Needing some help/motivation/advice!

Hey everyone!

So I'm a little disappointed in myself. For the last month I haven't been sticking with this life change, and it makes me sad because I lost a little over 33 pounds, I was doing so well and starting to feel really good and than I came to a stop. I couldn't really figure out why, I think apart of me is scared to lose weight, so be seen as a “healthy weight”. I've never been one to be ashamed of my body, because my body is who I have always been. I don't know if it's weird or not, but I think I'm really scared. Does that make sense? Have you ever felt that way before you started the change? I feel like I'm being silly, but it just wont escape my mind. I'm trying to keep my mind clear because I don't want to think that way. I want to look and feel healthy. I want to go hiking and not be out of breath so quickly. I want to feel sexy and not just tell myself I am sexy. I want to have that body I can feel good in, not just the body I've lived with. But how do I change that view? How do I get back into exercising and eating right and changing my life, without giving me the thought that I wont look like me? I'm worried that I will look weird, that I guess I wont be me? I'm a funny bubbly girl that is caring and stubborn pain in the butt (haha)...will I still be that way? Or will my personality change like my body? I don't want to be someone that I wont like. I don't want to be that “thinner” girl and look in the mirror and be unhappy. And I definitely don't want to be “thinner” and see myself as “fat”...I see so many people become that person. It's scares me...anyone have any advice? I know I'm being silly but it's how I'm feeling. Do I make sense?

Thanks all.


  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    WOW! I could have written that . . . I understand the fear, I am going through the same thing. I started this journey for health reasons. I also know that my weight was/is a comfort and buffer for me. I have a nice shape that is only getting shapelier and the attention that it brings is not all positive and not really wanted. I struggle with the fear of the changes that I have made, physically and mentally. I am much happier and calmer, I can climb stairs and walk up hills without feeling like I might pass out. I love going to the gym – that is my all me time!

    The fear I try to take one day at time some days I have the confidence of eagle other days I am like a scared rabbit. I believe going through this journey is much more important than not, we never want to look back and wish we had taken off the weight and enjoyed more out of life.

    Do not be disappointed in yourself, you lost 33 pounds, it is okay that for the past month things have strayed, you are still trying and there are times when things are beyond our control. Stay healthy, take your time taking off the weight and if you really feel that things are out of your control - see your doctor and ask for help!

    Good Luck!
  • starfinale
    starfinale Posts: 309 Member
    This almost made me tear up. I do have soooooo many fears while on this journey. It's scary to know what's going to happen when you' lose the weight. I have major anxiety problems, and I have no idea if it's going to get better or worse. This is more of a mental battle than physical battle for me while I'm on this lifestyle change. I get frustrated when the weight is not coming off as quick as I want. I have so many exciting things I want to do when I reach my goal. I feel like I might go overboard with my weight loss because I want it off so badly. I don't want to become obsessed, but I fear I will.