Hi everyone, I'm new!

Hello, my name is Ryan. I am a 33 year old female and mom of 5. I struggled with my weight since I was 11 years old. From the age of 14- about 2 years ago, I weight about 160 and wore a size 14. My highest weight was 177 ( except during pregnancy). I was diagnosed diabetic at 15. I was diagnoses with an under active thyroid at 18. Combine that with my life long asthma, 5 children ( 4 that were c sections) and the weight does not generally come off easily. Almost 2 years ago, I was under severe emotional stress. I didn't eat, or really sleep, yet my sugar stayed around the 400 mark. Weight fell off of me with no effort or thought. I went from 177 down to 150 down to 132... in 3 months. I was happy with the number on the scale. Yet not with my looks. My abdomen was still blubbery and jello- ish, as were my thighs. Suddenly this winter, I started gaining some of it back. I almost cried when 2 weeks ago I weighed 145 at the Docs office. I have started doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and as of today 4/29/13 I have completed day 7. I am hoping to get down to 115 and I would like a flat stomach. I've done the diet pills, the starvation, the as seen on tv crap, and even the binge purge. Now I think, I would like to just try finding a few friends that have the same struggle.
Maybe we can help each other.