C25K q's

I really would like to do a 5K, in the future, say by October however I know with my knees and weight its going to be hard. I was thinking about doing the C25K how many MFP users do this program and has it worked? Who does it on the treadmill? Who has done it on the open trails? If you've done it on the open trail how much trail do you need to start off with? I really want to increase my cardio endurance and do build up to this but need some guidance


  • benne070
    benne070 Posts: 51 Member

    I actually just started the C25K last week. I've done it around my neighborhood, and today plan to try it out on a treadmill for the first time. I am overweight and have had some soreness and some swelling in my knees, but no serious pain or problems. Even in the first few workouts, I notice that after the running I can catch my breath much faster, and am noticing it becoming easier to jog for the interval it asks. I don't have a ton of experience since I just started, but so far I like it :)
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    I do it on open trails. I can't stand treadmills! (Just a personal preference). While I'm currently only on week 2, I did it last year and was about to start week 5 when I stopped running - hence why I'm back at the beginning. You don't really need much trail space. I think I'm currently doing about 2 miles from start to finish - meaning including warm-up and cool down. But that doesn't mean you need that distance. When I was doing it last year, I was doing a loop around my apartment that was only about a half mile around so I would just repeat it. You can definitely do that. The c25k app tells you when you're halfway so if you just start out one direction and turn back when it tells you you're halfway, you'll be fine.
  • Tme2change
    Tme2change Posts: 185 Member
    I'm really limited on space by my house, I need to take my husband's GPS watch out and see how far the trail runs out if I actually want to do it outside, its relaly not even a trail...then I have the trails here where I work however they are utilized by people that are much more equipped to be running them.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    It doesn't have to be a trail per say. The loop I used to do was just the sidewalks that happened to go in a circle around my apartment. I just happen to be lucky now that I have a trail essentially out my back door to my place. Of course, that also means I have no excuse not to go out. :tongue:
  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    I am two days away from being done with couch25K (yay me!). I have done all of mine on a treadmill inside. I started there because it was too cold outside for me to run. Also, I was worried about my weight and the stress running outside could put on my knees. I am going to finish on the treadmill and then start slowing transitioning outside.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    Congratulations @TdaniT! I was stoked last year when I survived the week 4 workouts so you must feel great finishing the whole thing. (or maybe that's just me since running 5 minutes straight was the biggest accomplishment of my fitness life so far)
  • Tme2change
    Tme2change Posts: 185 Member
    Yay TdaniT can't wait to get there myself!