SLIM in 6

michelleamh Posts: 5
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I need motivation. I have done the Slim in 6 workout for 2 weeks and am extremely bored with the Burn It Up phase. It is an awesome workout but I have 10lbs to lose and am finding I am only gaining as well as losing my interest in working out.

I am 145lbs currently, 5'2" and have 1 cup of egg beaters for breakfast, 1 slice of whole wheat toast and black coffee in the morning. For lunch I have a big mixed green salad with 2 hard boiled eggs, sunflower seeds, carrotts, cucumbers and Seven Seas Italian dressing (light not drenched). And then for dinner I will have chicken with a cup of whole wheat pasta and another side salad. No desserts, no mindless eating and watching my portions. I am so frustrated because I already know the last 10lbs are difficult but I don't know what else to do. I must be honest I drink diet Dr. Pepper and drink only 3-4 glasses of water a day. Could that be the culprit? Also, am I eating enough? Because how many calories is the Burn It Up phase?

Also, for those of you who are SLIM in 6 die hard fans, I was wondering do I have to do the Burn It Up phase, the Ab Toner phase, the Thinner Thigh phase all in the same day? That would mean an hour and a half workout a day then? Also when do I use the Cardio Express phase?

Thanks for listening,


  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    I wonder do you ever have splurge days? I think you should once a week. It keeps your metabolism from getting too comfortable. I always lose better after a splurge day. :drinker:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    Michelle, I am a huge Slim in 6 fan, but I wasn't always. I can tell you what worked for me, and maybe some of it will sound good to you.

    The food diary here was a huge help. I set my activity level to lightly active and my weight-loss goal to 1 pound a week. I didn't have a HRM, so I counted all the SI6 workouts (other than Slim & Limber) as aerobic, general, and I ate all my exercise calories. (I counted S&L as mild stretching.) My food ratios are 50 carbs, 25 protein, 25 fat.

    I worked out six days a week for six weeks.
    I did Start It Up for two or three days.
    I did Ramp It Up for the remainder of the first week, plus the next week.
    I did Burn It Up for four weeks.

    In addition, I did Slim & 6-Pack three days a week (M/W/F) and Slim & Limber after every workout (six days).

    I lost six pounds in six weeks, and it was boring as hell.

    After the six weeks, I scrapped Burn It Up, but I did Ramp It Up/Slim & 6-Pack M/W/F and Cardio Core express T/TH/Sa. I continued with Slim & Limber after every single workout. I did this for months, and I continued losing an average of a pound a week. This was much more enjoyable for me than BIU every single day. After a few months, I got Slim Series, and I absolutely love those workouts (there are six). I did it for a couple of months or so, and now I'm doing P90X, but I plan to go back to Slim Series after I finish my round of X.

    Hope that helps!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    P.S. I did the Thin Thighs workout once, and I thought it was a waste of time. :tongue:
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Are you eating the 1200 calories (or whatever amount this site set up for you) each day? That is necessary not to starve yourself.
    And the person (above) who suggested a splurge day is so right. You are bored with "slim in 6" and the body gets bored if you only eat the same things and the same amounts each day.
    - Confuse your body with more calories one day, at least 1200 calories for a couple of days, and then a tiny less one day, and so forth.
    - Do a different one of those exercises each day--your choice.
    If you, your muscles, and your metabolism all get bored, it just won't be pretty! ;) Change things up. I think you will feel better and so will the rest of your body.
    Note: Too much sodium in your diet and not enough water can sabotage your efforts. Try diluting the soda with water--1/4th cup of water, at first, and increase the water added as your taste buds get used to the slightly different taste.
    My sister tried that suggestion and now just puts about 1/4th cup of soda in her water--just enough to flavor it. She is slim now.
    Have fun with this diet.
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