Hi Everyone

My doctor gave me this website to try, she said it ws awesome!
So here I am, it looks really cool, I hope it can help me.
I don't have many friends where I live, so any friendly messages would be nice,
I'm open to meet new people


  • WussKat
    WussKat Posts: 63
    Hi Alisha!

    Yes, your doctor is right - it IS an awesome website and everyone is so friendly with great advice, tips and ideas!

    Good luck on your journey - lots of hands here to hold and to pull you back on your feet when you fall...which we all do occasionally :smile:
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    Welcome Alisha! You won't have to worry about having friends now, we are everywhere on here! Your doctor was correct, this website is awesome and the people here are fabulous! I have tried many diets in my life, and none have lasted. I have been obese most of my life, at least since I was 14, and heavy set before then. I started here 3/18/10, and have lost 34.7 lbs so far, and 26.5 inches overall total to m body. I am down from a tight 24 pants to a comfortable 20. I was 255 lbs in January, when I tried loosing weight on my own, AGAIN. In March, when I started here, I was only down to 247 lbs. Now I am at 213 lbs. I haven't been under 220 lbs in over 15 years My niece told me about this site, and I tried it. I then told my 2 sister-in-laws, they joined in April. Between the 4 of us, our family has lost over 125 lbs! Wohooo! Please accept me as a friend and we will travel this journey together!