Curves Advice & Opinions Please

TMcSter Posts: 69 Member
Opinion Poll.

What would you do?

I have a membership to Curves. I only go 3 times a week. 1 - 2 of those times I do their Zumba program. I love the Curves idea of working all your muscles at once but would like to see the scale go down faster than it is.

I know I need to watch what I eat and log it regardless but I am wondering . . .

Do I . . .

1. Put the membership on hold for 2 months so I can make sure I can do this on my own and join WW with the $40 per month Curves cost.

2. Buy a 24 Hour Fitness membership (swimming, treadmill, eliptical, bike, I don't do weights . . . yet) from Costco. I believe it is $330 for 2 years.

3. 30 Day Shred & walking 3-4 miles a day, see the results and then decide to cancel the membership from there.

Thanks in advance for your opinion.


  • carliekitty
    carliekitty Posts: 303 Member
    I have a little HoA gym that i go to, my main exercise is running outside. I think you should do what you know you will 1. stick with
    2. enjoy. I like running outside because i just throw my sneakers on and away i go.
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    Are you taking measurements? My scale hasn't budged in 2 months, but I'm losing inches! I think you're doing it right by toning as you go. And the Zumba is great cardio. Maybe your problem isn't with your workout, but rather with your calories? What do you have them set at? I certainly don't think you NEED a gym membership to lose weight, so if you want to save that $40 a month, I'd suggest working out at home. Running sheds pounds pretty fast, so you could try C25K (there's a free app!) for your cardio and then a video for toning like 30DS (which is also free on YouTube!!!). Or walk, like you said, if you're not up for running. Good luck, whatever you decide to do!
  • TMcSter
    TMcSter Posts: 69 Member
    The measurements are going down some and people constantly tell me I look like I am losing weight but the scale isn't budging. You might be right about the calories. Sometimes I have no self control but after seeing all my friends progress I am determined this time. MFP says that my calorie goal is 1230 but that seems so low. I'll have to look up C25K and will have to pull up the 30DS on You Tube. Any advice on the calories? My diary is open but I only logged my food plan for today. I have been off and on the site but know I need to get serious if I want results.