Anyone use their dog as motivation to exercise?



  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    Yep. i have a yorkie and a pom. i walk at least 2 miles every day. i can actually jog with my yorkie. when he gets tired, i just pick him up and carry him. Voila! A 5 lb weight...
  • sandy_gee
    sandy_gee Posts: 372 Member
    Most definitely! I have a pug/jack russell/min pin demon cross that is just FULL of energy. As far as I've seen so far, he will keep going forever! My goal is to be able to outlast him on our walks/jogs/hikes, but so far it's looking a little tough. Soon as we get back home he'll curl up and go right to sleep, but I want to see him start lagging while we're still outside lol
    He's also very helpful when I'm doing my exercises in the house. My profile pic is a shot of him thinking I need an extra 20lbs of resistance while doing my pelvic tilts on my stability ball... Thanks buddy.
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    Our two 7 and a half year old sheppard/lab dogs are my daily running partners. They love it and get so excited to go. Because we generally run in the morning they jump on the bed to get me moving when they think that it is time to go, as much as I don't want to get up some days their excitement gets me moving most days!
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    My shepherd/husky/saluki mix (she's in my ticker) is my top marathon training partner. She was born to run and loves every minute of it! The longest we've ever gone together is 37km and she was recovered and ready to go again way before I was. Just have to make sure we set running routes that give her lots of places to stop for water.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    my ex has custody of the furbabies.

    i used to walk, then run, then sk8 with the black terrier mix every day or nearly every day. at first she could outrun AND outlast me. now i can smoke her. she can't keep up with me at full flatground speed on my longboard, but if i slow down some i can match her comfortable running speed and we have a blast together. i still get to see my furbabies sometimes, and i walk the neighbor's dog 1x/wk.

    those dogs are partially responsible for the fantastic shape and decent conditioning i have now.
  • missbossypants
    missbossypants Posts: 42 Member
    I have a 13-year old Jack Russell Terrier, whom we call "the roast". She's quite round and "beefy". She can't make it out for many walks anymore, but her size motivates me! :)
  • stefa711
    stefa711 Posts: 196 Member
    I have a border collie and a lab mix... they LOVE to run! Some nights when I get home from work they will stand at the front door, cry, and pull at the "running leash"!