I think I am doing something wrong...



  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    Arains, I think you deliberately ignored my question?

    I asked how much protein you are currently consuming.
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    How about you just eat the 2300 cal a day you should be eating, and not worry about the exercise calories. You are active enough to be eating at TDEE, and don't have that much weight to lose. Your body is probably just pissed at you for trying to kill it. That much exercise will create the deficit on it's own, and you will get to your goal in a couple months and your hormone levels will me a lot more normal.

    Maybe I dont understand TDEE but when calculating if you are trying to create a deficit with your exercise wouldn't I calculate it without adding in my activity? Which would put me at 1850 cal/day. And then exercising off calories on top of that sould be a deficit correct? Where are you getting your 2300 from?

    2300 would most likely be maintenance.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    1. Intense exercise causes the muscles to retain water. I retain anywhere from 5-10 Lbs of water in my muscles for repair. When I take a rest week I usually go from a scale weight of 180/184 to 172/176 depending on the day, sodium intake, carb intake, etc. When you're talking 0.5 - 2 Lbs loss per week (on average, not linear) it can be very difficult to see short term as you can hold onto more water than the fat you are losing.

    2. Calorie creep is easy if you aren't weighing and measuring your foods and portions. Also watch out for over estimating calorie burns on your eat back. This is one of the reasons I switched to TDEE long ago. When I was doing MFP I ate back about 70-80% or so of my exercise calories per HRM and that worked, but I got tired of my calories being all over the place. If I was using a data base or something even less reliable I only ate back about 50%.
  • divemunkey
    divemunkey Posts: 288 Member
    Your estimated TDEE includes your activity level, which is quite high with all the exercise you are doing. If you were sitting on your *kitten* all day, you would likely be closer to 18-1900 calories. When you eat in this fashion, you don't have to think about exercise calorie eating, you just about the same amount every day, which also helps when it's time to stop being obsessive about calories counting when you get to your maintenance phase.
  • Nah113
    Nah113 Posts: 25 Member
    I know it sounds counter-intuitive but, I'd cut back the exercise to 3 days per week. Also, don't "eat the calories back". Sounds like your bod is getting worried about survival instead of fitness.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    You should be netting between 1500-1600 (between food and eating back exercise cals), 1200 (net) seems to be a little low for someone so active!

    Also make sure that youre getting enough water (proper hydration will keep you from having a lot of "water weight")

    Protein is important, but it sounds like youre doing pretty good at 90g, adding more in definitely wont hurt

    Be patient. I stalled for 2 months and then 10lbs disappeared!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Try increasing the nutrient density of the foods you consume. Meaning, avoid anything grain based. Cereal, bread, pasta and potatoes tend to be some of the biggest problems for people at a plateau as the body turns those foods into fat much more quickly than more nutrient dense foods like lean meats, high protein carbs (beans, quinoa, nonfat greek yogurt) and fresh fruits and veggies.

    80% of your success with weight loss will come from what you eat. Exercise is great for feeling good and staying healthy, but in the long run it is what you eat that is going to make all the difference in the world.
  • PhoenixRising7
    PhoenixRising7 Posts: 194 Member
    Arains, I think you deliberately ignored my question?

    I asked how much protein you are currently consuming.

    She mentioned it in a post shortly before you initially asked. She said she's consuming about 90g.
  • arains89
    arains89 Posts: 442 Member
    No I did not. The original post that you quoted I stated how much I eat. About 90g/day.
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    I stalled out this month too. Hang in there. Change is slow sometimes...