Finding it hard to get to 1200 cals

I've just started a calorie intake of 1200 but am finding it hard to reach after having my 3 meals a day.

I don't really want to snack on something high in calories either just to meet it, are there any snacks I can have during the day (other than fruit or veg) that can boost my calories up. I don't want my body to go into starvation mode which would then result in me not losing weight.


  • HappyHungryHealthy
    HappyHungryHealthy Posts: 121 Member
    Hi. I looked through your diary and noticed your meals are quite low cal, you could try making them higher by adding more salad and vegetables to your meals. I'm not sure if you eat dairy, but you could add some low fat cheese, cottage cheese to your diet. Nuts,nut butters and oils are also good too. Most people will say 1200 isn't enough and others may say your putting your body into starvation mode anyway, by the amount of calories you eat. I personally won't get into that debate with you, because I'm not too sure about all that and I too am quite new to all of this myself. Also, you could eat back your exercise calories, which most people on here do and suggest.

    Hope that was a little helpful! :)
  • Autumnsun26
    Autumnsun26 Posts: 83 Member
    100 calorie almonds & walnut packs

    Greek yogurt I love the vanilla light & fit


    Protein shakes will help you get some extra protein and nutrients

    Popcorn is actually good for you and it takes longer for you to digest and is filling
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Add avocado, cheese, or higher calorie dressings to your salads. Roast veggies in some olive oil. Add nuts, nut butters, full fat dairy, etc.
  • RobP1192
    RobP1192 Posts: 310 Member
    Is there something you're trying to avoid? or you just want 1200 cals? I agree with the other's as far as adding nuts. With a gram of fat giving you 9 calories, and nuts having healthy fats, i'd just do that. Snack on some almonds or pistachios.
  • rearglutespread
    1200 is nothing! You should be able to hit that easy. Rice for carbs, chicken for protein, veg for your vitamins, olive oil for your fats.

    2bagels is like 450cals that's like 80g carbs to start to fuel you for the day. Have some peanut butter on it (whole earth) and you have some protein and healthy fats, that's 600cals just for your breakfast.

    I'll go check your diary now and look for easy ways to add to that if the above doesn't interest you.