GAINING weight, please help.

Alright, I admit I need help. I eat healthy (with a few exceptions that I give myself so I do not go overboard!) and I exercise almost everyday. Since I have started trying to loose weight I have gained weight. It has been a few weeks since I started and there has been absolutely NO weight loss. None what so ever. Does anyone have any suggestions, please? I currently weigh 180 (as of this afternoon) and a few weeks ago I weighed 177. I have been trying to loose baby weight.....but I had my baby 7 months ago. I know that I have not logged in every single day, but the days that I have not logged in are very similar to the day before or after.


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Open your diary and provide more info
  • 519harley
    519harley Posts: 241 Member
    I was going to suggest opening your diary also. Are you drinking LOTS of water? That's very important to weight loss
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Alright, I admit I need help. I eat healthy (with a few exceptions that I give myself so I do not go overboard!) and I exercise almost everyday. Since I have started trying to loose weight I have gained weight. It has been a few weeks since I started and there has been absolutely NO weight loss. None what so ever. Does anyone have any suggestions, please? I currently weigh 180 (as of this afternoon) and a few weeks ago I weighed 177. I have been trying to loose baby weight.....but I had my baby 7 months ago. I know that I have not logged in every single day, but the days that I have not logged in are very similar to the day before or after.

    Not logging daily could be part of the problem.

    Are you weighing and measuring everything you eat on the days that you do log? Do you take into account dressings, cooking oil, liquid calories, etc.?
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    If your are eating at a deficit and exercising then you will lose weight?

    Either you think you are eating less than you are actually eating or you think you are exercising more than you are?
    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 359 Member
    take your measurements. If your exercising daily there is something happening. Good luck. this is not an overnight fix. drink lots of water, watch your salt, eat what you want in moderation.
  • liftreadphilosophize
    liftreadphilosophize Posts: 180 Member
    Have you measured yourself? Measuring inches lost will be a better indicator of your progress long-term, as your weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds in a given 24 hour period. Also, what kind of workouts are you doing, and what do you mean by "I eat healthy"? That's a little too general a phrase for people to be able to provide you with useful feedback.

    I'm sorry you're frustrated -- I've been there and it can be difficult to stay motivated when it seems like you're making the opposite of progress. Keep going, though! It'll get better.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Then you're likely not in a deficit and are overestimating your burns or underestimating your food.

    Log every day. Weigh your food. Be consistent.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Then you're likely not in a deficit and are overestimating your burns or underestimating your food.

    Log every day. Weigh your food. Be consistent.
    It really is that simple.
  • cgangl1821
    cgangl1821 Posts: 34 Member
    Sorry about that. I just figured out how to open up my diary. It's all out there to be picked apart. Thanks!
  • maddyg1989
    maddyg1989 Posts: 108 Member
    Are you strength training? If so, increase your reps & lower the weight. You may be building muscle too fast. Make sure you're not starving yourself. Workouts take a lot of calories so make sure you replenish some of them, otherwise your body may be going into starvation mode and hanging onto the fat. The next point is a little awkward but very important. Make sure you are getting enough fiber & water in your diet. Not pooing enough or drinking enough water will make it harder to lose weight. If you are "backed up", try drinking hot green tea with peppermint. It's great for your digestion, just don't drink it every day.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Are you strength training? If so, increase your reps & lower the weight. You may be building muscle too fast. Make sure you're not starving yourself. Workouts take a lot of calories so make sure you replenish some of them, otherwise your body may be going into starvation mode and hanging onto the fat. The next point is a little awkward but very important. Make sure you are getting enough fiber & water in your diet. Not pooing enough or drinking enough water will make it harder to lose weight. If you are "backed up", try drinking hot green tea with peppermint. It's great for your digestion, just don't drink it every day.

  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    Are you strength training? If so, increase your reps & lower the weight. You may be building muscle too fast.

