Always hungry

:grumble: Any good tricks that really work to suppress appetite?


  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    First off, are you eating enough?
  • I think so. I feel like I'm always eating. I do eat a pretty healthy diet, but my portions seem more in line with a man's!
  • I totally understand, how you feel... but my issue, last Sunday, was I had lil to eat, (egg drop soup/coffee for the day)

    On monday, I went over 1000 calories on my calorie goal...

    Today, I went over a bit, and took my dogs for a walk, to bring that goal back in track

    I walk to the mall, in the morning, and afterwards, not eat for 4 hours (to make my body use the fat, instead of foods) I was famished, tummy was hurting/growling, so I would take an antacid to keep it quiet (it helped)... By the time, lunch/supper came around, I was hungry.. not only that.. in the night, I want something sweet

    Someone told me fiber/protein helps w/ hunger pangs... (look at slimfast, high in fiber/protein) I found out, if I miss meals the previous day, I would eat a lot, the following day. My exercise regimen is making me hungry more... :(

    You could eat a hardboiled egg w/ peanut buttter toast (fiber rich) or something...
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    How many calories are you eating, though? And how many are you working off?
  • I work in a store and I am surrounded by junk food. The only thing that works for me is fruit flavored gum. As long as it is sugar free and a fruity flavor. For me it works like a sweet treat without the guilt and it holds me over until its time to eat...
  • dynamohum
    dynamohum Posts: 17 Member
    I was always told that chewing gum makes your stomach acid work and thus you feel more hungry?????
    If thats true maybe the gum is a great distraction.
  • I honestly don't know the truth about it but chewing gum works for me. I get bored at work and its pretty easy to eat junk. I find the gum gives me something to chew on thats sweet and it distracts me from eating all the other junk in the store :)
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    :grumble: Any good tricks that really work to suppress appetite?

    Food generally works for me. I have lots of veggies in my house so I will do something with them as a first resort. If that doesn't work I figure out how many calories I have already had and how many I have left and if it's close enough to my next meal time I wait it out. If not then I try something with protein, usually peanut butter and that almost always works when I have already filled up on veggies.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Coffee minus sugar and a splash of milk if u dont like it black
  • dynamohum
    dynamohum Posts: 17 Member
    keep it up then, whatever works for you, probably another food myth, :happy:
  • Lamemind
    Lamemind Posts: 18 Member
    Water fills me up just as much as any bag of chips would
  • Gmtribble90
    Gmtribble90 Posts: 463 Member
    Coffee minus sugar and a splash of milk if u dont like it black

    If you can manage with your plan, try a splash of Bailey's Irish Cream creamer with your coffee, no extra sugar or milk. It tastes really good and has helped me a LOT with cravings. Just make sure it's only a splash and not too much!
  • sugarkane1234
    sugarkane1234 Posts: 51 Member
    Water, water, and more water! Also, I find a small amount of nuts (especially almonds and pistachios) help keep my stomach from eating itself in between meals.
  • NakeshiaB
    NakeshiaB Posts: 250 Member
    Tea works wonders for me. I only drink green or herbal tea I've made myself (e.g. literally just herbs in hot water). The great thing about tea is that it has zero calories. I don't even log it and count it as my water intake. Peppermint tea is a great refresher and settles any uneasy feelings in your stomach. There are theories that a lot of the time when we think we are hungry, we are actually thirsty.

    Another trick is brushing your teeth, although I wouldn't do this more than once a day on top of your normal twice a day brushing. Gum could also be an option, although I try to stay away from gum due to the sugars/artificial sweeteners. Also eat your food slowly, really chew and savour the flavour. Leave gaps between mouthfulls. This has helped me a lot, I also try to have a drink of water every time I eat something, it keeps me fuller for longer.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Coffee minus sugar and a splash of milk if u dont like it black

    If you can manage with your plan, try a splash of Bailey's Irish Cream creamer with your coffee, no extra sugar or milk. It tastes really good and has helped me a LOT with cravings. Just make sure it's only a splash and not too much!

    The only Baileys we have over here in New Zealand is an alcoholic cream drink :)
  • lovemitch125
    lovemitch125 Posts: 257 Member
    So first of all, I'd make sure you are actually hungry by drinking a bottle of water first. Sometimes your body confused hunger with thirst, or you are bored eating and don't realize it. If you are still hungry after a bottle of water, then definitely eat.
    Incorporate protein and fiber into your meals (I would have a protein at every meal). Not only are these delicious anyways, they will keep you fuller for longer. Try it out :bigsmile:
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Without knowing what you're eating and how much it is hard to recommendations.

    However I suggest the following: check your protein intake - if you are eating less than 1 g per kg body weight per day then you might want to increase it. (If you are strength training then this should be higher still - in the region of 1 g per lb lean body mass).

    Make sure you are meeting your fibre goal and not exceeding your sodium.

    Also, are you eating back your exercise calories?
  • Gmtribble90
    Gmtribble90 Posts: 463 Member
    Coffee minus sugar and a splash of milk if u dont like it black

    If you can manage with your plan, try a splash of Bailey's Irish Cream creamer with your coffee, no extra sugar or milk. It tastes really good and has helped me a LOT with cravings. Just make sure it's only a splash and not too much!

    The only Baileys we have over here in New Zealand is an alcoholic cream drink :)

    We have that too, but we also have Bailey's creamer, which is pretty much like the drink minus the alcohol. The flavor is amazing for coffee :)
  • dcarbeno
    dcarbeno Posts: 22
    I always use to be hungry also. I am not anymore. I have upped my protein and the number of times I eat a day. Breakfast, snack, lunch,snack, dinner. All small meals 200-300 calories. I went to a dietician and she suggested it. That approach keeps my blood sugar levels balanced and I do not find myself grazing anymore. Drinking enough water is also important. Thirst can be mistaken for hunger. It worked for me. Hope it helps.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Make sure you're getting a good amount of water, fiber and protein. Toss out any of those "diet" treats people seem to live off of and replace them with filling foods (high fiber/protein).

    Make sure you're eating enough calories.