Is it possibly to use diet and exercise to become a size 6 (



  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    having read through this thread, snowwhite, your goal of reaching an unhealthy BMI concerns me. Are you fixated on that size for a certain reason? Are you a slave to fashion? which I understand cause I'm a bit of a clothes nut myself and living in NY definitely doesn't help the situation. Going back to your original post, and just going by the numbers I think you're at a perfectly normal weight for your height and a very good size and harming yourself to achieve a number on your clothing tag just doesn't seem healthy, in my opinion.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Rea, I am about 170cm (I think??) will have to check on that soon lol..

    Last yr I use to be 47kg naturally so that is my goal, I dont know what happened I turned 20 and the weigh just piled on even though I didnt change any habbits.. only thing that might be responsible is the birth control pills I take.. now im 21 and 13kg heavier!

    My ideal body size is sim to Mirander Kerrs and she is healthy!

    Anyways thanks for the warnings Cutmd, hopefully my intake isnt too low.. hmm

    Oh, I wouldn't stress too much about that, it's totally normal! A woman often doesn't truely come out of puberty until 20-25 years old. Even though a lot of the obvious signs indicate it around 12-16, there are still changes going on for a few more years, and weight gain is one of them.
    You NEED a certain amount of fat to prepare your body for pregnancy and all that that entails, so you naturally start to hold onto a little.

    As for the BCP - as far as I am aware the weight gain from it is caused by increased appetite, not just a mysterious gain, it does have a tangible cause. This increase should only last a couple months after taking it though. Any gain after that is just bad habits

    I will reiterate what I have already said: At the BMI you are currently at your body will NOT drop fat. You will lose lean muscle mass before your body lets go of the small fat stores it has. To reduce your fat % further from here you would need to be following some sort of body building training, which in any case will likely increase your size as you gain muscle.

    PLEASE, think very very carefully about this.

    Size 6s are in stores like Glassons and Supre to cater for CHILDREN, pre-pubescent girls, wanting adult clothes. They are not a size designed for healthy, adult, women.

    As for this site giving you 1200 calories, I am surprised and disgusted that it will allow calculation of a BMI under 18.5.

    All in all, it is just a calculator, however. Just because it has spat out that projection, doesn't mean it will happen. Your body just won't allow it. Lean muscle mass will be lost, you will have reduced energy levels & immunity, be very cold, and you may find some things start to shut down - eg reproductive system.
  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    I am a size 6 and would not be here without a nutritious diet and exercise. A diet does not mean "not eating", it means making better choices! I Call it a lifestyle change. You can do it!! Give it a try! But remember, you do not have to be a size 6 to be healthy either (just food for thought)
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Please notice this girl is talking a size 6 AUSTRALIAN, which is far smaller than a size 6 US. it's the sort of size you'd see a slim pre-pubescent girl wearing, not a healthy woman. - its approx 23 1/2" / 59cm waist - on a 5"7 tall frame.