Weight Watchers vs. MFP



  • peaceissues
    peaceissues Posts: 77 Member
    I personally think MFP is way better..its free, and you can find people who can help you get motivated. Its pretty much the same as WW except you don't have to pay anything.
  • OfficialLilCountryBelle
    I joined MFP and Weight Watchers the same week. I found that they work better if I used them together. I slacked off MFP for a while and it showed at my meeting. The motivation and support you get from both places helps, specially if you have a minimum amount from friends and family. Good Luck and Much Success :happy:
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I've done WW for more times than I can remember, never hit goal, lost interest after 50 or so lbs.

    Tried different leaders, never motivated to stick to it. Hated paying for it. Never did the online version.

    I have tons of WW material from way back when (when you got certain foods to eat each week) ...for sure their points plan was a huge improvement, lol

    But now being a newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic, the WW plan totally isn't for me....I have to watch my sugars so free fruits won't cut it...and their point system, while in a sense easier to calculate than calories, does nothing for figuring out how many carbs (or fats or sugars) are in the food.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    One is free the other isn't. One lets you customize your macros to fit your diet plan/health needs the other doesn't. One thinks that some foods are calorie free (they aren't) and one doesn't. One teaches you how many calories are in the foods you eat the other doesn't. One fits around your schedule the other you fit around their schedule.

    I think MFP wins on all levels.
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    My friend has been using ww app since Jan. 2013 which was the same time I rejoined mfp.

    She often complains she is starving and that 28 pts. adds up quick.
    I eat when I'm hungry, but am more mindful of how many calories are on the bottom line of my day.

    She has lost 15 lbs. since January 1st, 2013.
    I have lost 23 lbs.

    She pays 20$ a month.
    I pay 0$ annually.

    If your going to pay for something, I recommend I class or joining a gym. Calorie counting is basic math, infact before MFP many used a pen and paper.

    WW and MFP will not make you successful they are just tools which can assist you with reaching your goals.
    I prefer knowing how many calories I am consuming and not paying a dime.
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    I did WW but while I liked it well enough, it just didn't work out for me. It wasn't worth the money, and MFP was so much.. better suited for me. lol So MFP all the way. :D
  • rml1108
    rml1108 Posts: 7 Member
    That was my thought exactly! Thank you :)
  • rml1108
    rml1108 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all! I already feel welcomed!
  • naturallyme36
    naturallyme36 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm a former weight watcher and I lost my first 34 pounds using their program. I joined MFP because I wanted to learn how to count calories and learn more about my body and what it takes to function. I wanted to know that if I left my purse at home that carried my WW book and Calculator, that I could still fell comfortable eating something and know where or if it fit into my day. WW is a good program for those that need a starting push, but for me, I wanted something that I could use for a lifetime. KNOWLEDGE IS POWERFUL !!!
  • ex11b90
    ex11b90 Posts: 57 Member
    I was doing WW online for men, $18 a month. It's ok and works, but I finally decided that was way too much $$ for what I was getting. I quit it and stumbled onto MFP two weeks later. I think MFP is easier and has a much larger data bank of food. Converting stuff to points was real tedious. Only been here since March, but am still amazed all this is free...
  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    fitness pal: life change... learn how to eat well.

    weight watchers: diet= gain all the pounds back
  • LynneseLooksgood
    I lost 43pds on WW and learned about portion control, reading labels ect.. but felt I like the meetings got repetitive and most of the focus was on points and food and not enough on exercise. They give you weekly points and activity points but they were totally optional if you wanted to use them. I was in the habit of hoarding points thinking the less I use the more weight I would lose but that wasn't the case. I feel like I'm learning more about nutrition here on MFP and I'm eating more because I eat back about 80% of my exercise calories and I'm losing way faster, and exercise a lot more.

    Also MFP's sit is way more user friendly. The mobile app is easier to use and the food database is way more extensive. Also, MFP IS FREE!!
  • eweedon
    eweedon Posts: 3
    I have done WW a few times and been successful every time, I think it is a good organization, however I am a complete convert to MFP! Obviously is is FREE!!! but I also just find it much more flexible and the food list is so much more extensive than WW.

    My other personal reason to favor MFP is that I have a Fitbit too and that automatically links into my MFP account which is awesome! Just makes the whole thing easier and a bit more fun that WW, it is very motivating to work towards more steps every day.

    Do you like your fitbit?

    I'm assuming WW and MFP are kinda the same?

    I love my fitbit!! I think it is quite expensive initially but completely worth it as it is really motivating. I have had a couple of teething problems but now I understand how it works more I think it is brilliant.

    I do set MFP to 'sedentary' though so that all my steps are giving my extra calories otherwise if you put an activity assumption into MFP you might not actually reach that level and then get a negative adjustment from Fitbit which can get confusing as it is hard to know how many calories you really have left for the rest of the day if you don't sync very regularly. This was I can only end up with extra calories rather than a deceit.

    WW and MFP are similar in terms of tracking what you eat but MFP uses simply calories whereas WW uses protein, carbs and fats in food to calculate a points value for that food and then you have a daily allowance of point to eat.
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    I have done WW online and the meetings, several times in fact throughout my life and I LOVE MFP compared to either of them. Why?

    The message boards online at WW were not as supportive as here on MFP. I read a LOT of nasty comments from members at WW, especially if anyone mentioned the extra skin that comes from large weight loss. I did not like the atmosphere.

    The meetings varied greatly on the leader and their teaching style. Some leaders were fantastic and some just downright put me to sleep. I did not like the pressure some put on sales of the WW products either. Nothing like going to a live infomercial.

    The ever changing program at WW got to me too. They are constantly changing the program in order to get you to buy new scales, new calculators, new books. etc. They are definitely into profit and not always into making you successful. After all, the longer they keep you on the hook; the more money they will make.

    I found MFP two months ago and have since lost 13 pounds. It is free, has a GREAT support system and I find that using calories instead of points is a LOT EASIER. It also has taught me about TDEE, BMR and fitness. WW hardly touches on the actual teaching of fitness. Plus, it is a program that the professionals have been telling us for years work and it is not going to change. What you put into your mouth, must be less than the amount you burn or you will not lose. I finally get it!
  • honeylissabee
    honeylissabee Posts: 217 Member
    The WW boards are vicious. I was attacked and accused of being mentally ill for mentioning that I poured artificial sweetener over my fries to keep from eating more after I was completely satisfied. Honestly, even with following WW, I'm still using Sparkpeople and MFP for support and advice.
  • Mollieyk
    You don't have to pay a billion $ corporation money every month to tell you that you have a weight problem. Just look in the mirror.

    I have been using MFP and FitBit for over a year. These programs help me lead a normal life. Calories in calories out. MFT is easy to use. Love everything about it.

    Bottom line do what you need to do to lead a healthy life. It doesn't matter what you do, pay WW, free MyFitness Pal, purchase a FitBit. It's all good
  • tiggerlgh
    tiggerlgh Posts: 73 Member
    I realize MFP is free but at this time I feel both programs our helping me so I will do both. If it is working that's what counts, Good luck all

    This is me as well. WW has been working well for me, but I just started this again as well to help double track. Also paying for WW helps keep me accountable. I know this may not work for everyone but it helps me.

    I think both plans work well if you stick with them.

    I will say i see some posts here saying WW tells you what to eat. That has not been my experience at all, I can eat whatever I want. It has helped me make smarter choices but that is it.