Finally started the C25K



  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    Yesterday I finally ignored my excuses voice and started the C25K and today I feel great for having done it. I am new to running as an adult as never progressed to the end in previous attempts.

    This time I am determined. But would love some people who are on the same path for motivation. Anyone else just started week 1?

    You could start a group for those that are beginning now...
  • corderdeb
    corderdeb Posts: 57 Member
    Yesterday I finally ignored my excuses voice and started the C25K and today I feel great for having done it. I am new to running as an adult as never progressed to the end in previous attempts.

    This time I am determined. But would love some people who are on the same path for motivation. Anyone else just started week 1?

    YES! Last week. I've never run before in my life. But I'm determined to do a K5 at some point this summer. I'm signed up for a COLOR ME RAD run but that's June 1st. I think I'll be run/walking this one.
  • Garthamatic
    Garthamatic Posts: 84 Member
    Yeah, Week 1 is tough.

    Around week 3 it started getting easier (less sore muscles, less huffing and puffing)

    I just finished week 5 and the 22 minute run I finished left me feeling good and pretty pleased with my progression. Go for it, the C25K plan really does work...
  • mkoff32
    mkoff32 Posts: 88 Member
    Good for you! I remember week 1, I was huffing and puffing too. I didn't think there was any way that I'd be able to get through this. I'm starting week 8 this Sunday and believe me, it does get easier!
  • Lind5ay90
    Lind5ay90 Posts: 376 Member
    I just graduated for the C25K program last week!! Keep up with it, follow what the app says, and you'll hae no problem at succeeding! The toughest part for me was week 5 or 6 where they have you run for 20 minutes without stopping. I was really nervous and thought that there was no possible way that I could do it...but I did and it was a major turning point for me.
    Good luck to you!!
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    I did Week 2, Day 1 today and ran into a little snafu with my podcast. It didn't tell me when I was half way through so I was a little farther from the office when I finished. I ended up adding an extra 90 second run and extra walking time for 7 extra minutes. I guess I had better listen to the podcasts before I start using them.
  • Kealihc
    Kealihc Posts: 39
    Just started week 1 yestetday! And im excited about it :) even found a super awesome app for it!