Skinny in the Past: Easier to lose weight now?

shellshalla Posts: 263 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
My sister and I are both working towards becoming healthy and losing weight and being fit. In highschool she went through an eating disorder time and was diagnosed with anorexia in her freshman year of high school. She was inpatient in the hospital for a few weeks and then outpatient. Anyways, obviously she was very small during that time.

So she lives in NC, while I live in Iowa and I know she keeps up with a healthy diet and keeps a higher protein level and lower carbs. She has consistently lost about 2 pounds a week and at the least 1 pound. We're doing about the same exercise wise, kind and length. She is 5'6'' and now 146 pounds (started at about 165). I'm 5'8'' and now 151 pounds (started at 165). I'm kind of guessing her starting may have been slightly higher but not much. We're pretty much the same body type.

I am so proud of her for doing it the right way and becoming fit and toned and not just skinny, but I can't help but feel a little disappointed that she's definitely beating me as of right now. Both of our goals is to be 135 (or 140 depending on how we feel and look) by July 16th, a friend's wedding that we're going together too. I want us too both look hot :)

Anyways, the question is....if you were small in the past is it easier to lose weight now?

Do any of you feel this great feeling for someone else doing good, but wonder why you're body isn't doing it too when you're working out just as hard and eating right? A little frustrating...


  • cktb4him
    cktb4him Posts: 56
    I know I feel that toward my husband and my mom. My husband loses weight so easily and we've been working hard at it the last year and he looks ripped and lean. Me? Ughh still losin weight and not showing much definition yet. I did have a baby 12 months ago and am still nursing and this I know needs to be taken into consideration when I look at my progress, but it still hard not to want to be ripped and skinny too.

    My mom has fought anorexia since I was about 8 yrs old and still fights it today. She's 5'3 and weighs 90lbs. It's hard when it's your mom b/c I feel like when people see how tiny she is they look at me and think why aren't you just as tiny? I try really hard not to lose weight like she does b/c I have fought that whole ED thing in college and I know there is a fine line. But yes I'm with you...I feel great that my hubby looks so great but that I'm not losing or getting as fit as he is while we are doing pretty much the same thing. I also hate that my mom seems to lose weight and keep it off so easily (we have identical body shape) and yet it takes alot more effort for me. Let's just keep doing what we're doing and eventually we'll be healthier, stronger, and leaner!
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    I honestly don't know the answer to your question, but my leaning is toward: not necessarily.

    The only thing I can say is even though you share almost every bit of DNA, you are different people and your bodies can and will react and work differently. Unless you're identical twins (which you aren't), you have to expect and be okay with the fact that one of you will have better results. And unfortunately, that means one of you will have worse results.
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from. I don't personally have someone that I know, but when I get on the P90X forums and see all the results others have in their progress pictures, I wonder "why not me too?" They are getting definition, loosing weight, and looking awesome. There are people who confress to not working out every day and not eating what they are told to eat, then there's me. I work out every single day sometimes twice a day, and am eating so healthy, but not getting the results they have. I know everyone is different, but I still can wish right?

    Also, all my life I have been the bigger one in the family out of the girls. I'm the youngest one of five and so whenever I'd say "I'm so and so's little sister" people would look at me like "little huh?" I'm ready to fit in with my siblings and be skinny too. Its hard to have your sisters loose weight and ask if you want their old clothes that don't fit anymore. I think that was the point when I decided I needed to do something about it.

    Like I said I understand everyone is totally different and I should just be glad I'm me and that I've at least lost the weight I have, but I can wish, that's what keeps me motivated, to get to where I feel like I fit in with the rest of my skinny family.

    Keep your head up, and as Tony Horton says "Do your best and forget the rest," because that's the only way to survive.
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