Gloves for freeweights?

I have just started NROLFW and have noticed my hands are getting really sore! Can anyone recommend a good set of gloves to use, or do any ladies have any recomendations for any that are good for smaller hands? I dont want to spend a ridiculous about (under £15), any advice greatly appreciated!! x


  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    Any decent brand will do you good to be honest. Having said that, gloves do reduce grip strength so use them only when your hands are getting really bad -

    I got mine from this site
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I'd recommend chalk over gloves, as gloves will interfere with your grip, but Harbinger and Bionic Fitness make decent gloves in smaller sizes for women.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I have some Nike gloves I got from TKMaxx for around £7 which have stopped me getting calluses.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I'd recommend chalk over gloves, as gloves will interfere with your grip, but Harbinger and Bionic Fitness make decent gloves in smaller sizes for women.

  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    Sorry, wrong thread!
  • goexpos
    goexpos Posts: 27 Member
    I also have a pair of Nike gloves and they are very comfortable and were not expensive. while it may be better to not use gloves I play guitar so sore hands not an option :-)
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Echo the comments about chalk over gloves. You may want to take a look at whether or not you are properly gripping the bar when you lift. A proper training grip will minimize callus formation and be much stronger than you would get when using gloves of any kind.
  • DivaLuvsDisney
    DivaLuvsDisney Posts: 75 Member
    My gym does not allow chalk. I have a pair of Bionic gloves as I develop calluses just by looking at weights LOL Seriously, I just have very sensitive skin and will develop them doing simple things like vacuuming and mopping floors. I know it can affect my grip, but at this point it hasn't been a problem with the amount of weights I'm using.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    if you work out at a gym that doesn't allow chalk, and changing gyms isn't an option, they make "dry hands" stuff (designed for pole dancers, interestingly) that is a good substitute.
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    i bought mine at target for $14 and works great.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I'd recommend chalk over gloves, as gloves will interfere with your grip, but Harbinger and Bionic Fitness make decent gloves in smaller sizes for women.


    Me too...
  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    I was actually going to post a similar topic. I work out at home, in the lounge room , so no chalk . I ended up with some calluases yesterday and they were a little worse than normal. I am going to check my grip , because one hand is worse than the other. But I work in a food factory and my hands naturally have to be pretty clean. I have to use moisturiser in cooler months, otherwise I up with little foil cuts. Will the moisturiser be a good thing for the calluases ? Or in my case should I get cloves? The calluases themselves don't bother me, I just don't want broken skin on my hands.
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    For those that don't want chalk residue, look up eco chalk. It doesn't have the residue.
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