TDEE-15% Calculator not matching MFP goal

Hey guys,

I started looking into TDEE since people talk about it on here all the time. I tried two different online calculators and entered my information for a 20% calorie reduction. I put my exercise as moderate (3-5 times per week at 30 minutes a time) since that has been what I've been doing as part of MFP. When I did this, both of my recommendations were that I consume approx. 1975 calories per day based on my exercise level, my height (5'5), age (23), and current weight (174).

Why is this so different from my MFP goal that it gave me when I started this? MFP is saying I should aim for 1460 calories per day to lose weight. When I started MFP, I probably put my exercise as low because at the time I was only exercising 1 or 2 times per week, but now I've been good about getting 3-5 days of exercise in each week. Is this the problem?



  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    I'd stick with MFP's calculations and just eat back your exercise calories.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Did you set your MFP goal for 2 lbs a week or 1? If you set it for one lb a week loss the numbers should match TDEE - 20% pretty closely.
  • pestopoli
    pestopoli Posts: 111 Member
    Happened to me too - These TDEE calcs are assuming your exercise. MFP doesn't. Poster above is right: eat back those exercise calories! Or, set your own calorie goal at TDEE -15%, and log your exercise here as only expending 1 calorie - I see a lot of people doing that.

    For me, I did a mix. I set my daily calorie goal a bit higher than MFP has it, and I try to eat back a majority of my exercise. I'm losing about .5 a week doing that.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    MFP does not calculate your exercise into it's calories.
    No matter how much you TOLD MFP you would exercise, it does not include your exercise cals into you daily goal. You are supposed to eat those back.
    Eating back your exercise cals on top of MFP's calorie goal would probably make it pretty close to TDEE - 15%
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I found MFP was quite off from the TDEE-20% calculators for me as well. Even when I used the BMR or Little/No Exercise option on the TDEE calculator, it was still considerably higher than the 1,200 calories MFP set for me. I've been using the TDEE-20% and it's been working pretty well for me, eating 1200 calories I was hungry and grumpy all the time.
  • blleadon
    blleadon Posts: 187 Member
    If you eat back your exercise calories it should come out to be roughly the same. Tdee-15% accounts for your exercise, mfp doesn't (as long as u put sedentary or lightly active). That's what I do I eat mine back until I get to my tdee-20% number
  • Mizpenguin
    Mizpenguin Posts: 19
    Thanks everyone - this is really helpful. I have been good about eating back the calories I exercise, and when I do that I'm eating around 1700-1800 which is only a little below the TDEE-20% value that I was finding other places. So, I guess I'm doing well! Thanks for the help!