Creative motivation

I have heard a lot of different creative motivational ideas for around the house... a lot of people are different. I am wondering what works for you?

I have heard:
-The weight loss marble jars. One jar is filled with marbles that represent the amount of pounds lost, and in the other jar, the marbles will represent the amount of pounds that you still need to lose. Whenever you lose a pound, switch it from pounds to lose into pounds lost.
-Pictures. Hanging up pictures of skinny girls that may have an inspirational body to you.
-Post it notes. Writing out your favorite motivational quotes or reminders on a post it note and sticking it somewhere in your house. Whenever you walk into your room of choice, you feel very motivated and inspired.

What works for you if you have anything yet?
I only have a chart that states all of the pounds that I have to lose and an item that is the same amount as that number of pounds, I than cross off every pound that I lose and it's colorful and jumps at me everyime I go into my bedroom.
I was thinking about doing the marble jars. I think that sounds neat and puts weight loss into a different perspective. I can't do the pictures of other women because I am SO insecure. Post it notes wouldn't be too bad but, I just really want to hear everyone else's creative ideas.



  • nsagley
    nsagley Posts: 84 Member
    I have 2 pictures of myself on the fridge. One of me at age 17 (135 lbs) and one of me now.
  • Love the marble idea!! I may do that also! Right now I have a few quotes posted around my place that I made and printed off my computer. That way they're big & colorful & in my face!! I love them :) (One of the quotes is my ticker quote!) lol