How closely do you actually follow recipes?

Rarity2013 Posts: 196 Member
So I found a new recipe for a "warm summer salad" and decided to have a go at it.

The recipe called for poached chicken breast, sugar snap peas, mangetout and new potatoes, with a dressing made from low fat yoghurt flavoured with lemon juice and black pepper.

Mine, however, turned out pretty differently.

I marinaded my chicken in lime juice and fresh chilli, then stir-fried it and mangetout with some red onion, mushrooms and green beans. I par-boiled my potatoes and then put them in the oven to crisp up with some thyme and garlic.

My dressing was reduced fat creme fraiche, more fresh chillis and lime juice, some dried chilli flakes and black pepper.

Is everyone else as bad as me at following recipes? I tend to doctor nearly every recipe I'm given into something that eventually bears no resemblance to the original!


  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    I think the only recipes that I actually follow are for baking...and even then I add something sometimes, like nuts or something.

    I like to look at recipes for ideas, then I modify to what I have in house, or what I like. This one, that you showed...I probably would have done something similar to what you actually did with the recipe. I am not a big fan of poached Chicken, I prefer it roasted or blackened.
  • Rarity2013
    Rarity2013 Posts: 196 Member
    I've never even tried poached chicken. I just thought "meh, can't be bothered with that when I've already planned to stirfry the veg". Life is too short to make that much extra washing up.
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    I think the only recipes that I actually follow are for baking...and even then I add something sometimes, like nuts or something.

    I like to look at recipes for ideas, then I modify to what I have in house, or what I like. This one, that you showed...I probably would have done something similar to what you actually did with the recipe. I am not a big fan of poached Chicken, I prefer it roasted or blackened.
    This is me as well.
    I almost NEVER follow a recipe as written. I use a recipe as a base for the idea, then ad this or that for more flavor or flavors that fit my families preferences. The same with baking...the base recipe (amount of flour, etc) is used, but the flavors may be bumped here and there.

    That usualy means I never make the same meal the same way twice, but no one complains. :wink:
  • Rhonda21km
    Rhonda21km Posts: 90 Member
    I rarely use a recipe as written - as I like to personalize it, often have to remove things I don't think are necessary,
    add spices because I find most recipes bland, remove fat that is not needed etc.

    I use recipes as a guideline unless I'm baking then I will follow it pretty precisely.
    Or if I'm working with ingredients I am unfamiliar with.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I think the only recipes that I actually follow are for baking...and even then I add something sometimes, like nuts or something.

    I like to look at recipes for ideas, then I modify to what I have in house, or what I like. This one, that you showed...I probably would have done something similar to what you actually did with the recipe. I am not a big fan of poached Chicken, I prefer it roasted or blackened.

    This. Baking is more of an exact science.

    I never follow recipes when I'm cooking
  • wafflemeister14
    wafflemeister14 Posts: 46 Member
    I always follow recipes to the point the first time, then change as per taste the second time
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    So I found a new recipe for a "warm summer salad" and decided to have a go at it.

    The recipe called for poached chicken breast, sugar snap peas, mangetout and new potatoes, with a dressing made from low fat yoghurt flavoured with lemon juice and black pepper.

    Mine, however, turned out pretty differently.

    I marinaded my chicken in lime juice and fresh chilli, then stir-fried it and mangetout with some red onion, mushrooms and green beans. I par-boiled my potatoes and then put them in the oven to crisp up with some thyme and garlic.

    My dressing was reduced fat creme fraiche, more fresh chillis and lime juice, some dried chilli flakes and black pepper.

    Is everyone else as bad as me at following recipes? I tend to doctor nearly every recipe I'm given into something that eventually bears no resemblance to the original!

    Adapted usually ~ depending.
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    I always follow recipes to the point the first time, then change as per taste the second time

    Me too. If a recipe seems like something worth trying again, I'll make tweaks to it then.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    If it's a method that's completely new, I try to follow the directions/recipe closely. Most of the time though,
    I just cook using what I have without a recipe, I make pancakes, muffins and other things completely by memory.
    I know how much I need, and often can just eyeball if it's a cup, table spoon etc. and each time i make it I do a different variation,
    different spices, or add in's depending on my mood and what we have laying around.
    if I'm using a recipe, I rarely follow it exactly.
    The exception to this would be if it was a family recipe, or something that has to be made the traditional way.
    of course doing it this way doesn't make cc easy. if you follow the recipe and they already have nutrition data,
    it's much easier to log it.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I should follow the recipes more because I've created a few bombs, but some have been delish!
  • hastinbe
    hastinbe Posts: 130 Member
    I follow new recipes to the exact measurements. Once I've made them several times I can usually eyeball it
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    So I found a new recipe for a "warm summer salad" and decided to have a go at it.

    The recipe called for poached chicken breast, sugar snap peas, mangetout and new potatoes, with a dressing made from low fat yoghurt flavoured with lemon juice and black pepper.

    Mine, however, turned out pretty differently.

    I marinaded my chicken in lime juice and fresh chilli, then stir-fried it and mangetout with some red onion, mushrooms and green beans. I par-boiled my potatoes and then put them in the oven to crisp up with some thyme and garlic.

    My dressing was reduced fat creme fraiche, more fresh chillis and lime juice, some dried chilli flakes and black pepper.

    Is everyone else as bad as me at following recipes? I tend to doctor nearly every recipe I'm given into something that eventually bears no resemblance to the original!

    i think it's good you don't have to follow it. you have a natural talent for flavors that work, or lots of practice.
    It's also truly creative.
  • ronrstaats
    ronrstaats Posts: 294 Member
    Recipes are merely suggestions LOL
  • sunnyhlw77
    sunnyhlw77 Posts: 204 Member
    I use recipes as guidelines only, even baking, I'm always adding, subtracting, substituting and making it better. I find a lot of recipes lack flavour! :flowerforyou:
  • lintino
    lintino Posts: 526 Member
    When I bake I follow the recipe. For everything else I use the recipe as an outline and change it to match what I have available at the time. Occasionally a special recipe cries out to be reproduced exactly and then I comply. :bigsmile:
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    if you're cooking you don't have to follow the recipe, however, if you're baking you should.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Nah i just make sure i have the essential ingredients and then play with it
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I usually use it for the overall idea and then wing it
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I am always trying to make a dish at home taste like something I have has before. Like my favorite restaurant enchilada sauce made at home. No recipes just trial and error. Ingredients can have different flavor intensity from one day to another. You have to feel your way to the best result not just cut measure and drop. Tv chefs aren't being cocky when they say I don't measure my herbs take a bunch and eye ball it. Because you can't know what you need with most things until those exact ingredients go together. Only than do you know if its going to be bland or needs more acid or falls flat and needs something new in the mix.
  • joyjay4fun
    joyjay4fun Posts: 160
    I usually follow a recipe pretty much exactly the 1st time unless its in the cooking or baking time. Other than that I follow the other steps and see how it turns out. Then either I like as is, like it but think I can improve, or toss it. I have tons of cookbooks and recipe apps on my tab now, so for me it is crazy fun and exciting trying new ones. I always say you never know if you will like something unless you try it. I have started out eating a lot of new foods that I didnt before because some crazy recipe called for it. :-)