Womanly help/ Pcos/ monthly/ (women only please)

Ok so first of this is embarrassing and I ask that only woman read and help me.

Ok so I have PCOS and I don't get my monthly very often the last time was like January. well 2 days ago I got it witch bummed me out cuz I thought I was pregnant. Anyway this time it is accompanied by green stool witch is the Embarrassing part... Is this normal? I read it could be hi iron I had some spinach wendsday and Idk if midol complete has iron. Sometimes I get an irony tast in my mouth just the last 2 or 3 days. Could this be related to my monthly?. Also I am having pregnancy like symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, I'm hungry every few hours, I'm feeling sick, I have no energy. I took a test around the 6th and it was negative.


  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    You need to go to a doctor about those symptoms. I would be suggesting asking him to run some blood tests...have you had your iron tested? I have PCOS and am VERY low iron stores due to that....I would definitely recommend getting them checked...and maybe ensure your doc checks your iron as well.