Saying Hi

Morning everyone (and evening to those around the world),
I just wanted to say Hi, I've been on MFP for a while but I haven't really engaged the forums much before but I think I need the support now...

The short of it I've fallen off the wagon and I'm having a hard time committing again!

The Long of it I'm 33 years old, very happily married and I have 3 wonderful kids. In 2011 I was the heaviest I've ever been @ 235 lbs I managed to drop down into the 195 area and was super happy. But I became a stay at home dad and found it impossible to stick to a workout routine and diet during that time. I gained back about 1/2 of what I lost maybe a little more and I'm finding it very hard to get back on track. I'm seem to be stuck with a two fold problem first EATING: I seem to eat clean for a few days and then out of no where I binge and can't seem to get full and then I feel like crap and eat like crap cause I stop caring... Until it sets in and then I get re-focused again for a few days... rinse and repeat... Second is my FITNESS: I just find it impossible to get a consistent workout in! My life is busy (as is everyone's) but I work M-F 8-4 plus we have a family business that eats up time (it's random, sometimes the family business is very busy and sometime's it's slow) and of course there's the kids activities and lastly normal life duties.

Any who you'll be seeing more from me on the forms!


  • Fisherdh13
    Fisherdh13 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi macattack. I think you bring up a topic that we all face - finding the time to be active. I am fortunate because my son is grown so I only have myself to worry with.

    It sounds like you are doing this all by yourself. Are your wife and kids helping? Encouraging? Sabotaging? I know the time you have may not sync up with time they have for exercise, but making your goal and your journey visible to everyone may provide the motivation you need. It won't be all of it, because as you know, it really has to come from you inside.

    Now to food: I know you probably have binge things in the house that others eat. That's really hard. If I bring something into the house thinking I'll eat it slowly, it just doesn't happen. So I still have not buy it and have it around. Maybe you can have snacks, etc. "belong" to people (like these are kid snacks, these are wife snacks, and these are my snacks), and then you don't cheat. Just not eating them should make you feel good about yourself. Maybe they live in different drawers so you don't even have to see them. Think about conditions that would slow you down from eating bad stuff. I work from home so its always in front of me, too.

    I know its about stress as well. That's my downfall. But you need to figure out and recognize the stress and understand that eating doesn't make it better. And if stress happens, figure out an interim solution. Maybe you have sopme stress foods that you eat sometimes because they make you "feel" better. But not everything. Just an idea.

    Have food/snacks prepared that you can get to easily so you can avoid those things you shouldn't have, whatever it may be. For me tracking in mfp is an incentive. I really, really don't like putting junk food into my diary.

    I hope others have some good ideas for you. Stick with it. You are worth it, and so is your family!
  • donrdon
    donrdon Posts: 216 Member
    Know where you're coming from, i do the same binge nights now and then (I do like my chips and buttered popcorn). The big thing is not letting it continue and getting back on track as soon as possible. Exercise is the big thing, i've been lucky that way because i do luv to run. If you're looking for some motivation or conversation feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Keebler1976
    Keebler1976 Posts: 70 Member
    You can count me in same as donrdon, a little laughter and conversation can do a world of good for motivation ! Feel free to add me !!
  • Lindaendall
    Lindaendall Posts: 177 Member
    Friends, friends, friends.........the more the merrier. I could not have lost my weight or maintained the loss, without my friends. Feel free to add me. Good luck

    Linda :happy: