Today, I discovered I'm bad at running



  • aniawiecek
    aniawiecek Posts: 14 Member
    No Matter How Slow you Run, You’re Still Lapping Everyone on the couch

    I love this one!!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I've been trying to back to losing weight on my own for a while now. I finally got fed up today and tried Day 1, Week 1 of a C25k program. I got through the first two running sessions before my sides cramped. I tried the 3rd one, but had to quit after about 30sec. I did finish the full 30+ minutes, just at a "brisk walk"...I believe I averaged about 16.5 min when I was done. Still...not feeling great about my start. I've never been good at running. I have a bad knee to boot, but for once it wasn't what bothered me.
    Voice of option here. Running isn't the ONLY way to exercise. Stick to it if it's something you really want to accomplish, but there are many other options available to you at your disposal if running isn't your niche.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    No one said running was easy.

    You are just going out too fast, slow down a bit and you will be fine. Speed can come after week 9.
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    I love running! Just a few short months ago, I honestly couldn't run to my neighbor's house. I did start by walking for a couple of weeks first though. I think running is one exercise/sport where you can grow so fast. It doesn't seem fast, but what other exercise can you start out barely doing 60 sec's of it to 30 min of it in just a few months. The first few weeks suck, but once you start to get there, it comes fast.
  • rachempoo
    rachempoo Posts: 134 Member
    Congrats on starting! Even finding the strenght to try can be hard, but you've conquered that. Everyone has to start somewhere. I was really pathetic when I started running, but I stuck with it. Not long after I started I got my first "runner's high" and that made a huge difference for me. I started running more often, longer and harder after that. You will get there, just give it time. Good luck!
  • aniawiecek
    aniawiecek Posts: 14 Member
    I have started running two weeks ago n I think I'm getting addicted to it. I'm 10st10lbs but still can't run a mile straight cause never run before. The weight doesn't matter. It's all about the practise
  • goombasmom
    goombasmom Posts: 70 Member
    I found this guy's articles on running when I first started almost ten years ago. It helped inspire me to keep with it.

    Don't get discouraged! Give running a fair chance, and you might fall in love with it! Every run is different, but no matter how hard it was to get out of bed to do it.. or the blisters that ensued...I am always glad I got out there. Feel free to add me, and good luck!