Horrible Morning

tal202 Posts: 34 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I just has one of those morning when you accidentally catch a glimpse of yourself naked in the mirror and are so replused by what you see, you really just want to give up becaue there doesn't seem any point in dieting. I put on my pretty, summer dress anyway hoping that it would perk me up, but then caught a glimpse of myself in the shop windows on route to work and it just made me feel even more miserable.

I've only been using the site a couple of weeks and I know that it will take a while to shift the weight, especially as I'm trying to just lose within my weight range. I guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself. It doesn't help that I'm meeting friends at the pub for dinner tonight. I've bought a healthy wrap to eat before I leave the office to meet them but I know how tempting I will find the cheese and bacon wedges etc (I'm a savoury comfort eater) after a couple of drinks.

Sorry for complaining, I thought that maybe if I discussed it then it would maybe alleviate the temptation.


  • chel111269
    chel111269 Posts: 1
    Everyone has "fat days" were we feel so horrible about ourselves and your goal seems so far away, dont lose sight of why you want to do this for yourself. Just remember everyday your getting closer to your goal and a healthy lifestyle.

    And dont do it Cheese and bacon wedges.... hours on the treadmil........lol :smile:
  • WussKat
    WussKat Posts: 63
    Ohhh - reflections - I know how you feel! Its one of the things I am looking forward to - being able to walk around the shops and not worry if I catch a glimpse of myself in one of those full length ones they put on pillars every now and again. In the past I have taken a different route through a store just to try and avoid them!

    Just remember how good you feel inside knowing you ARE losing it. That outer 'you' will soon fade away revealing the new, slimmer you underneath. And you can get there - you know you can....and we will all be around to give you the push you need :-)

    Have a lovely time tonight...and if you do succumb to the cheese and bacon wedges (I am hungry now!) maybe just eat half of them? That way its not quite so bad and you haven't denied yourself a treat!
  • Tubbyangel
    Tubbyangel Posts: 25
    Oh I know how you feel I have about half my body weight to loose and every time I think about that I feel ashamed that I let myself go so badly I havnt been clothes shoping in about 1 year as I cant face full lenght mirrors and have none at home. I refuse to look at photos of myself or even my reflection in any shiny surface. It really is the most pathetic way to your live your life- afraid of your own shadow.

    But if I always focus on this I will get nowhere I will not exercise and I will comfort eat and I will stay the same and never be happy, I will continue to turn down nights out and keep putting my dreams off untill one day it will all be too late.

    Now when I am out I still avoid all the shiny surfaces but if I do catch a glimpse I try to think " you wont be fat much longer, one day I will catch a glimpse of myself and say wow I have really changed"

    Focus on the positive no matter what is is, ie I ate well, I exersized for x mins, my hair looks nice today, a work collegue praised my work or attitude. Negitive thoughts will only bring you down and make those wedges look so much more tempting.
  • Lparault
    Lparault Posts: 100
    I'm calling an end to your pity party; it is officially over now. No one here isn't or hasn't been where you are. You all made the decision to take charge of your life, you didn't just talk about it, you joined MFP and found a support group. You decided to take control of your weight instead of letting it control you. ALL of those things are GREAT!!!

    You didn't gain weight overnight...it ain't gonna fall off overnight, BUT IT WILL COME OFF! Instead of looking at yourself in the mirror and thinking how bad you look, look at your reflection and say to yourself "I'm never going to see this exact reflection again."
    Know why, 'cause you aren't. Even if you don't notice it right now, the next time you see yourself, things will be a little different...and time after that, a little more different. This is all about the baby steps, sister, you have to crawl before you can walk and walk before you can run. In no time, you're gonna be avoiding mirrors because your so sexy naked, if you see yourself you'll just want to stand there and gawk all day.

    I'm not talking out of my butt cheeks either (any of the three of them!). I'm 46 years old and 5'4". I weighed 263 pounds last October. By Thanksgiving, I had lost about 13 pounds; then gained back up to 254 when I joined MFP. I wore a 22W. I got bad bloodwork results 27 days ago and made up my mind to change my weight, mentality, lifestyle and relationship with food. It has not been easy, but I have lost 11 pounds and two dress sizes. I three pairs of pants at Ross yesterday because the 22's look like all the illegal aliens I'd been smuggling moved out of the @$$ of my pants. I also bought a $ 12 cotton sundress at wal mart that is too small for me...right now. I promised myself I'd fit that bad boy by labor day.

    You might want to skip the pub in your state of mind...go for a nice long walk instead!!

    Add me as a friend, I'd love to be able to keep up with your success story!!! I know you can do this...if I can, anyone can.
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    I seem to have that problem alot also. I get all excited, wow, I HAVE LOST 35 LBS, and dropped 2 pants sizes, and lost a overall of 26.5 inches from my body. Then their's that nasty ole mirror and I stand there thinking really, where did I loose it at? I don't feel I look any better now, at 213 lbs, then I did in January at 255 lbs, or when I started here in March at 247 lbs. Then there's the 187 lb husband in his 36 waist pants. I look so huge next to him, and he's only 26 lbs less then me now. But, I know, I feel better! My feet don't hurt now from walking like they use to. I live in a upstairs apartment and I don't get nowhere near as out of breath as I use to going up the stairs. And here is a REAL LOL one! When I use to get on my scale, it squeeked, so I would flush the toilet so hubby couldn't hear it. IT DON'T SQUEEK ANYMORE!!!! LOL, think I was about to break it! I think my biggest heartbreaker about this whole thing has been the lack of comments. Nobody has noticed! I finally started crying (I was drunk), and asked my husband why he never complimented my weight loss. He told me that he loved me, no matter what my size was, and that he didn't want to tell me I look better now, then regain the weight and me think he don't like the way I look anymore. This is because I have started and failed so many times on a diet. Anyways, as long as I am feeling better, guess that's what matters. Without this website, I would have probably already failed again. The support here is a real blessing to me! Have a great time out, and like already stated, if you must have the wedges, try to stop after 1.
  • jcarker
    jcarker Posts: 14
    That's what we're here for. Feel free to vent anytime.
  • tal202
    tal202 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for your support guys, and for listening to me moan. Off to the pub now and I shall be aiming to have the veggie soup as opposed to the cheesey wedges. I'm in a much more positive frame of mind now. Cheers and have a great weekend. :happy:
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