No time like the present in Phoenix! :P

Had that "OMG!" moment about a week ago, seeing another guy in a store that could have passed as my doppelganger, and decided that it was high time for a change in life style when I found myself in a position of being on the outside looking in, so to speak.

I was always a bean pole growing up, and somewhere in my early 20s, I just started ballooning. Sadly, it wasn't an even ballooning either - 95% gathered around my midsection, and mainly just in front. Even my grandmother once mentioned that I looked pregnant (yeah...just what a guy wants to hear, lol) - skinny all over, with a big ol' beer gut hanging out....except that I virtually never drank alcohol period, lol. Time went on, and I started filling out more in other areas, but the midsection has always dominated.

I'm now 33, 5'11", 223lbs as of two days ago, get winded walking up a flight of stairs, and still have that pregnant skinny guy look, lol. I started the Power 90 program two days ago as well. I don't have wild expections of shedding 40lbs in a month, and not really even super concentrated on the pounds number, or measurements numbers. I figure anything I do to get more active now is a plus, and I already had the program stashed away in a drawer.

I do have a goal of getting to 180lbs, but I'm more concerned with overall health than a firm weight number. If I get rid of the excess fat, and stagnate at 200lbs, I'm OK with that too :) I've already cut soda out of my diet entirely (and already can tell a difference in the way I feel from that alone), and been tracking what I eat with MFP - THAT'S a heck of an eye opening experience :) When I get my cardio endurance up a bit, I'm also going to start jogging the mountain trails around here as well to get some variety.

Anyways, hi from Glendale, Arizona! Anyone around the north Glendale area? Maybe we can meet up for a round of Thunderbird or Camelback mountain trails! :)