Headache after Protein Shake

I've been doing protein shakes for a while. I was consistently using GNC Amp Vanilla and blending with strawberries/ bananas for breakfast, but after I ran out of that I moved on to the other one I bought which is GNC regular whey protein in chocolate carmel. After a few days of drinking this (just mixing with water and drinking) I noticed I've been getting really bad headaches about 30 minutes after I drink it. They arent painful, just kind of dull and make me feel fuzzy. Does anyone else get these or could anyone suggest why?


  • sprasa03
    sprasa03 Posts: 1
    wow - I thought it was just me. I was using a chocolate protein shake (recently ran out) but I was getting head aches after drinking. I don't know the cause but the only change in my diet was the addition of a protein shake and so I linked that that must be why I was getting the headaches but I don't know why a protein shake would cause that. I hope you get an answer soon.
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    Don't know how true this is but my husband drinks alot of protein and energy drinks and this is what we found:

    If you read Dr David Bucholz "Heal Your Headache", he lists a number of triggers foods for migraines. One "potential" trigger is Protein shakes, particularly hyrolysed whey/caisein/soy Protein.

    The reason is not the Protein itself (as milk is OK according to him), but apparently the MSG that is liberated in the process. If you buy glutamine separately the same problem exists to an even larger extent.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Wow, that is really interesting. I just wanted to add that I have used the UnJury protein shakes because they have a lot less sugar. I wonder if they would also cause headaches?