200+ (Week 31) Let's Get Moving in May!

Time for your weigh-ins!!

Here's my check in for the day:

2426 cals needed to maintain
1706 eaten /470 burned/-1190 (day)/-7605 (week)

So, per theory I should be down 2 pounds tomorrow, but you never know. Plus last week was a gain with TOM, so we'll see what happens...

Good luck everyone!

As she posted this right before the new thread, Victoria, you're amazing! 6 miles run??? *big virtual hugs* Glad your water bottles work well! So proud of you!


  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm glad I went to zumba tonight. She taught us two new dances! (Telephone by Lady Gaga and Boom Boom Pow by Black Eyed Peas)

    Then I came home and gave Lexi a bath. I didn't let her sleep on my bed last night cause she was so smelly. Now I need to change the comforters.

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I watched the first ten online and can't wait to see the rest. My jaw was hanging While I was watching at part tho!!! It's not on for at least another hour here.

    Yeay Victoria!! Woohoooooooooooooo!

    Good job Kristina on sticking to the eating plan! Woohoooooooooooooo

    I'm making brownies but will only have one. That. Is. It.!!

    Ok I'm neither the best at typing on this iPad yet.

    Oh and thats awesome Kendall about the rumba. I keep watching the rumba at my gym and it'd lame. More aerobics than dancing.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning superpals!!!!

    Check-in for yesterday 1885 consumed and under by 369. Surpisingly, my body feels great this morning. I thought I'd be sore from the run. I left the house at 4:20 this morning - what was I thinking when I scheduled this flight. Oh yeah - I'll get to Phoenix earlier and have more fun.

    The last 2 mornings, I've still been 187 on the nose. My body must like this weight. No change again this week. Good luck to everyone else!!!

    Now I can't wait to get home and watch Greys.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    yesterdays posts....A lot of exercise,,,LOL, 4 hours bulk grocery shopping, 80 minutes mowing, 20 minutes walking and the grandkids are here! Baseball games all weekend....I'll be back after I weigh in, I totally forgot this morning with all the happenings at the house!
    calories allowed yesterday 2162/1842 eaten/320 left

    I feel really swelled up this morning, not sure why...maybe I didn't drink enough yesterday?

    Hope everyone is doing good...I need to get the kids some breakfast, weigh in and I'll hopefully be able to get back online later today....what a week!

    Have fun Pinbot!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Checking in today at: 190.0 lb (-4.8 from last week)

    But, let's keep in mind, that last week I gained weigh due to TOM issues. So, I've probably lost more like 2.5ish pounds over the last 2 weeks, which is more around where I usually am. One of the times I weighed myself this morning (I'm compulsive- 1 do it 3 times, and take the highest, or one that comes up most), it was 189.6, so I can almost taste the 180s! But this puts me at 40 pounds lost, which is pretty freakin' amazing. YES!

    I'm just a bit worried about weigh in next week, because sometimes when I have a big drop, my body doesn't like such a fluctuation, and likes to even itself out (i.e. gain), but I'm hoping, since this major loss was mostly due to TOM issues resolving, that this won't happen this week. Especially, as I'll be in NC next weekend and would love to be in the 180s for that. We'll see...

    In terms of exercise, didn't quite reach my goals this challenge. I did exercise 5/7 days (my goal), but only did one 3+ mile run (goal of 2), but at least it was a 5K race!

    I don't know if it'll happen, but my lofty goal for this upcoming week is to exercise every day. I don't know if it'll happen, but I don't have group on Thursday, and I don't know how much exercise I'll get over the holiday weekend while I'm at home, so I'd like to kick it up a notch this week.

    Hope everyone's weigh-ins go well!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- have a great time on your trip! Will love to hear how it goes... especially the attempts at running in that heat!! 187 does appear to be the number of the moment for you. haha.

    Debra- great job with the exercise yesterday!

    Kendal- haven't watched grey's in years.... i had forgotten it was still on, but I keep hearing OMGs about the finale, so I guess it still has the ability to shock.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    will have to weigh in later this weekend....could not get a consistent weight this morning.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I was71 cals over for last week. Yeesh. But still under for the weekly total I need to be at. So far so good. This weekend will be the test for me, thats for sure.

    Greys was WOW.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    HAPPILY WEIGHING IN TODAY AT.......................................


    Under 200 finally, for the first time in like three, maybe four years!!!!
    160, here I come!!!!!

    And, hubby and I are signing up for a 5K in October!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    HAPPILY WEIGHING IN TODAY AT.......................................


    Under 200 finally, for the first time in like three, maybe four years!!!!
    160, here I come!!!!!

    And, hubby and I are signing up for a 5K in October!!

    omg thats FABULOUS!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    HAPPILY WEIGHING IN TODAY AT.......................................


    Under 200 finally, for the first time in like three, maybe four years!!!!
    160, here I come!!!!!

    And, hubby and I are signing up for a 5K in October!!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: WOOHOOO!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    *throws confetti* That's SO fabulous! I know you've been teetering right around onederland for a while, so I'm insanely happy for you! One huge milestone down! *high fives* And congrats on signing up for a 5K as well! Way to go!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    GO Caroline! Go Caroline! (I'm doing the happy dance I do with my daughter when something good happens!) Woohoo! Congrats!

