What are your favorite workout songs?

Amie_Girl Posts: 80 Member
I've been trying to put together a playlist for my cardio workouts and I just thought I'd see what you guys like to listen to.

One of my favorites is a techno song from the Blade soundtrack called Blood Rave. It's exactly as long as one of my cardio sets.


  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    When I take walks / jogs / do the elliptical, for some reason my favorite album to do this to is Final Straw by Snow Patrol. It's just pretty chill and I can zone out. I also like to walk to classical movie soundtracks, cuz I'm a nerd like that. (Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia)

    When I do in-home workouts, I use Pandora constantly. Porter Robinson, Kill Paris, and Frou Frou are my current favorite stations
  • Korkor90
    Korkor90 Posts: 13 Member
    Jason Derulo- The Other Side
    Justin Bieber-Never say never
    West African dance music
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I like listening to anything from Girl Talk. The tempo is great. I also enjoy the higher tempo Wiz Khalifa stuff. For some reason when I work out, I love rap, especially if there's lots of swearing. I think it puts me in a "**** it! I can do this!" kind of mindset.
  • Beckboo0912
    Beckboo0912 Posts: 447 Member
    I like up tempo music when I go to walk...I always end up going faster and sometimes I joggish. So I have some country, some rap, so pop...just more upbeat stuff
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    just get the latest swedish house mafia album...