    NO!!! Seriously. No. I guarantee that's not the case.
  • lattarulol
    lattarulol Posts: 123 Member
    It is about calories in vs calories out, but nutrition goes a long way too. I looked through about the last week of your food - all sugar (pop tarts) and pasta (lasagna x 5). I only saw one entry for anything vegetable related (lettuce at breakfast for 5 cals) and very little fresh fruit. Instead of worrying about the scale, spend a week or two trying to clean up your diet and eat a better variety of fruits and vegetables and try to limit the pasta. Get more fiber - at least add in more whole grains. Just some friendly suggestions :)
  • cgangl1821
    cgangl1821 Posts: 34 Member
    I am doing the 30 day shred (has some strength training in it). Plus I have recently added jogging every other day into my exercising as well. (Some days I do both-like today). Plus everyonce in a while I will find a random video on YouTube and I will do that at night too, but I do not know how many calories I burn when I do that, and I do not usually break a sweat while doing it, so I do not log it in. Maybe this happens once a week. Not enough to make a difference.
  • cgangl1821
    cgangl1821 Posts: 34 Member
    Sounds good. I will try that. Thanks for the help. (The lasagne was eating at my In-Law's house with some leftovers.....) So more fruit and veggies.
  • FitnessRXusaAnna
    FitnessRXusaAnna Posts: 44 Member
    I just want to clear something up. I don't mean to attack anyone here.

    I must let it be known there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that you would be gaining muscle to fast. NOT POSSIBLE.

    If you happen to find the proven science between gaining to much muscle to fast please let me know how you did it because you're going to make MILLIONS in the bodybuilding industry!!! No I'm not talking about steroids either folks. I'm all natural and plan to keep it this way.

    There are 2,500 calories in a pound of muscle.
    I'm guessing you're not adding two calories per pound of lean bodyweight to your calorie intake......So it is not because a person gains muscle to fast.

    You want to gain muscle!

    FEED the MUSCLE lose the FAT

    # Push It
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Are you strength training? If so, increase your reps & lower the weight. You may be building muscle too fast. Make sure you're not starving yourself. Workouts take a lot of calories so make sure you replenish some of them, otherwise your body may be going into starvation mode and hanging onto the fat. The next point is a little awkward but very important. Make sure you are getting enough fiber & water in your diet. Not pooing enough or drinking enough water will make it harder to lose weight. If you are "backed up", try drinking hot green tea with peppermint. It's great for your digestion, just don't drink it every day.

    You have been here since 2011 and you still think these myths are true? I'm very surprised.

    OP, you are probably underestimating your caloric intake and overestimating your calories burned by exercise, as others have said.

    Don't give up. Just try to accurately measure your food and use a heart rate monitor to get a more accurate burn.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Are you strength training? If so, increase your reps & lower the weight. You may be building muscle too fast. Make sure you're not starving yourself. Workouts take a lot of calories so make sure you replenish some of them, otherwise your body may be going into starvation mode and hanging onto the fat. The next point is a little awkward but very important. Make sure you are getting enough fiber & water in your diet. Not pooing enough or drinking enough water will make it harder to lose weight. If you are "backed up", try drinking hot green tea with peppermint. It's great for your digestion, just don't drink it every day.

    So stop lifting so much weight and quit being constipated? Is that really your advice? LULZ. Yep, that's the diet plan that helped millions.

    OP. Log your food. Every day, every thing. Hold yourself accountable or you're not going to accomplish anything.
  • cgangl1821
    cgangl1821 Posts: 34 Member
    Get a heart rate monitor to be accurate in calories burned, weigh food, eat more fruits & veggies.....any other suggestions, otherwise I will give this a try over the next few weeks and hopefully I will start to see a difference. Thank you everyone for your help!!! =)
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Are you strength training? If so, increase your reps & lower the weight. You may be building muscle too fast. Make sure you're not starving yourself. Workouts take a lot of calories so make sure you replenish some of them, otherwise your body may be going into starvation mode and hanging onto the fat. The next point is a little awkward but very important. Make sure you are getting enough fiber & water in your diet. Not pooing enough or drinking enough water will make it harder to lose weight. If you are "backed up", try drinking hot green tea with peppermint. It's great for your digestion, just don't drink it every day.


    Building muscle too fast?
    Starvation mode?
    Not pooing enough?