Birth Control



  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    There is actually no study that confirms weight gain with birth control. Any one you find could be another reason, such as people were gaining weight already before starting birth control, and continued to gain weight after or something.

    There is enough to suggest birth control may increase appetite, though. If you watch what you eat, it won't be a problem.

    this, Its not the birth control putting the weight on you. Yes it increases appetite but if you can find a way to control them with healthier/within your goals then you should be fine.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    I started taking Orthotricyclen when I was 20, finally got off it at age 26 (two months ago, to be exact). It is an "old school drug" but was really cheap through my insurance.My weight pretty much stayed the same (went from 118 to 126 in a six year span). The only thing that noticeably changed was that my acne disappeared and my boobs went up a full cup size (wahoo!!). Eventually I had to come off the pill because I developed crazy mood swings and started to get horrible hyperpigmentation on my face. Dark splotches across my nose and cheeks. The skin problem didn't start until after 5 years of taking it. I probably could have switched to a different brand but I chose to come off the pill and get an IUD instead. :indifferent: Many of my friends are on the pill and they didn't gain weight or develop any skin issues.

    I also had a problem with skin problems and mood swings, It took a couple of goes to the one the worked for me.
  • I think it depends on the type of pill. I'm on microgestin which is supposed to be one of the weakest birth control pills, and I never had any weight gain or other noticeable side effects except a more regular period, no cramps and occasional crankiness.
  • emcclore
    emcclore Posts: 38
    I'm on BC and I asked my doc the same thing.... Back in the day yeah BC packed on the pounds.... not so much nowadays.... now I'm no expert or anything... it can sometimes just be a mind thing.... I don't know about EVERY single BC out there but.... I don't see that its a big deal....My BC curtailed all my cravings that occurred during my period, eliminated my crazy moods that caused most of my binges, and now when I do get a slight urge for something sweet while on my period I have the "mind" to reach for something more healthy, like an apple....

    bottom line make yourself aware of what your body is doing or how it is reacting to your new BC, if you do find that your putting on a little weight and you're doing everything else right, I would just change my pill.

    good luck!
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Nope. I'm on depo right now and I'm still losing weight. I got off last year and actually gained weight. I was 95 lbs when I first was on it for 3 years. Now I'm back on it and I'm losing weight again :smile: It definitely depends on each individual.
    RAURARIKES Posts: 41
    I went on loestrin 24fe (low estrongen BCP) and didnt gain any weight.
  • Bonny619
    Bonny619 Posts: 311 Member
    No, just blood clots.
    what about Yaz, does that cause any weight gain?
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Funny, I've only ever lost weight on BC. You should be fine.
  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
    I was also put on birth control for hormonal reasons and i LOST weight! It seems that balancing things out really helped me. It also made my skin prettier and my hair softer and straighter. Since coming OFF of birth control (trying to have a baby) I have gained back a couple of pounds. It depends on the person. I believe that a lot of it is mental and people use it as an excuse.
  • mamathrash2
    mamathrash2 Posts: 80 Member
    I gained about 30 pounds within a year when they switched my pills from a monthly pill to a 3 month cycle. The doctor took me off of that particular brand but still in a 3 month cycle and I have only been able to loss some of it. The meds my doctor has me on is straight estrogen due to ovarian cysts. I am having a partial hysterectomy at the end of the month. I am hoping the doctor can change my meds to a lower level of estrogen. The doctor has told me that as long as I am on this dose of estrogen (which is the highest they can give someone my age), than weight loss will be difficult but I am still trying my best :)
  • meredithgomez
    meredithgomez Posts: 33 Member
    I started taking it 2 moths ago and I'm losing weight, I don't think it's making me eat more. I do get stronger mood swings now, but I hope that that's just because I'm still getting used to it.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    No, just blood clots.
    what about Yaz, does that cause any weight gain?

    All birth control pills can cause blood clots... Not just Yaz. Yaz is one of the newer ones on the market that is synthetic so it's taking a lot of the focus.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    No, they don't.... I've been on them for over 10 years and stayed the same weight and now I've lost 40+ lbs while still on Marvelon!
  • justjenny
    justjenny Posts: 529 Member
    Weight gain is a side effect of almost all birth control pills however they will not make you gain fat alone.

    I find far too many women use the pill as an excuse as to why they have gained weight. The pill will either cause you to gain some water weight due to the changes in hormones or cause you to either feel hungrier or more tired and therefore cause you to either eat more or not be as active.

    Without changing anything they won't make you gain actual fat though.

    Keep up with your exercise... fill up on protein, healthy fats and fiber if you feel hungrier than normal. It takes your body a few months to get used to the changes.

  • mumtheshopper
    mumtheshopper Posts: 29 Member
    Weight gain is a side effect of almost all birth control pills however they will not make you gain fat alone.

    I find far too many women use the pill as an excuse as to why they have gained weight. The pill will either cause you to gain some water weight due to the changes in hormones or cause you to either feel hungrier or more tired and therefore cause you to either eat more or not be as active.

    Without changing anything they won't make you gain actual fat though.

    Keep up with your exercise... fill up on protein, healthy fats and fiber if you feel hungrier than normal. It takes your body a few months to get used to the changes.

    If loads of women cite this as a reason, is this not anecdotal evidence rather than an excuse? I was told, by a doctor, that hormone pills don't make you put on weight but can stop you losing,.. What happens then is you go on holiday gain a few lbs an can't lose it again. Long weekend, 2lbs on, can't lose it. SO eventually you get fatter! It wasn't the pills fault you put it on, but we all fluctuate slightly, have a good time, then work to lose it, on the pill, losing it is harder, if not impossible, so it stays on until next time.
  • Fit_French
    Fit_French Posts: 134 Member
    I gained weight because I was lazy and ate junk. It had nothing to do with my birth control
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i use my stellar personality
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,505 Member
    I've been on Loestrin 24 FE for almost two years now. Lost 14 pounds. My PMS is a nightmare, but my appetite is stable.
  • autumnwater
    autumnwater Posts: 449 Member
    I've been on birth control on and off for several years.
    When I started dieting, I lost about 5% of my body weight in 2 months by calorie restriction, but I gained it all back again.
    Now I'm still trying to lose that weight but I'm find it's harder with the same amount of net calories.

    I don't think it's a birth control problem, but rather a slowing metabolism due to some loss of muscle mass and my body going into starvation mode.
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    I have been prescribed with birth control pills because of some hormonal problems.I have heard that they cause weight gain and a friend told me she had gained weight when she started using them.So does anyone know if they really cause weight gain or maybe they just raise the appetite?I have researched every bit of internet to find the answer but the opinions are divided and i couldn't find any answers that would confirm or deny that.What is your experience with them?

    I was on depo vera and the birth control patch and i gained most of my weight from both. Since i have stopped i have lost weight and it is easier to do so. And i hear from friends that are on the pill that they have gained weight because of it. So i yes i would say they help/make you gain weight. But if you are eating right and exercising and dieting and all that junk you should be fine, but the only way to know for sure is just to try if ur doing all those good things and taking birth control and u still gain weight then i would just stop it then. and oh whatever you dont get the depo vera shot!!!!!! it is the worst birth control ever!!!! i liked the patch better.

    hope this helps you and good luck on ur decision.