soreness from excerise, should I let it heel?

KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I had a great workout on Tuesday, done cardio and worked on my abs. The thing is Im really sore all over, especially my abs. I work out usually 3 days a week. The question is should I let it heel and wait for it to go away or should I keep going on? I want to excerise at least every other day.


  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    If you workout every other day, then I'd say on your next workout day, just work another area... do cardio and some arm exercises.
  • Shy1979
    Shy1979 Posts: 75
    I agree, you should still try to stay on your schedule, just try to work out different areas, that aren't hurting at the time. However, some days you might just have to do it! But think positive, if you're sore, you must have have had a really good workout ... that's how I look at it anyways! You're doing great, ... keep it up!
  • :wink: My aerobics teacher told us to just drink alot of water ALOT and keep working through it. Eventually I could go to the class and I never got that sore again. Maybe just a little if I added more weights or something. I say just keep on truckin'
  • Go ahead and workout. You'll be stiff when you start but you'll loosen up. I'm sore nearly everyday from P90X but I keep going. If I waited for all the soreness to heal it would be several days before I could continue. Drink lots of water and make sure to stretch.
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    You definately do need to drink alot of water! What causes us to be sore is not any strain or injury, but a buildup of lactic acid in the muscles. Stick to your routine, you can always modify excercises if you are TOO sore.
  • red5
    red5 Posts: 56 Member
    that is what I heard to! Work muscles to fatigue is how it was worded to me! I am trying to workout 6 days a week I mean cardio workouts and boy oh boy and I sore! Just keep going and it will go away!
  • leg8
    leg8 Posts: 49
    It is important to replenish your body of the nutrients/glycogen that were expended during your exercise. Some people like a glass of chocolate milk post-workout. P90x's recovery drink (you can order it online) is also fantastic (tastes good, satisfying). Having a recovery drink/meal immediately after exercise will help prevent soreness.

    Some info on this...
  • MyKidzMom
    MyKidzMom Posts: 97
    I am glad you asked this......Yesterday I started P90X and did the Chest and Back dvd and Ab Ripper X....I don't know if it was the crazy number of push ups but my shoulders, arms and abs are sooooo sore today! So glad this system changes daily to give my muscles a rest.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    OK there's two types of soreness, 1 is the soreness during, or right after the activity, that is lactic acid, and should be gone after about 1/2 an hour of rest.

    DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness), which is what you have, is the other kind, and it's the result of working muscles that either haven't been used for a while, or haven't been used to that degree for a while. Either way, if it's not too uncomfortable, it's ok to do cardio again if they are still sore, but keep in mind you either will have to continue fighting through similar soreness until your muscles get used to the routine and become stronger, or you need to dial back the routine and gradually work up to that level of intensity. Either way, until you get there, there's going to be some soreness that goes along with it, that's ok it's part of the process.
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    I use the video " Walk away the pounds" She uses arms bands for a bit of resistance. I dont have the bands so I use two five pound weights. I find it gives me more burn when working out. After 3 miles I used another video that helps work the abs, And my abs are still sore but not painful. I do drink ALOT of water. I'll give myself a great stretch before I work at it again but I wont work the abs today. Maybe tomorrow. Thanks everyone!
  • NYIceQueen
    NYIceQueen Posts: 1,423
    From when I was dancing.....basically if you're sore, lots of water, maybe take some ibuprofen, and then ease into it. If you're REALLY TIGHT, then either stretch gently or keep resting. I kept at it, and ended up shredding my right calf.

    Rule of thumb: listen to your body.
  • GunnyGirlTN
    GunnyGirlTN Posts: 10 Member
    I had the same problem yesterday. I ran 2 miles and broke my record and after my legs were killing me! This morning they were still sore, how ever I still continued my daily exercises but not as intense (ie. record breaking). Now I feel great. I walked my 2 miles and now my legs don't hurt so bad. I'm not a doctor so don't take what I say to heart, but I know what works for me.
  • ryebugg94
    ryebugg94 Posts: 1 Member
    You should make sure that you stretch and cool down properly after an intense workout. Its probably a good idea to take it easy. The muscles need to heal before you do any more damage. The process of working out is important and if you worked out till you got sore, the pain you feel are microtears in the muscle fiber. This is actually good to a certain point. Then the muscle will heal and create more muscle, which is also good. This is huge in the weight lose process, because muscle burns more calories than fat. So this cycle continues, building more muscle, burning even more fat, increasing weight lose. The thing you want to try and avoid is working out so hard that you are sore the next day, this is bad. Its not good for the muscle and it can mentally make you not want to exercise. A great website that figures out what your maximum strength is, then developes a training plan to take up to the point, just below getting sore. its I have been using it for 2 years, lost 65 pounds in 4 months, and I only did what the routine told me to do, plus picked up riding my bike instead of driving everywhere.
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    If you are feeling really sore start tracking your potassium. If it is too low it can cause soreness and cramping. Otherwise, I agree work a different part of your body and let your abs rest.
  • ekrueger002
    ekrueger002 Posts: 15
    Push through! Working out 3 times a week even if the same muscle group is plenty of time for recovery. Dial it down a notch so your soreness lasts a matter of hours post workout and not days. Work up to your goal slow and steady. Muscle learn/grow from repetition not abuse :-)

    That said don't confuse muscle soreness with sharp pain. Sharp pain = stop!
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