Any other single moms looking for support?

Hello there! My name's Amanda and i have a daughter named Ava who is three. It's just the two of us and i work full time. With everything on my plate, i find it difficult to find the time to do what i need to do to lose the weight and get healthy for the two of us. I thought having some other single mom friends who are going thru the same thing would understand the struggle and we could help motivate each other!


  • Snatched614
    Snatched614 Posts: 115 Member
    Hi Amanda,

    I too am a single parent of three and work fulltime. Feel free to add me as a source of support!
  • amanda14251
    amanda14251 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks! I'll add you!
  • nnm1976
    nnm1976 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! I'm a single mom of 3...need all of the motivation I can get!! =)
  • keets502
    keets502 Posts: 34
    I'm in! Single mom of 2 girls...full time work and part time student as well.
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm a single mom too of a 4 year old daughter and I work full time. Feel free to add me!
  • I am!! I am much older than you...LOL. But I too am a single mom and it's hard to find time to exercise and eat the right stuff, especially when you work fulltime. I'm Annmarie :)
  • I am also a singe mother of 3 children, fulltime college student, and work full time. Add me if you would like
  • JamiElaine05
    JamiElaine05 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey everyone, I am a single mom to a beautiful five month old baby boy. I am definitely struggling with changes this has brought to both my life and my body, but I am attempting to take it one day at a time! I hope to become friends with many of you!
  • katiethedetermined1
    katiethedetermined1 Posts: 68 Member
    Add me, I need any motivation I can get. Single mom to a 9 year old boy and when I say single I mean SINGLE! No one helps me and I don't get assistance. Therefore I do everything!
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    Hello. Not a single mom, I'm married to an active duty Marine (so actually sometimes I am...maybe for a month or as long as a year; and he works 12 hrs or more every day and most weekends).

    My daughter is 4.5. I work full time at an office, have an on-call phone 24/7, and finishing grad classes.
    I couldnt get to the gym like I once did when I was a SAHM. I started 30 day shred april 8 and get up before my daughter does its only like 25 mins and a GREAT burn. I've been great with it. I lost 8 lbs(4 before the program) this month and 4.6 inches. Im only on day 2 of level 3. I still have about 5 days or more to go, then level 4.

    Food wise, I try to prepare what I can for the week coming up on Sundays.
    Good Luck. Add if you want.
  • 1awesomewoman
    1awesomewoman Posts: 18 Member
    Hello, Not exactly a single mom. But the person I am dating is a truck driver and is gone for a month at a time and then only home for 5 days before he is gone again. I have a 4 year old daughter and work full time. I could definitely use some support and motivation. Anyone is more than welcome to add me. :)
  • I'm in too! I have one ten-year-old and work full time. No family here, but lots of church friends who help. I have no one at home holding me accountable for getting off the couch, so I need some extra!! Thanks.:smile:
  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    Hey amanda2451! I'm a mother of a 5 year old :)
  • anarose13
    anarose13 Posts: 222 Member
    single mom here too!
  • JennKend
    JennKend Posts: 11 Member
    I'm older than you but I am also a single working mom. I have two teenage boys who are homeschooled. The oldest one has Aspergers Syndrome. So I truly get trying to do everything on your own!
  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    Oh wow, I homeschool my son too!
  • taximom99
    taximom99 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm a single mom. It's just me and my teenage son. I would love to have MFP friends that can give support to each other. Add me.
  • SarahMarie67
    SarahMarie67 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Amanda I'm a single parent too need lots of motivation!!!