    Okay, decided on my menu for the week and went to the local farms and got the bulk of veggies:

    Breakfast: smoothie with protein powder, spinach, milk, ice
    Lunch: egg salad sandwiches or left overs and this watermelon cucumber mint salad in the Food Network Mag I've been looking at all week.
    -Tonight: making asparagus soup...new thing to try
    Rest of the week:
    -Red swiss chard pasta carbonara with either canned tuna or salmon
    - bbq sandwiches with left over roast and corn on the cobb and salad
    -Roasted tomato and veggie tart with parmesan in the crust, salad
    -Birdsnests on a bed of spinach with roasted tom sauce
    -Enchiladas with any left over pork
    - yumm bowl as the back up plan

    It helps me to plan the whole week and get most of it prepped Sunday.

    I had a Wendy's double stack and small fries today at lunch. Gawd I was drooling over the ketchup, lol. I am a total sauce girl and have really really cut back on all the sauces in the past years because of the calories in them. It was yum and I should still be on target for my cal goal today.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Carolyn - congratulations!!!! That's so great... Welcome to the hundred club!!!

    Lacey - your food sounds wonderful.

    I made it safely to Phoenix. I've decided not record calories for the weekend. I will cont to aim for at least an hour of exercise a day. I walked 35 min walking at airport, 30 min hiking on mountain trail in 100 degree heat, and spent 1/2 hour in the pool. Now we're off to bar hop!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Lacey- those meals sound yummy!!

    Victoria- glad you made it to Phoenix safe! And way to go with getting the exercise in!

    Today went okay overall. Checking in:

    2407 calories to maintain (reset with the weight loss)
    1767 eaten/648 burned /-1288 day/-1288 week

    I did 56 minutes on the elliptical. not a super high resistance, but I did it all in the backwards motion, which I hear can burn more calories, and wanted to mix it up.

    Tomorrow's agenda: actually getting up a decent time for the weekend, farmer's market, shopping with the roomie, furniture/decorating perusing IKEA. Should be nice. Might go to a concert.
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    HAPPILY WEIGHING IN TODAY AT.......................................


    Under 200 finally, for the first time in like three, maybe four years!!!!
    160, here I come!!!!!

    And, hubby and I are signing up for a 5K in October!!

    a big congrats to you !!!!! it feels sooo good getting under 200lbs.... i did the happy dance also .. way to go girl

    I am weighing in at 197
    we are learning a new turbo kick and its pretty intence.. i love it.. and im dripping when were done... also learning some new core zumba dances.. they are kinda sexy... im digging it... im almost done with PT for my back ... i can tell its getting a little stronger with the excersises they are having me do... i can tell i dont get a full core work out ...and im working more on my balance...im still pretty shaky..lol
    have a wonderful wkend everyone
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Weighing in , on the home scale, at 210 this morning. That dern scale at the gym, as much ad I love the numbers on it, is definitely off. When all the scales in the hotels last week and this one at home concur, what else am I going to do? So basically all the weigh in numbers Ive given were wrong. Bummer!
    At least I am back down to where I was when I left for canada.

    Calorie check in for yesterday: over by about 350. The brownies last night killed me. But I'm determined to eat right this weekend. And I need to find some kind of work out I can do at home this week as I cant afford to pay for the gym till the first. Any suggestions??

    Victoria good for you for not tracking and just concentrating on making sure you exercise on your vacation!

    Congrats mrsmarv on the weigh in numbers.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I just now realized that I didn't weigh myself this morning. UGH. I woke up early to get ready for the AHA walk. I was meeting a friend there but he doesn't have a cell phone. He said he'd get there around 9:10-9:20 and the walk started at 9:00. There was a HUGE crowd of people there, so by 9:15, people were still crossing the starting line. But Tommy wasn't there and I had no way to call him (he called before he left his house so I knew he was there somewhere). By 9:23 I decided to start walking. Once around the lake was 1.55 miles so two laps was 3.1m. I forgot to start my hrm till about 1/4th of the way through the walk. It was humid as crap. After the first lap, I decided to go back to the start/finish line to see if I could find Tommy. I walked around forever. Lexi was tired as crap. Everyone was leaving cause they had completed their 2nd lap. They were pulling the tents and stage down cause it was like, 10:30-10:45 at this point and there was a storm coming in. The parking lot was empty by this point so I pulled my car closer to the start/finish line. I finally saw Tommy walking through the parking lot. We sat and talked for a little bit. He asked me why I only walked around once and I was like "dude! I had to come look for you!"

    So ugh. Only got to do 1.55 instead of 3.1 today and I didn't weigh myself.

    Lexi is pooped though lol
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Had a great time looking for furniture at IKEA. Didn't buy anything yet, but I have my bookcase set all picked out. And the first things I'll get is a sofa(bed)/chaise combo for the living room and a super cute tiny table that extends to a regular dining room table and two chairs. Super excited! Not excited about the money.

    My roomie was looking for jeans and we went to Old Navy. Just for sh*ts and giggles I tried on a pair 14 (now wearing 16s) and they fit relatively decent! If I wore them around for a bit and stretched them, I could totes wear them out. Wowsas!! Picked up 2 new tops at Kohl's because I"m running out of work tops that fit okay.

    So productive day so far. No exercise though, except the walking through the miles of hallways at IKEA. haha.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm tired aleady and just about to lay down for a nap. I ran 2 miles and walked 1.5 for 60 min ex early this morning. Then we spent the day shopping for clothes and groceries. We went to Mexican and Asian markets - the food choices are amazing. It bought jeans and dress pants still in 14s. We were at bargin stores so the jeans were only $10 and the dress pants $10 to $15. I was too scared to try the 12s maybe next time. Tonight is a party then off to bars for a drag show and dancing.

    Great job on the 14s Kristina!!!

    Kendal - to bad for the confusion. At least you got some ex.

    Lacey - that sucks on the scale news. Overall, you've still lost the same amount of weight and are doing great.

    Now I need to take a quick nap do I can stay up late.