My "I can't wait for's"



  • SassyMissDasha
    I can't say "AGAIN" because I don't ever remember being anything but overweight .. but here it goes ..

    1) To go on my favorite ride at Lagoon (those in Utah know what I'm talking about)

    2) To go to the swimming pool and not feel like a whale

    3) To be able to run after my daughter when she goes off, when we are trying to go to the house instead of screaming at my husband to go get her ..

    4) To make sure my kids are NEVER embarrased by me (that hasn't happend yet thank goodness)

    5) To look in the mirror and see what I feel (i liked that one)

    6) To make my husband see it can be done, and lose weight himself

    7) To be able to go to the store and buy anything I want

    8) To not lose my breath and nearly pass out walking for 10 minutes

    9) To not lose my breath coming up the stairs

    10) To finally snub my nose at my sister, and when she wants to hang out because I am skinny .. and say where were you when I was fat?

    I don't know why, but I was extremely nervous typing this .. maybe because they all seem like such far fetched unrealistic goals .. that I will never be able to accomplish ..

    I hope I can!!!!!!!
  • stephflo33
    stephflo33 Posts: 160 Member
    I can't wait for...

    1. The day that I actually looking forward to swimsuit shopping
    2. The ability to swap clothes with my 14 year old daughter!
    3. The day that I don't hide from someone trying to take my picture!
    4. The day I buy clothes in bold colors instead of black!
    5. The day that I can tell myself, "look how far you've come!" instead of "look how far you've let yourself go!"
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    Good idea, I think we all find this as more of a motivation.

    I can't wait for:
    1. My husband to get the georgous wife he deserves.
    2. Muscles showing on my arms
    3. Muscles showing thru my clothes:)
    4. Abs that I thought were never gonna happen
    5. Compliments from all the people here at work
    6. To run into someone from high school that was mean to me cuz I was big, and me look better than them
    7. To have a sexy bikini that I look good in
    8. To buy cute clothes that are a smaller size
    9. For my family to be proud of me
    10. To know that I did it! I actually did something I never thought I could!
  • gogoSarahGee
    I am here to tell you all that I waited 1 year and found.....
    1. THAT I HAVE SELF ESTEEM .......after losing 20 lbs....
    2. A BIKINI WITH MY NAME ON IT and a rockin body to be proud of....
    4. A SENSE OF PRIDE THAT WAS EARNED THROUGH blood sweat and tears.... okay maybe not blood : )
  • calicowgirl0582
    I can't wait for my self esteem to go back
    to feel pretty again
    to actually get asked out again (and not by someone who is old enough to be my father)
    To be a MILF (LOL!!!!)
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    I'm 21 so I wanna wear cute clothes while going out at night plus that includes tank tops
    have a 6 pack
    be able to wear shorts this summer
    be able to wear my first bikini ever
    not be self concious
    look cute in skirts/ dresses
    not have my thighs stick together
    get compliments
  • lovebrittnie
    1.) to look in the mirror and be able to say that "i know i look good"
    2) to actually want to wear a swimming suit again
    3.) to not have to always suck in my stomache
    4.) to be able to show and bear my arms and back proudly
    5.) to run a mile (and hopefully like it...)
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    1. To be able to wear a bikini and feel good about it.
    2. To be able to show off my belly ring.
    3. To but cute jeans because they're cute...not just because they come in my size.
    4. To not hate my arms...and legs...and stomach.
    5. To feel like I fit in with all my normal sized jeans.
    6. To not be embarrassed about my weight.
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    You lost 80 whooping pounds!!! 25 more should not be that tough! You will get there soon! Good luck :)
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    To be wolf whistled at by a bunch of construction workers. heck by anyone.
    To fit into a size 12 The lowest I ever got years ago was size 14
    To be able to run a 5k in a year.
    To be able to admire myself in the mirror and go "damn girl you look good!"
    To go to the beach and not be embarrassed about my thighs rubbing together
    To have more energy and to encourage my daughter with more confidence
    To just be at my goal and to be consistently healthy
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I can't wait to have the strength to engage in recreational activities without being utterly destroyed for the rest of the day.

    I can't wait for my sense of self to catch up with my actual self: I mentally am still 20 pounds heavier....

    I can't wait for my wedding ring to fit without creating sausage finger.... I'm still 7 pounds above my wedding weight (11 years ago), but I think it's all in my hands.... okay, some of it's in the @ss...

    I'm enthusiastically working toward dropping the next bunch of weight...I can't wait to hit the "in five weeks" target that popped up today....

    I can't wait to be back in my single digit pants. I only had one pair, but haven't been able to wear them for a very long time... They've not been fashionable for a very long time, but I'd wear those large wale cords with a grin...
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    The day that getting a whole new wardrobe is a NEED not a WANT. I'm aiming for next summer. These cloths won't fit, not at this pace.
  • fxst78
    fxst78 Posts: 221 Member
    To fit back into my favourite jeans. I don't even need to buy a new wardrobe, it is all sitting there waiting for me! 3.5kg down, 22.5 to go!
  • wannbAhottie
    wannbAhottie Posts: 63 Member

    I can't wait til:

    I feel healthy
    I have good and possitive self asteem
    Run, Run, and Run some more
    I don't freak out when someone takes a picture of me
    I am not the "FAT" friend
    I can wear clothes that I want to wear
    My double chin is gone
    I look delicious to my husband,,,LOL
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I can't wait till....

    1) I am able to shop when I visit my parents (They live in a different country, and I see such cute clothes but can never buy them :( )
    2) I am able to buy clothes because I like them, not because I just fit into them. To actually have a choice.
    3) To be healthy.
    4) My future MIL compliments on how much I have lost. (Last time when I lost a few kilos all she said was that my tummy is still sticking out :explode: )
    5) I don't look the oldest in my friends circle (Actually I am the youngest and look older because oh my height and weight)
    6) I look good in my pictures... Then I might do a whole photo shoot :laugh:
    7) I finally can see how I look thin... have never ever been thin in my whole adult life :( I was skinny when I was a kid, and my mom used to be worried that I don gain weight.. how ironic
    8) I finally can wear off shoulder dresses and not get embarrassed!
  • ToughMudderAddict
    ToughMudderAddict Posts: 290 Member
    I can't wait.. (I'm soo close to my goal weight but.. there are still some things I want)

    1. To put on my wedding dress in a month (and get married!!) and know that I look way better than I did when I first tried it on!
    2. To feel comfortable and sexy in a bikini
    3. I can't wait to see if anyone notices' I've lost weight when I fly back to MN in less than a month
    4. To run my first half marathon (and before that a 5k)
    5. To look AND feel good
    6. Till I have a flat tummy WITHOUT sucking it in (which I'm pretty good at haha)

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  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Weirdly, I can't wait for my annual check up this year.... the first in many years where I'm not going in heavy!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    1. For my teenage sons friends to look at me and think I am their sister and not mother!! :laugh:
    2. To feel sexy again
    3. To look great in my clothes again.
    4. To shut my sister up when she makes snide comments even though she is not thin herself. She's lost some weight but she could stand to lose a lot more!!! :laugh: