Teen Just Starting, In Need Of Inspiraion

Jistrix Posts: 6
edited January 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hey thanks for taking the time to view my thread. Anyway my name is Tyler, I currently weigh in at 236 lbs. I started two weeks ago when I went to the doctors and weighed 240. I can't believe I got like this, I am very sad all the time now. I really need to know what to eat, and do. Thanks!


  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    You might find this hard to believe. I wouldn't have believed it when I was a teenager, but you are very lucky. You have an identifiable problem that can be fixed and if you are willing to spend the time to take care of yourself really really take care of yourself you will reach your fitness goals.

    What you can eat. Just about anything you want. There is a catch. Most your diet should be foods that will actually give you the nutrients you need and then you might have a few calories left over for treats. You get to decide what that is. The other catch after a few months you will not want treats so much or not. I am at the I really don't crave treats at all stage, unless you consider a grapefruit a treat. Yep that is my treat now and I am happy with that. YMMV.

    If you want more specific what you can eat advice, see a dietitian they can help you figure out what your macros should be and you can get a lot more useful information. Just don't buy it when they say you have to eat 6 times a day or you shouldn't eat after a certain time it makes absolutely no difference when you eat or how many times a day as long as you hit your macros. I am serious about this so so serious. I was told these things and it seriously derailed my weight loss and worse I put on weight. I am back down to eating just 3 times a day and that works out much better for me. Some people only eat once a day and that is ok too. And some people really do feel like they need to eat 6 times a day and if that works for them good, it's all really about your preference not anyone else.

    The most important thing now is to get used getting some kind of exercise in everyday. When I started back in October I couldn't walk around the block on a daily basis. Now I am walking up to 2 miles a day and I will be adding to that soon. You might like playing basketball or something sports related or you might like running, tennis, walking your dog. It doesn't matter as long as you find something you can do most days and enjoy it.

    And a final thought. Being sad a lot may or may not have anything to do with your weight. So, finding someone to talk to about that is very important, to find out if it's because you are feeling out of shape or if it's something medical that needs to be addressed. Either way, if this issue isn't addressed it will be a lot more difficult to meet your fitness goals even though doing that will help your mood a bit.
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