Could someone please offer some advice in regards to what I'm doing wrong or may need to do to lose some more weight? Strangely enough I'm wondering if I'm not eating enough. I track my progress/eating on MyFitnessPal and they've allotted me 1650 calories to each each day which I typcially consume during the day prior to working out. During my workouts I'm burning at least 1200-1400 calories each time (4-5 days/week). However, I'm seeing very minimal results to no results on the scale at the end of each week. I generally workout after work and by the time I get home I usually don't eat because it's late and I know I'll be going to sleep soon. Please help as I'm getting very frustrated and discouraged. My eating has changed so drastically for the better to the point that IÂ can barely stomach foods that I was eating prior to this journey. Any advice would be greatly appreciated :-)