Mfp has cause more harm than good for me.



  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Maybe you're making too many changes at once. You can still eat the foods that you love, in moderation, while you transition to a healthier diet by finding new foods that you love. You could start by improving one meal, or adding one food that is a healthier choice. I hate steamed vegetables, for example, and I won't eat them. I'm still finding ways to eat more vegetables, and I'm logging anyway, even though I'm far from being perfect.

    Good for you if you want to get a treat when you go for a bike ride! It makes exercise into a fun outing. Sometimes I really want scones, and I make scones for dinner, even though that's all my dinner calories. I eat treats, albeit small ones, everyday.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I have found that since finding mfp, I have spent every evening glued to the forums, obsessing on 'clean eating', have developed a fear of having any pre packaged meals, of allowing myself the treats I used to have regularly amidst my regular food, along with the fact I now feel impelled to workout everyday, regardless of anything else I might feel like doing, because everyone else seems to be working their *kitten* of obsessively on a daily basis, burning anything up to thousands of calories. Along with this, I have been having severe binges, only since joining the site. As soon as I started actively counting calories, obsession took over. Not to a point of starving myself or anything like that, but to a point of becoming totally consumed by analysing what might be the best diet for longevity, what might be the best diet for a lean body etc etc. It has removed whatever remnant of intuitive eating I had remaining. Sure, I did not have the best diet. I ate a lot of veggie microwave meals, alongside my fruit and veg, and mcflurries and chocolate were a fairly regular fixture in my life. I walked a lot, or swam, or rollerskated or cycled, and I was not overweight. Not 18% bodyfat lean, but not overweight either. I felt healthier. I felt happier. I was more relaxed and I was living my life and had space for other things. Now, every evening, all evening, is spent on mfp, reading more posts and feeling as if I am on some alien planet when I see people logging every bite, every calorie burnt. I go out for a long bike ride, and no longer feel able to stop off for a coffee and toast, or a slice of cake. No way jose, that is not clean, we are not meant to have treats more than once a week, once a month, once a year even, lol.

    Has anyone else hit this issue with mfp?
    I know it works great for people who are endangering their lives with their weight issues.
    But for me, sadly, it seems to have just kicked in my competitive, perfectionist streak, and made me feel compelled to have a perfect diet diary, to burn 600 calories + in exercise a day to not feel lazy compared to everyone else, to revolve my life around eating the best I can for a long life and health, which ironically, is making me feel less healthy. Yep, eating a pile of veggies everyday, and fruit, and greek yoghurt, eggs, fish, chicken, beans, almonds and sweet potatoes, has left me feeling more crap than when I had baked potatoes, microwave veggie meals, quorn(horribly processed), smaller amounts of veggies, ice cream, chocolate and some fish.

    It sounds like you take too much advice and 'facts' from the MPF community (who we all know are 99.99% not qualified to be giving advice).

    MPF is only a tool and like any tool, it can be misused. If it is so detrimental to your health and well being, enough so that you'd write a post like this, you should quit and find something that is better suited to your perfectionist, obsessive, overly competitive and easily convinced personality.
  • thinklivebefree
    thinklivebefree Posts: 328 Member
    For Real!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Thankyou for all the replies.

    I have been spending inordinate amounts of time here, addicted to reading the forums, and endless threads, on all manner of methods of eating. I have hit a point of eating almost all so called 'clean' food most of the time, but when it gets to a point that I would feel guilty for having a few slices of toast with beans and eggs rather than my usual chicken or fish, sweet potato and vegetables, it has become too extreme. I wish I was someone who could simply pass by a café on a hot summer's day, and not want to sometimes be one of those people sitting enjoying an ice cream, but that is not me.

    Most of my food choices are very good. I eat over a pound, sometimes two pounds of vegetables a day, a lot of lean chicken, fish, beans, potatoes, greek yoghurt, almonds, 81% dark chocolate, cottage cheese etc. That is most of my diet, but sometimes, I want to grab a ready made cottage pie for dinner (there are relatively ready meals here in the Uk in certain shops) or have a big bowl of cereal and not feel as if I am somehow ruining my body or my nutritional achievements. I am a perfectionist by nature, so it is very easy for me to slip into the whole 'must eat perfect' mentality. And then I end up going hog crazy when I am out of my own environment and taken for meals out, and have come to even dread meals out and events like my birthday for this reason. It breaks my streak.

    Exercise wise, I do not do hours of exercise, but I feel guilty if I only do 45 minutes of gym exercise a day on top of my walking, as I see so many doing really hardcore workouts, and think to myself, well, why can't I do that? Truth told, I have mild emphysema and have 68% lung function rather than the usual 84% for my age, but that doesn't stop me wanting to be as good, and wanting to be able to do as much and be able to enjoy it. Hell, I feel like an old woman sometimes when I am cycling. I can cycle for hours at a time, but not at 20mph. Not close. I am competitive by nature, unfortunately. I see someone has burnt 700 calories on a day I have only done a bit of walking and sat on my butt taking it easy, I feel guilty, lazy and almost as if I have failed somewhere along the line. That is not there problem, of course, it is mine.

