Losing 22lbs in 2 months?



  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Maybe a better suggestion would be something not involving the scale. For example, he could reward you for staying within your calorie goals every day or working out as scheduled. As long as you try, you should get the reward, but you shouldn't try too hard as it can lead to unhealthy decisions.

    This is a great suggestion!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    My own opinion: That amount of weight loss is a little too fast and would come at the expense of good nutrition. You can lose weight--but not have enough of that weight be fat instead of muscle.

    But there's a bigger issue here. I realize your boyfriend is trying to be helpful, but this is rather controlling. He's setting the goal and you have to "measure up" or rather "measure down" to get the reward he dangles in front of you. What might be a better plan would be for the two of you to go to this favorite place once you have lost an amount of weight that you want, at whatever rate that occurs, as a celebration of your success. Otherwise, you're in a stressful situation that other people are controlling.
    LOL...this - I thought I was the only cynical one around here....IMHO - he is using your "wpecial" place to control you and get you to do something unhealthy - you might be able to lose it, and then pig out while you are there and gain it all and more back.....
  • Wow!. Thank you so much for all of your suggestions and advice!. I will most def talk to him tonight about the suggestions you all gave me and see what he says.

    I can see why some of you would think that my boyfriend is being controlling with this idea, but he really isn't. He's just trying to help me get/keep motivated. I still appreciate your responses though!.

    In terms of making sure that I do this for myself as well, I agree that that is very important!. I am and will be doing this for myself as well. I'm just having a little bit of trouble "putting the fork down" so to speak. I really enjoy all different types of foods and it's hard for me to give up something I enjoy so much but it is hurting me in the long run. Even though I'm not overweight so to speak, I am looking different and in a way that I'm not very happy with. So the Cedar Point trip is very motivating to me, but I am also doing this for myself as well :-).

    Thank you so much again for all of your responses and help! :-)
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Maybe a better suggestion would be something not involving the scale. For example, he could reward you for staying within your calorie goals every day or working out as scheduled. As long as you try, you should get the reward, but you shouldn't try too hard as it can lead to unhealthy decisions.

    That's a great suggestion, too! He probably doesn't know much about what you're doing atm, so maybe if you explain to him how things work, you can work together to come up with something more attainable?

    My fiance, for instance, rather than giving me a time frame, said that once I get under 300 pounds, however long that takes, he will get me something that I choose. It can be something like jewelry, new clothes, a night out, or just a day with him all to myself (which I may very well choose! ^.^). It keeps me motivated knowing that he's doing it with me, but also that I get a little reward for reaching my first goal :)
  • kayygreat
    kayygreat Posts: 20 Member
    You can do it! Try lower carb and more protein/veggies. Thats what im doing and I want to lose 20 pounds by June 21 just because its the official first day of summer and my cue for bikini season. I think its good to have goals because it keeps you motivated and even if you don't reach your goal you're still better off.

    I bet he'll take you even if you don't meet your goal :)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Possible, yes. Healthy...debatable. I would ask him if he can maybe move it to 170, 5 pounds per month is a lot more feasible than 10. That's more than 2 pounds per week (ETA, it's not, but it might not be the best idea.) Tell him that you will still do it, but that 160 is just unattainable in that time span. If you do manage to lose more than 10 pounds, great. But I'd talk to him. It is nice that he is trying to motivate you though, it seems a lot of women here say that their husbands are not very supportive.

    This. Much more realistic and still a goal you'd have to really strive for!
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    I lost 24 in less then that but wouldn't recommend it I mean I used to eat garbage and had to change my life style due to finding out I'm a celiac
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    Tell you boyfriend, thanks but no thanks - you'd rather lose weight at a healthy speed. That is too much to lose in 2 months unless you have a very large amount of weight to lose.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    The thought is nice, but the weight loss goal might not be the best route. I would ask him for a more reasonable goal like sticky to your calorie goals or sticking to a workout routine.
  • JakiDee
    JakiDee Posts: 43 Member
    You can lose it but your concern should be the long term.. Losing so fast can cause more harm than good. 10lbs is way more realistic. PS Do it for yourself and take YOURSELF to Cedar Point.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    i dont think he is controlling he is trying to motivate her with a nice reward that being said 22lbs is doable i lost 25 in 2 months BUT i am much bigger then you and didnt drop it till i got mediaction for my pcos and thyroid problems.
    You are not that big so it might be hard id say try your best but do not starve yourself you can do weight training and shift the body fat. A fit body looks much better then a thin body
  • Ashshell
    Ashshell Posts: 185
    I lost 23lbs in 60 days. My diary is open if you'd like to check it out.

