Looking for friends following Zone + Paleo/Primal

Hi everyone, I have been on the Zone in the past (before those block things) and started up again to loose this weight! I have found myself going more and more Paleo as I cut out the gluten, then the grains. I am probably what you would call Primal as I do have SOME dairy.

So far I am loving it, but it is a huge learning curve to try and figure out how to substitute my beloved bread, rice and pasta. I just found out about Cauliflower Rice (I know everyone else probably knew about it way before me), and I am sure there are a lot of us out there doing super awesome meal plans.

The more support the better I think.

So please feel free to add me as a friend, I live in Australia, but I don't care where you live. I have a oz / gram converter, so we'll be fine!

Also I started a group called Paleo Primal Zone Group. Please join it!

Thanks and hope to meet more of you!


  • Hey I am Regina. I am following the same diet you are by allowing some dairy( cheese). I also just found cauliflower rice and made my awesome stuff pepper recipe with it. It was amazing! Lost 3 lbs and love it.