    A lot on my list do a lot of daily exercise, some burning 800-1200 everyday. I was doing that last year, but I got burnt out. I cannot do that anymore. Not on a daily basis anyway. But If I do not exercise, I struggle to limit myself to the 1500 required for me to lose 1/2 Ib a week, even if I am eating all nutritious, healthy foods. I am tall, at 5'10, so maybe that is why I struggle on 1500, or 1470 to be precise.

    Either way, I think those of you who have suggested a break are right. I need to exert some willpower, and either take a week break, or only come on and log food right before bed, so I am not constantly adding up as I go along, and then log off again. I have an addictive personality, so I guess it is my fault in the end for coming to this site. As time has gone on, I have been spending more and more time studying endless articles on nutrition, on longevity, on meat and longevity, on clean eating, primal, high fat diets, you name it, I have been studying it, then getting my head in knots trying to decide how and what I should eat for the best quality of life and health. And it is not as if my knowledge I have acquired can benefit anyone else. And it sure isn't benefiting me because let's face it, there is probably a study for and against just about every food out there. I even contemplated becoming vegan after reading so much on dairy and how bad it is for you, and the hormones etc, and then, the studies suggesting meat eaters have shorter lifespans.

    I need to direct my mental energy in a healthier direction I think, use my innate enjoyment of healthy food, but still allow myself a treat if the mood takes me on a certain day, and keep my exercise within manageable amounts. I would love to be lean, and have a low bodyfat %, and have been getting there, but it is coming at a high cost for me. And is not simply slotting into my life, leaving room for other pursuits.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    I wouldn't say harm, but I would say that you're an extremist. Sounds like the all or nothing type. If it's affecting your actual happiness, then change your routine. Log on and set a limit, find one "bad" thing you'll to eat a day, etc.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mink63
    mink63 Posts: 35
    I had this same problem. I became obssessed with food and everything in my life began to revolve around it. I started planning all the places i was going to eat at on vacation and realized this is not me. I was always very skinny and never cared much about food. I also noticed i was shoving peanut butter down my throat some nights when i couldnt meet my calorie goals and other nights i was starving because i didnt want to go over. Ive always been good about eating when im hungry and stopping when im full. I dont think its healthy for me personally. I do know some people have a hard time listening to their bodies and it helps to be told how much to eat, but thats not me! I decided to stop tracking my calories. I only have 10 pounds of baby weight left and figured with healthy eating and exercise it should come off in a few months. Its more important for me to be happy.
  • ElizMurphy69
    ElizMurphy69 Posts: 61 Member
    I have made incredible friends on here. I use the tools and advice offered and then make a decision as to whether I feel as if this will work for me or not. I have tried every diet on the planet over the years and always felt like I was suffering. I now eat- striving for calorie deficit- but some days fail. I went to a conference last week and drank too much beer and ate Cheesecake Factory :-) Now the difference is...I logged it (all of it) and am aware of it, and adjusted and knew better. In the past it would have just been another day and I would not have cared. But using the knowledge I have learned and tools on MFP, I allowed myself a good time and knew how to get right back on track when I came home.
    You have to do what works for you. You are the only one that can change. I do not eat clean. I eat what I want within in my calorie allotment and exercise. I am seeing results and feel awesome! It's probably going to take me a little longer because I do allow the splurges and cheat meals every once in a while, but it works for me :-) Weight loss is not a sprint, it is a marathon.
    Good luck to you...
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    And it sure isn't benefiting me because let's face it, there is probably a study for and against just about every food out there. I even contemplated becoming vegan after reading so much on dairy and how bad it is for you, and the hormones etc, and then, the studies suggesting meat eaters have shorter lifespans.

    Studies suggest all kinds of nonsense depending on the selection criteria used. You can frame any question in such a way to derive an answer, and with the proliferation of often poorly understood statistical analysis methods in modern science, even with a correctly set-up study you can derive a poor result that is meaningless, or cannot be applied widely. I would suggest people not trained in the actual sciences be very careful about making life decisions based on "studies" without sufficient understanding of experiment design and data analysis techniques.

    I can tell you that on my Mother's side of the family all the members have been pushing 100 when they died. They all ate what you may call an "English Farmhouse" style of food. High fat, Meat heavy. Loads of Dairy. High in carbs. A lot of this so-called nutritional "science" is bollocks. Remember that Physics is a science. Chemistry is a science. The further you get from these "hard" sciences, the more problematic you find things to be.......
  • Sunnyjb
    Sunnyjb Posts: 220
    What is your support system IRL like?
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member

    I need to direct my mental energy in a healthier direction I think, use my innate enjoyment of healthy food, but still allow myself a treat if the mood takes me on a certain day, and keep my exercise within manageable amounts. I would love to be lean, and have a low bodyfat %, and have been getting there, but it is coming at a high cost for me. And is not simply slotting into my life, leaving room for other pursuits.

