Paleo Diet?



  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    If you are going to eliminate things from your diet, do it because your doctor recommended it as a way to alleviate a health problem. For example, if you are pre-diabetic, eliminating simple carb sources will make sense for you. Likewise, if you have trouble digesting dairy, don't eat it.

    But to eliminate entire food groups for imaginary reasons is in my opinion both unscientific and irresponsible. Legumes, for example, are a fantastic food group that we should all be eating more of, yet Paleo does not permit that. Red meat, on the other hand, should be consumed in moderation--both for environmental and health reasons. Yet Paleo encourages you to eat meat in large amounts.

    Here is a very informative talk on the evidence we have as to what the paleolithic diet was really like:

    Yes--I love a good bowl of lentil soup on occasion and I think the Paleo diet is unnecessarily restrictive on that point.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Since the beginning of the year, I've alternated between eating completely grain- and dairy-free, and falling back to just gluten free. Cutting out gluten has been amazing for my skin and seasonal allergies. Cutting out dairy helps my voice (important, because I'm a singer), and my skin and allergies, too, to some extent. I've lost a little weight and an inch all around, and I wasn't that big to begin with.

    I have read the Primal Blueprint (Mark Sisson) and the Paleo Solution (Robb Wolf) and while there's probably some level of speculation in both cases with regards to the details of nutritional and fitness advice, the inflammation/insulin/Omega-3 fatty acid information presented is based on a number of rigorous scientific studies, cited in both books. I'd be interested to know what specific objections people have.

    I do think different solutions work for different people. It has to be the right combination for your psychology, personality and genes.

    Personally, I find that a high fat/high protein/low carb diet satisfies me on fewer calories, so it makes it easier to stay under my calorie limit on MFP (just under 1600). I have more energy, more consistently throughout the day, without big peaks and crashes. I think if you carefully watch how your body feels and reacts as you track what you're eating, you'll find the strategy that works best for you.

    I would agree that everyone needs to find what works for them. I eat "lower carb" because I have blood sugar issues when I eat a lot of carbs. But I do not stay in ketosis. I ususally average about 100 grams of carbohydrate per day---more on my cardio days, less on my rest days.
  • Defren
    Defren Posts: 216 Member
    I have eaten primal for quite a while now, and it's become second nature. Paleo was just a bit too hardcore for me, I like my dairy and have a high fat ratio compared to protein, my carbs are always as low as I can physically get them, but always under 25g a day.

    I see primal and paleo as a lifestyle choice opposed to a diet. I like eating absolutely clean with nothing processed so this works really well for me.

    I always say don't bash something until you have tried it, I have tried some zany things but due to trying different ideas I have found the way, plan. diet. lifestyle choice, what ever you wish to call it that works for me.

    I also don't agree with trying to push any idea onto others, what works for you may not work for the next person.

    The best fruits for low fructose and carbs are berries. I eat them most days and they are fine for my BG (I am T2 diabetic).
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have eaten primal for quite a while now, and it's become second nature. Paleo was just a bit too hardcore for me, I like my dairy and have a high fat ratio compared to protein, my carbs are always as low as I can physically get them, but always under 25g a day.

    I see primal and paleo as a lifestyle choice opposed to a diet. I like eating absolutely clean with nothing processed so this works really well for me.

    I always say don't bash something until you have tried it, I have tried some zany things but due to trying different ideas I have found the way, plan. diet. lifestyle choice, what ever you wish to call it that works for me.

    I also don't agree with trying to push any idea onto others, what works for you may not work for the next person.

    The best fruits for low fructose and carbs are berries. I eat them most days and they are fine for my BG (I am T2 diabetic).

    I would agree totally that everyone must find a diet that suits their particular needs.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I've been following a paleo/primal way of eating since last July and it's been good for me, for the most part. I didn't start eating this way to lose weight so much as to deal with my health. It's been fantastic for me as far as getting healthier. I've lost a bunch of weight as well, but that's due to calorie counting and exercise. I don't believe these ways of eating are going to magically make anyone lean and thin.

    What I dislike about it are some of the more overzealous followers. There are a lot of total weirdos who follow this way of eating (kinda like you see with vegans...and some vegetarians). They can be very unpleasant and self righteous, and have some really f'd up ideas about food, and will try their best to inflict them upon anyone who will pay attention to them for more than two seconds.

    Avoid these types like the plague--be very very wary of someone telling you how to do paleo/primal. Find out yourself by reading books, reading websites, doing your own N=1 experiment. The whole point is to eat in a way that is appropriate for your body, not to eat just like Mark Sisson or Robb Wolf or "Grok" or whatever internet weirdo you run across. Be patient, try lots of stuff, don't feel like there are some sort of RULES you must follow or else, etc.

