
slw_x09 Posts: 4 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone :) I find this site to be really motivating and people just seem really realistic compared to some people on calorie count. I've come across too many people who sound like they have eating disorders.

I'm still a teenager, so I know I'm not technically supposed to be trying to lose weight. However, I still am. I'm 5'3 and I weigh 142-145 pounds (I'm female.) I used to weigh 170 about a year ago, so I am proud that I've lost the weight that I have, but I'm still not comfortable with myself. I used to consistently run, or "jog" on the treadmill for a good 20 minutes or more. I hit a plateau over the summer, and nothing was working for me anymore. It discouraged me and I slowed down on exercising. I'm not an active person; I don't play sports. I enjoy swimming, but that's not possible for me to do when it isn't summer. I've done the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred 2 times on level one during this week; things got in the way with school work, I was sore after the first time I did it so I had to take a break, and some days I am completely unmotivated.

I've still managed to lose about ten pounds since Christmas with barely any exercise at all. But I've noticed I quit eating as much. I used to aim for 1,500 calories a day, and if I had any left over, I made sure to eat them all. Now, I eat what I need to, but I don't worry about getting a certain amount. I don't know the exact amount of calories I've eaten lately, but I calculate anywhere from 1,000-1,300 usually. I tend to over estimate, too.

Even though I'm sedentary, is that enough? I've gone on so many websites, and some say I should eat 1,200 while others say 1,600. Being young doesn't help either, since most sites you have to be at least 18 to calculate anything. I'm just wondering if maybe I up my calorie intake, it'll help me get over my plateau. I know I need exercise too, which will be easier when school's over.

Any suggestions are appreciated. Sorry this thing is so long, just thought I'd share. =P


  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Start paying attention to WHAT you eat instead of how much. Focus on eating fresh, real foods. Maybe try a new class - something fun? That way you HAVE to go to it and can't put it off. Maybe boxing or yoga? If you're really young your parents might have to sign you up but most classes like that you can do through a community center or something. Just try something new and challenging to get you motivated. And congrats on your choice to be healthy and your weight loss so far!!
  • Hey there,

    Not totally for sure...but I think if you cut out 500 cal. a day of what you normally eat, you will lose 1 pound a week...I have just read this a lot. Others should confirm this.

    Make sure you eat when you are hungry though. Have you read the book "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch? It's great. It offers great ways to avoid going overboard and getting into eating disorder behaviors.

    Good luck! Sounds like you are doing fab!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    How old are you? There are pediatric websites that will tell you how much you should be eating. Typically, sedentary teenagers shouldn't eat less than 1500 when trying to lose weight.
    Not totally for sure...but I think if you cut out 500 cal. a day of what you normally eat, you will lose 1 pound a week...I have just read this a lot. Others should confirm this.
    That would put her around 500-800 calories per day ...
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Here, try this website ... it lets you enter an age less than 18.

    1300 probably wouldn't be too bad but if you're overestimating, you should aim for 1500, hehe.
  • slw_x09
    slw_x09 Posts: 4 Member
    How old are you? There are pediatric websites that will tell you how much you should be eating. Typically, sedentary teenagers shouldn't eat less than 1500 when trying to lose weight.

    I'm 16 years old. Thanks for the advice - I think I'm gonna up my calorie intake. I know it's not healthy to be eating as little as I do, I just have a hard time since I hate feeling bloated from overeating, but I guess I'll try eating more things like almonds or peanut butter and drinking milk.

    + thank you for the website!
  • slw_x09
    slw_x09 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for all the advice - I do appreciate it. :)
    I have definitely thought about taking classes, I just don't know anyone who can take them with me. Not that I couldn't go alone, but that's not even the whole problem, I can't drive myself there AND we don't have the money for it. Summer should help me out loads though!
    Make sure you eat when you are hungry though. Have you read the book "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch? It's great. It offers great ways to avoid going overboard and getting into eating disorder behaviors.

    I'll have to check that out, might be a good idea. I do go overboard sometimes with how little I eat, and I feel like since I've already eaten such a little amount, I might as well keep it that way... like I'm always lowering my limit. I need to realize there will be a time where I'll stop trying to lose weight and just maintain. Counting calories occupies so much of my mind, it's ridiculous, really. I eat really healthy, I'm very health conscious... it's good, but I'm almost too meticulous about it,
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    You might consider something like Turbo Jam. I normally recommend it to teenagers because it's fun and offers more variety than a lot of the other programs out there. It's also one of the less expensive DVD's. I think I got mine on eBay for under $20 and it has 5 different workouts that you can mix up.

    There are also a bunch of free workouts on and on-demand if you have cable.
  • slw_x09
    slw_x09 Posts: 4 Member
    You might consider something like Turbo Jam. I normally recommend it to teenagers because it's fun and offers more variety than a lot of the other programs out there. It's also one of the less expensive DVD's. I think I got mine on eBay for under $20 and it has 5 different workouts that you can mix up.

    There are also a bunch of free workouts on and on-demand if you have cable.

    I do use exercise tv sometimes. :) It's a nice option to have. As for the Turbo Jam, I'll have to look for that, thanks for the suggestion :)
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