (about 3 or 4 more ... I don't know, I've stopped weighing myself). In the last month, I've tried about 3 or 4 times to get back into this, but I seem to have lost all of my motivation. Where did it go?

I find myself with less patience for my kids now, feeling lazy, and feeling horrible about myself - throwing my own pity parties all the time. It's ridiculous, and I hate feeling like this. Yet, I can't seem to change it ...

Anyways, just hoping I can find some support here ... maybe someone to kick my butt? Haha.


  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    I know it's hard to get back on track but at least you're here and that has to count for something. Start logging food again so you're aware of what you're eating. Go for some walks until you feel like doing more exercise. Small steps that you make yourself do...don't think about it because we're masters at talking ourselves out of things. And once you get a few days behind you and you begin to get that good feeling again, that will help bring the motivation back. So to steal Nike's old slogan, "Just do it!".
  • lambchoplewis
    Okay - get off the couch!!! Seriously - I find that the only way I can keep the weight off is to weigh myself every morning - a very controversial topic. I do this to stop from shoving things into my mouth as I will have to face the scale in the morning. You MUST be able to handle the 2-3 lb weight gain even if sticking to your program. This is water weight and will come off in a few days. I then log food, exercise and read some motivational blogs right here!!! I like to go to bed a little hungry as I know this means I am doing good. I can wake up and repeat the cycle listed above. When I do binge or slip, I get right back on track. I do weigh myself and get pissed off that I ate all that crap the day before.

    "You can make excuses, or you can make progress."
  • samgolod
    samgolod Posts: 93 Member
    OK that obviously sucks but it does prove what works. When you eat healthily, drink water, exercise and log your calories you lose weight and when you don't you gain weight. So if you want to lose weight, you know exactly what to do and you know that it works. In a weird sort of way it's quite inspiring! If you want some support make me your friend.
  • Kxgz
    Kxgz Posts: 198 Member
    You can do it! If you can't find the motivation do go full throttle into exercise, healthy eating and keeping up with your water, do a little at a time. Each week, pick something new to add on to your new healthier lifestyle. Feel free to add me : )
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I've looked at your diary and it appears your calorie goal is set to 1200. If you are struggling to stick to this goal then that would explain the lack of motivation. Knowing you're going to have to be hungry for a long period of time is not very motivating.

    Try slowing things down. Set your goal to only lose 1/2 lb or 1 lb per week. The weight will come off slower but your calorie allowance will be greater so you're less likely to feel deprived. Be sure to eat back your exercise calories to give you more food allowance.

    Find an exercise you enjoy and that you can stick to. There's no point forcing yourself to go out for a run if you detest running for example. Just going for a walk or playing with the kids in the park is enough to get the heart rate going. It should be fun, not punishment or torture.

    Don't feel you have to live on lettuce and tasteless food. The MFP set up means you can eat whatever you want within your calorie goal. Of course if you are a hungry person generally then it would make sense to fill up on lower cal veggies and fruit but allow yourself room for the foods you love rather than telling yourself you CAN'T eat X, Y or Z. No foods are evil.

    Finally, don't treat this as a 'diet' as in a temporary thing. You need to find a way to make this your lifestyle, i.e. something you can happily continue doing forever.

    Eat a bit less, move a bit more. It is that simple.
  • wakie27
    wakie27 Posts: 26
    Thank you everyone for the advice and support. I knew I needed to come back here for a reason :)

    And thanks for the reminder to go in and adjust my settings ... I had forgotten to do that, now that I'm trying to get back to this. Back when I was doing great, I was trying to eat between 1400-1500 a day, and it was working out great ... I was also exercising regularly, though, so I had the calories to spare. I know that my struggle to stick within my calorie goals is because I'm eating JUNK now, so that needs to stop.

    Going to send out a few friend requests now :)