    Don't get hung up on how compliant you are or aren't. It's not worth it. Eat in a way that is most pleasing and that works best FOR YOU. For your health, budget, lifestyle, etc. Don't feel bad or discouraged if you can't afford to eat 100% grass fed organic beef all the time, or can't afford organic this, free range that, etc.

    Just read a variety of books, do lots of listening/reading on the internet, and find what's best for you. Ignore the nutcases. Ignore the people who tell you fruit is bad/not paleo/not primal etc.

    Ignore the people who tell you to eat a diet made up almost entirely of fat and no carbs.

    Find your own way!
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    If it's called "The ________ Diet", I'd advise against it.


    And this from "Paleo Diet Is Nonsense Science," by Matthew Yglesias in Slate:

    Any sufficiently stringent, somewhat arbitrary set of dietary restrictions is likely to lead you to snack less and be more mindful of what you're eating. But the paleo concept is a marketing gimmick that doesn't have much basis.

    That is not to say that individual food sensitivities are to be ignored nor that processed food is good for you. Whenever I hear we would be better off eating like some conception of how cavemen ate, I think about caveman life span. I think I'll not reject food to emulate people who died very young.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Anyone try the Paleo way of eating? Started yesterday and was wondering if anyone else has experience with it? I've been having stomach issues for most of my life and decided to eliminate the processed food from my diet. I'm also lactose intolerant so the Paleo diet seems like a good way of eating for my issues.

    if you have digestive issues, paleo is the way to go, along with taking a high quality probiotic.

    i love eating this way.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    If it's called "The ________ Diet", I'd advise against it.


    And this from "Paleo Diet Is Nonsense Science," by Matthew Yglesias in Slate:

    Any sufficiently stringent, somewhat arbitrary set of dietary restrictions is likely to lead you to snack less and be more mindful of what you're eating. But the paleo concept is a marketing gimmick that doesn't have much basis.

    That is not to say that individual food sensitivities are to be ignored nor that processed food is good for you. Whenever I hear we would be better off eating like some conception of how cavemen ate, I think about caveman life span. I think I'll not reject food to emulate people who died very young.

    cavemen died young because they... lets see... lived in caves and fought sabertooth tigers.

    did you know the current generation of kids is going to be the first to have a shorter lifespan than their parents? that's what GMO and processed foods are doing. Cutting those things out of your diet and eating whole foods as close to their natural state as possible is nonsensical?

  • GreenChile3
    THIS ^^^^^^^^

    finally someone with some sense! Thanks CoachReddy!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I don't eat any specifi way as such ..I have just cleaned up my diet, not following any one structure. I avoid processed/boxed/packaged foods as much as I can and if it must come in some sort of packaging - I find the least processed and minimal ingredient products I can. Cook fresh, love the veggies and fruits, and drink that water! :) I did this to phase out foods that caused me issues such as gluten and dairy and it's been the easiet way to manage by getting fresh foods that aren't overly processed.
  • jeepcj5
    jeepcj5 Posts: 10 Member
    To be honest I love it ! I've never been a big dairy person and actually prefer almond milk over cow milk and I think most people should try to stay away from processed food, sugars, man made chemicals and refined wheats. Most people think paleo is a low carb diet because they encourage lots of meat but it's actually more a well rounded diet. They say 50% of your meal should be veggies (lots and lots of healthy green veggies!), 2 oz of meat, small amount of fruit and healthy fats like almonds. Everyone I know that follows the paleo diet has one free day a week or some do 9/10 where every ninth meal is their free meal. The only part I sometimes struggle with is it can be expensive. It supports organic grass fed beef, free range chicken, and organic fruits and veggies. If I had the money to shop at whole foods I totally would, but my family lives on a budget so we make do with meat from the grocery store (usually whatever is on sale) and buy fruits and veggies that are not organic. I hope this help, I don't know if paleo is for everyone but for me it works and I always feel great when I'm following it! Just keep in mind this is not a fad diet- it's a way of life you choose to be healthy.
  • MsQuacklady
    I started out with doing Paleo....then read Primal Blue Print.... Felt great. Then after a while...I decided I needed more dairy....switched over to KETO....been researching/dabbling with that. Over-all....the most important info I have gleamed from all the reading I have done is eat as naturally as you can. No more boxed/packaged/canned. Feel so much better.....but I am at the beginning myself.:wink:
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    i'm lactose intolerant too! aaaand i have a horrible stomach. i eat mostly paleo. add me if you like :)
    Anyone try the Paleo way of eating? Started yesterday and was wondering if anyone else has experience with it? I've been having stomach issues for most of my life and decided to eliminate the processed food from my diet. I'm also lactose intolerant so the Paleo diet seems like a good way of eating for my issues.
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    cavemen died young because they... lets see... lived in caves and fought sabertooth tigers.