    At least you've identified your personal weakness in this area and are making a plan to overcome it. Good for you and good luck.
  • irjeffb
    irjeffb Posts: 274 Member
    MFP didn't CAUSE this problem. You need professional help.
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    not at all! I get on when I want to and I don't obsess over things. It is beneficial to me. Good luck
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    This isn't MFP's fault I'm afraid, you obviously have a personality issue and tendency towards obsessive thought and action. Personally I'd look into therapy, unchecked this kind of thing can permeate into every facet of your life.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    What is your support system IRL like?

    I have none.
    I am on the autistic spectrum which can make getting a support system in real life a little more difficult.
  • sarahi2009
    sarahi2009 Posts: 285 Member
    I have not read all the post so this might be repetative. Only YOU know what is good for your body and nobody else. It sounds like you are taking too much advice to heart when it might not be for you. You have to do what is right and what it feels right. This says I have to eat 1200 calories a day to lose weight...guess what..I tried it and I did not feel good at all and was not losing weight so I upped my calories so I feel better and voila I lost weight. You need to take ALL the advice with a grain of salt and do what is best for you. If this is hurting you more than it is benefcial then leave it or change the way you think abou it. It is ultimately YOUR responsibility to do what is best for your body and you know it better than anybody in this world.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I have found that since finding mfp, I have spent every evening glued to the forums, obsessing on 'clean eating', have developed a fear of having any pre packaged meals, of allowing myself the treats I used to have regularly amidst my regular food, along with the fact I now feel impelled to workout everyday, regardless of anything else I might feel like doing, because everyone else seems to be working their *kitten* of obsessively on a daily basis, burning anything up to thousands of calories. Along with this, I have been having severe binges, only since joining the site. As soon as I started actively counting calories, obsession took over. Not to a point of starving myself or anything like that, but to a point of becoming totally consumed by analysing what might be the best diet for longevity, what might be the best diet for a lean body etc etc. It has removed whatever remnant of intuitive eating I had remaining. Sure, I did not have the best diet. I ate a lot of veggie microwave meals, alongside my fruit and veg, and mcflurries and chocolate were a fairly regular fixture in my life. I walked a lot, or swam, or rollerskated or cycled, and I was not overweight. Not 18% bodyfat lean, but not overweight either. I felt healthier. I felt happier. I was more relaxed and I was living my life and had space for other things. Now, every evening, all evening, is spent on mfp, reading more posts and feeling as if I am on some alien planet when I see people logging every bite, every calorie burnt. I go out for a long bike ride, and no longer feel able to stop off for a coffee and toast, or a slice of cake. No way jose, that is not clean, we are not meant to have treats more than once a week, once a month, once a year even, lol.

    Has anyone else hit this issue with mfp?
    I know it works great for people who are endangering their lives with their weight issues.
    But for me, sadly, it seems to have just kicked in my competitive, perfectionist streak, and made me feel compelled to have a perfect diet diary, to burn 600 calories + in exercise a day to not feel lazy compared to everyone else, to revolve my life around eating the best I can for a long life and health, which ironically, is making me feel less healthy. Yep, eating a pile of veggies everyday, and fruit, and greek yoghurt, eggs, fish, chicken, beans, almonds and sweet potatoes, has left me feeling more crap than when I had baked potatoes, microwave veggie meals, quorn(horribly processed), smaller amounts of veggies, ice cream, chocolate and some fish.

    Your post cracked me up....and reminds me of my new obsession to "meet my protein macros" I've just eaten some shrimp and Greek yoghurt and now feel sick from the combination...but hey, it's was really high in protein lol!!!
  • lisy28
    lisy28 Posts: 156 Member
    If this really has a all consumed you i think it is more of a you problem than MFP sit back breathe and put down the computer!
  • MeganGable
    MeganGable Posts: 68 Member
    Honestly, I think this is what A LOT of people do on facebook.....they are competitive, try to post the best status, get the most likes, thumb through other peoples lives to be nosey and judgmental, and then feel like **** at the end of the day bc they didn't go out in the world and better themselves.....they sat at home comparing their lives to everyone else's "fake" life....bc facebook is how people want to be perceived, not who they really are.

    My point is......

    Why not do all that on here and have it mean something? This is an environment of honesty, support, and meaningfulness (with exceptions of course) I'm a complete Type A personality (which is super dangerous for the heart BTW yikes)....but at least on here I am doing more good for myself than harm. I'd rather strive for perfection (though we'll never get there) over health issues than to get false validation from people who I probably don't really know.
  • shosh413
    shosh413 Posts: 135 Member
    I think i understand how you feel... For a while i was also a little bit obssesed with figuring out the best way to eat, but feeling resentful about it and also trying to read everything that there is on the forums. What i did was step back and really ask myself what my life looks like. I realized it consists of carbs, processed foods (sometimes), and some exercise but not exercising instead of hanging out with people... Also, take a break from the MFP forums, and maybe buy a fitbit which will encourage you to move around more in your life rather than read about it... Also you may need to find some meaning in your life that is there but you are not aware of.
  • luckyshilling
    Maybe try a website that is strictly trackers with no forums. Some people just gotta go solo.