Exercise for someone over 300 lbs

JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
Hi, I am 309 lbs and trying to find ways to exercise. I find walking difficult. I had a back injury to my hips/lower back in my teenage years doing a squat and have always had weak hips/back ever since. My hips start giving out quickly after I start walking. There is no good water aerobics where I live. I went to a local class before and I was the only one in the class and a young teenage boy was teaching on the side of the pool. He did not even get in. There was no music. All this made me feel uncomfortable and made the experience miserable. Hopefully starting next month I will be able to start a gym membership at a local anytime fitness. What exercise would you recommend me do to start if walking is out?


  • Lisa_Rhodes
    Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
    How do you think biking would feel for you? I started out over 300+lbs. I have some back pain now and then due to a hip flexor issue I had and walking was uncomfortable for me at times, but that was more a weak muscle issue. What I did instead of walking was biking at the gym and rowing (rowing may not be for you, though). I'm not sure how anytime fitness does it, but when I signed up w/ Gold's gym, I automatically got 2 free sessions w/ a personal trainer and I was able to get a workout to what I was able to do. That could be something to look into if you're able :smile:

    Good Luck!!
  • csch79
    csch79 Posts: 37 Member
    A stationary bike sounds like it could be a pretty good option. You might want to start with a recumbent bike first.
  • projectvanity
    I'm over 300 lbs as well. And I find a recumbent bike to be most comfortable since it supports my back.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    If you want to start before you join the gym ...... see if there are any seated workouts on Youtube

    Sit to Be Fit was a PBS series for awhile

    Chair Dancing is another brand to look for

  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    Hi, I am 309 lbs and trying to find ways to exercise. I find walking difficult. I had a back injury to my hips/lower back in my teenage years doing a squat and have always had weak hips/back ever since. My hips start giving out quickly after I start walking. There is no good water aerobics where I live. I went to a local class before and I was the only one in the class and a young teenage boy was teaching on the side of the pool. He did not even get in. There was no music. All this made me feel uncomfortable and made the experience miserable. Hopefully starting next month I will be able to start a gym membership at a local anytime fitness. What exercise would you recommend me do to start if walking is out?

    Aquatic fitness/workout routines. *Forgive me ~ I've only just noticed that water aerobics is unavailable in your area ~ I'd skimmed through your post then zeroed in on your last sentence* This is awfully difficult ~ X to walking and X to water aerobics with your challenged back to consider.

    Am going to think on this further and will get back to you.

    Edited to add: Agree with NBSFit@Resistance Training routines using the bands.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I started at 285 and the recumbent bike has been a great workout, it supports my back and the bike doesn't aggravate my knees. Also just making sure that every hour I got up and moved for a few minutes made a big difference in the beginning.
  • HoneyPie99
    I agree that stationary bike would be a great option. Just start out slow and do as long as you can and build up your endurance, you will slowly get better at it. Good luck!:happy:
  • brent_woods
    Hi. I started at 314 and am working my way down. Low impact exercises are key. I do incline treadmill walking, Nordic walking, elliptical and swimming as well as weight training.

    If you find walking difficult, perhaps try Nordic walking using trekking poles. They may help take some stress off your hips, as I have found with my arthritis and they get your whole body involved in the workout.

    Don't forget weight training as well, using machines. Improving your strength will increase your metabolism and continue burning fat, even hours after your workout.

    Keep going and don't give up!
  • NBSfit
    NBSfit Posts: 44 Member
    One of the biggest mistakes humans make when thinking about exercise is that is that all good cardiovascular exercise has to be done with the legs. Not true! I've had clients in wheelchairs and those who couldn't walk due to diabetic neuropathies. You know what they could do, though? Pull.

    Get yourself a set of resistance bands that comes with the strap for rigging the band to a closed door. Loop the lowest resistance weight through the door strap and shut the strap in the crack between the door and the jamb. Go turn on some music that moves you. Come back and pick up a handle in each hand. Step back from the door, bringing some tension in the band. At this point you can sit down (wheelchair, remember?) or you can stay standing. Bend your elbows to a 90 degree angle so that your forearms are parallel to the floor and alternate pulling back and releasing forward with each arm. Do as many as you can until you are winded. Break for 60 seconds and do it again! Repeat until you are too fatigued to continue.

    I like to call this Arm Cardio. It *will* get your heart rate up!

    And as soon as you feel able, start lifting whatever weights you've got, even if that means curling and pressing a gallon of milk. You can do this!
  • shellbatronic
    I agree about the recumbent bike. When I was pushing 350, water aerobics and the recumbent bike were all I could do without hurting myself. Also, if you have access to a pool, even if they don't have a good water aerobics class you can try walking laps in the pool. I did that for a while, it's low impact and helps get you moving with some resistance.
  • trifona
    trifona Posts: 15 Member
    Power 90!

    Absolutely you can do this!
  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    At 300 I could not walk but I could ride =)=) good luck
  • 123sockmonkey123
    123sockmonkey123 Posts: 50 Member
    i started @ 300 lbs. im 31 & 5'7". my knees are crap & 1 hip is .i use a stationary bike. ive just started doing girl push-ups & lifting water jugs. im down 11 lbs so far. i love chair dancing, & cant wait for my mom to put up her backyard pool. you can do it.
  • XXbrendaXX
    XXbrendaXX Posts: 169
    I started at 320 lbs. Walking is my first choice of exercise, but at that weight I had a knee that really bothered me, and I was afraid too much strain on it would make it worse. I lost 50 lbs through diet changes only, and then started incorporating more exercise. Now, 109 lbs lighter, my knee seldom bothers me at all! Hopefully your hip will be the same. :happy:
  • lagringaloca1
    lagringaloca1 Posts: 22 Member
    Walking underwater chest deep is easy on the joints and burns lots more calories than walking on pavement.

    Compare the following estimates of calorie consumption for a 30 minutes workout:

    Land walking: 135 calories / Deep water walking: 264 calories
  • Stacyharward
    Stacyharward Posts: 3 Member
    Riding the bike hurt my butt, but it does get better over time. Seated exercise is great if your knees and hips can't handle walking or running. Get some light weights to work the upper body, just lifting your legs while seated will get that blood pumping. Your mobility will improve with each pound lost. Don't give up!
  • Lorri1957
    Lorri1957 Posts: 40 Member
    I started at 307 pounds and have issues with my back and knees. I used and still use an exercise ball. It really did help quite a bit to help start to be more active and will strengthen your core. I can walk much better and farther now.
  • kevinpruitt
    kevinpruitt Posts: 50 Member
    I started at 319 and tried running on the treadmill which landed me in the foot doctors office with an inflamed heel..Recumbent and stationary bikes have been wonderful. Also, someone mentioned it already but resistance/weight training is a must to keep lean body mass. Best of luck to you!
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    You should do some kind of resistance training. Maybe purchase some weights or resistance bands. resistance bands are awesome! You're never too large to try weight lifting. All the best to you :)
  • DisappearingTwinkie
    DisappearingTwinkie Posts: 109 Member
    Boxing moves. You can sit, you can just stand, but jab, cross, uppercut and so on. Lean into it. It is easy on the body but gets your heart rate up and gives a nice burn :) Swimming, walking in the water, treading by moving everything, and even using water weights are good too.