    ^ This. Not to mention that it's the *average* lifespan that gets thrown around. Genetically, paleo humans had the same lifespan as modern humans. The average of 30+ years is due to infant mortality, untreated diseases and infections, and accidents. Take Grok, put him in a business suit, give him medical and dental care, let him lead a fit lifestyle and he can outlive Jack LaLanne.
  • mvelez77
    mvelez77 Posts: 3 Member
    I started a "Semi" Paleop Diet this week. I agree buying anything with Lables is just a NO. I have to still eat on a budget so I am not able to buy only organic and grass fed animal. I have started feeding my family on this way of life. I make sure 50% of every meal has veggies, 1/4 meat/ 1/4 fruit. Snacks are nuts, a boiled egg, fruit etc. Giving up dairy is okay. I just am unclear of when you are suppose to have your "cheat" days. I read 3x a month. 3x a week. Is wine a cheat I have read as long as it is organic red wine you can have it... There is so much information how do you know what is real or not. Either way just following eating more veggies and nothing processed I lost a total of 5.6lbs in one week. Unfortanately, I have a wicked Headache that won't go away... (Sugar detox)
    If anyone can offer the best sites for Paleo plesae share. :bigsmile:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    If it's called "The ________ Diet", I'd advise against it.


    And this from "Paleo Diet Is Nonsense Science," by Matthew Yglesias in Slate:

    Any sufficiently stringent, somewhat arbitrary set of dietary restrictions is likely to lead you to snack less and be more mindful of what you're eating. But the paleo concept is a marketing gimmick that doesn't have much basis.

    That is not to say that individual food sensitivities are to be ignored nor that processed food is good for you. Whenever I hear we would be better off eating like some conception of how cavemen ate, I think about caveman life span. I think I'll not reject food to emulate people who died very young.

    cavemen died young because they... lets see... lived in caves and fought sabertooth tigers.

    did you know the current generation of kids is going to be the first to have a shorter lifespan than their parents? that's what GMO and processed foods are doing. Cutting those things out of your diet and eating whole foods as close to their natural state as possible is nonsensical?


    Lol, fearmongering over GMO and processed foods again. Care to actually substantiate that GMO or processed foods are causing people to have a shorter lifespan?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    If it's called "The ________ Diet", I'd advise against it.


    And this from "Paleo Diet Is Nonsense Science," by Matthew Yglesias in Slate:

    Any sufficiently stringent, somewhat arbitrary set of dietary restrictions is likely to lead you to snack less and be more mindful of what you're eating. But the paleo concept is a marketing gimmick that doesn't have much basis.

    That is not to say that individual food sensitivities are to be ignored nor that processed food is good for you. Whenever I hear we would be better off eating like some conception of how cavemen ate, I think about caveman life span. I think I'll not reject food to emulate people who died very young.

    cavemen died young because they... lets see... lived in caves and fought sabertooth tigers.

    did you know the current generation of kids is going to be the first to have a shorter lifespan than their parents? that's what GMO and processed foods are doing. Cutting those things out of your diet and eating whole foods as close to their natural state as possible is nonsensical?


    Lol, fearmongering over GMO and processed foods again. Care to actually substantiate that GMO or processed foods are causing people to have a shorter lifespan?

    go troll somewhere else
  • LisaGNV
    LisaGNV Posts: 159 Member
    My opinion is that the best thing Paleo/primal/whole30 does is break you from relying on processed foods & unnecessary added sugars & artificial sweeteners. Even if you don't go full Paleo, it's hard to completely discount all of the principals behind it. I've tried WW, calorie counting, "dr supervised" metabolic weight loss centers, you name it! Going Paleo has been life changing for me in the best of ways. However, I will not stress out over having a latte or cookie every once in a while.
  • AshleyPaleo
    AshleyPaleo Posts: 121
    Regardless of what anyone tells you, try and see if you like, being a yoyo dieter with a history of eating disoders, paleo is a lifestyle I will continue for the rest of my life! I have been paleo since Feb 1st of this year and the weight melted off, my whole life I have been doing low fat/ high carb and I have stayed obese. I eat organic full fat milk or cheese and butter if I feel I need it, but besides that I stick to the "blue print" I have never EVER felt so good !
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    There is a group. It's not restrictive by my standards. Take some of the principles and apply them to you and what you want, label it however you want, but in the end it is only what you make of it.