    Edited to add: I was not trying to lose weight as fast as possible. I haven't been overly restrictive or ever felt that I was really even "dieting". Just making healthier choices, logging everything I eat/drink, sticking to my calorie goal and busting my butt at the gym. It is definitely possible to lose 20 pounds in 2 months without doing it in an unhealthy way.
  • You can do it! Try lower carb and more protein/veggies. Thats what im doing and I want to lose 20 pounds by June 21 just because its the official first day of summer and my cue for bikini season. I think its good to have goals because it keeps you motivated and even if you don't reach your goal you're still better off.

    I bet he'll take you even if you don't meet your goal :)

    Thank you so much! :). I honestly really think this will help too. I feel bad because I felt like I should have had motivation JUST to lose the weight, but sometimes it's hard to quit an addiction (my food habits). Wishing you nothing but good luck on your weight loss as well! :)
    I lost 23lbs in 60 days. My diary is open if you'd like to check it out.

    Edited to add: I was not trying to lose weight as fast as possible. I haven't been overly restrictive or ever felt that I was really even "dieting". Just making healthier choices, logging everything I eat/drink, sticking to my calorie goal and busting my butt at the gym. It is definitely possible to lose 20 pounds in 2 months without doing it in an unhealthy way.

    Thank you so much!. I will check it out :)
    i dont think he is controlling he is trying to motivate her with a nice reward that being said 22lbs is doable i lost 25 in 2 months BUT i am much bigger then you and didnt drop it till i got mediaction for my pcos and thyroid problems.
    You are not that big so it might be hard id say try your best but do not starve yourself you can do weight training and shift the body fat. A fit body looks much better then a thin body

    Thank you!. I actually stated in my first post that I wrote that I was worried that part of my weight gain had to do with my hysterectomy (although I highly doubt it by the way I eat and lack of exercising before). I didn't have PCOS but I did have a lot of other problems that caused me to have one at such a young age. I'm actually surprised my doctor agreed to it, but she knew everything I had been through and she agreed that it was time to end it. I may have to talk to my doctor if the weight doesn't come off with diet and exercise but hopefully that won't be a problem :)
    You can lose it but your concern should be the long term.. Losing so fast can cause more harm than good. 10lbs is way more realistic. PS Do it for yourself and take YOURSELF to Cedar Point
    The thought is nice, but the weight loss goal might not be the best route. I would ask him for a more reasonable goal like sticky to your calorie goals or sticking to a workout routine.

    Thank you for the advice!. I will def mention these posts to my boyfriend when he gets home from work and maybe we can work something out but since it is possible, he will probably just stick with the original plan, not entirely sure though.
    Tell you boyfriend, thanks but no thanks - you'd rather lose weight at a healthy speed. That is too much to lose in 2 months unless you have a very large amount of weight to lose.

    No I don't have A LOT of weight to lose, but I'd like to lose a good amount. Before I had my two boys, I was 130lbs but honestly (no joke) everybody thought I was anorexic. They actually told my then husband (now ex-husband) that he needed to get me help cause they really thought I had an eating disorder. I never did, I just had a very high metabolism. I actually ate the same way then that I do know, but since having my boys my metabolism really slowed down. I'd like to get down to 140lbs if possible.
  • I get where he's coming from, and it's super great that he wants to support you! However, do you think it would be possible to re-assess the criteria for this challenge? Like, instead of something negative make it into something positive. Talk with him and tell him where you slip up- are you unmotivated to stick to your meal plan and instead overindulge on take-out? Then say you will cook dinner in 5-6 nights a week and only eat out once or twice. Or are you finding it difficult to exercise? Then say that you will commit to working out for an hour at least 3 days a week until your birthday. And then do it. :)

    Personally, I think that's way more constructive to your overall goal of getting healthy and fit, rather than driving yourself crazy trying to get to an arbitrary number. Your goal weight should be where your body lands when you are at your peak nutritional and fitness condition, whatever number that ends up being. To try to "diet down" to one certain number is counter-productive. If he's reasonable, he'll agree that your health is what is most important and you can set up a workout schedule, stick to your plan, and then go ride roller coasters no matter what your weight is (and then walk circles around him at the park because you've been working out.)
  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    It depends on your starting weight and how much water weight you can lose.

    I started at 276 lb and aim for 1% body weight loss per week. At 8 weeks that would've been a goal of 21.25 lb loss, I actually lost 29.75 lb. If I had started at 176 lb, it would have been a goal loss in 8 weeks of 13.5 lb, so 22 lb would have been dependent on me carrying a lot of water weight at the start.

    The closer to goal weight you are, the less meaningful the scale alone is.
  • The_WoIverine
    The_WoIverine Posts: 367 Member
    Oh, and one last thing, avoid sugar at all cost. Sugar and simple carbs will spike your glucose/insulin levels and most likely convert the glucose into fat if you don't burn it. So stay away from sugar while on your journey.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Oh, and one last thing, avoid sugar at all cost. Sugar and simple carbs will spike your glucose/insulin levels and most likely convert the glucose into fat if you don't burn it. So stay away from sugar while on your journey.

    So no fruits or veggies? And you do realize that all carbs break down into glucose, right? So, no sugar, no carbs (which means no fiber)...not a great meal plan!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Yes you can. Some may not agree..but I go by 1,000 cal diet. I do not eat what I burn in exercise.
    I have been doing the 1,000 for almost 2 yrs now. I do take vitamins. I do go over once in a while. But, I get back on the 1,000 cals a day. I have thyroid issues..and not every "body" is the same..so, this diet has helped me. You do what is best for you. If you are bound and determine to reach your goal..you will find a way. Good luck to you. :flowerforyou:

    1,000 cals a day is super low.. I have thyroid issues (Hashimoto's) too but you can't starve yourself to loose weight when your hormones are messed up because of thyroid disease. You just have to find what your trigger foods are that make it worse and avoid them.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Totally doable. I lost 30 lbs in 3 months the first time I did P90X. I really had to focus on eating right and work thru soreness and lack of desire to workout one hour a day. I made a commitment to myself that I would not skip one day of exercise and I wouldn't have any cheat meal for those 90 days. In an average, I was losing 10 lbs per month.

    The key is not under-eating, especially if your workout routines are as intense as with P90X or any other workout system that will require plenty of physical activities, but to eat the right amount so your body gets the fuel it needs and recovers after each workout. Also, keeping in mind that you don't only burn calories during the workout, but also post-workout, helps you understand you don't need to take it to the extreme and workout 3 hours a day to achieve that goal.

    Losing weight quickly due to intense exercise and proper nutrition is completely different than trying to starve yourself. I agree with what you say about eating enough and fueling your body for recovery. Once your body realizes it's getting the nutrition it needs at a proper calorie level - weight can literally almost start to fall right off such as 30 lbs in 90 days. WTG by the way! That's fantastic!!
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Just remember that whatever changes you make you'll have to keep it up for life to maintain whatever loss!
    Also, weight loss or fat loss? Are you just aiming for a number, or aiming to look good? Lighter doesn't necessary mean you look smaller/skinnier/better.

    See this as a lifestyle change rather than a diet! Since what you're doing is working, why change it? Gradual weight loss is more sustainable!

    I agree with the previous poster that said 5lbs a month is a better goal!
    I also can see that your boyfriend is trying to help, and you can use that as a motivation, but just remember that you should only lose weight for yourself, to be healthier, to feel better, to look better, FOR YOURSELF :)