Party coming up!! Super Worried!!!!

Hi all :)

First time making a forum :)

So to bring a long story short, it's my birthday party this saturday and I am SUPER worried about all the food!!!!

I'm 102Kg and 6"4' with moderate daily excerise. I limit myself to 1700 calories. What I'm worried about is no doubt I will go over my caloric limit this saturday due to the party.... IS THIS OKAY??? What should I do??

I want to enjoy myself but don't want to be secretly logging all foods that are put into my mouth :( Is this okay to have a one off blurge or maybe go 1000 calories over my limit???? Should I pump out the excerice the day before and/or after??? How many extra calories should I limit myself too????

Or is there a way you people do to get out of eating all the party food and cake!!! I don't like eating other foods as I like to know EXACTLY what I eat.

Please help me :(


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    this post makes me sad....

    its one day, enjoy yourself! one meal didnt make you fat, just like one salad wont make you thin!

    do an extra workout in the morning, fill your boots then the next day get back on it!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    one day of party food won't mess up your long term goals. You'll most likely see a water weight increase due to eating more sodium than usual. Seriously, just go there, enjoy yourself, don't stuff your face but don't deprive yourself either, and don't sweat the calories. It's not like this is going to happen on a regular basis. One bad meal won't make you fat, just as one healthy meal won't make anyone get lean... it's what you eat day in, day out that counts.

    Just one thing though, I don't think 1700 cals/day is enough for a man of 6'4" and 102kg... I'm female, 5'1" and 59kg and I lose weight at 1850 cals/day. If you have a high body fat percentage then a bigger calorie deficit is acceptable, but it still needs to be sustainable and even people with high body fat percentages can suffer ill effects of undereating if the calorie deficit is way too big.

    The thread "in place of a road map" has instructions for how much you can eat and still lose weight and stay healthy, and also why it's important not to undereat. Regarding the party, if you are chronically undereating, then there's a danger of bingeing at the party... if you're not chronically undereating, you should be able to go there, eat what you'll enjoy and not go OTT around the food.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Your BMI is only around 27... if you are overweight it's not by that much, so you shouldn't be eating at a huge calorie deficit. At that BMI I'd advise getting your body fat percentage checked... within the 25-30 BMI range, while the chart says "overweight", individuals who are large framed and/or very athletic, may not actually be carrying too much fat, i.e. body fat percentage can be in the healthy range even though BMI puts them at "overweight" Some men with BMIs in the low 30s may actually still have a healthy body fat percentage.

    This is very important, because a) people in this BMI range are sometimes told to lose weight when they actually don't need to because they're not carrying too much fat, and b) how much extra fat you are carrying determines how big a deficit you should eat at to lose weight. If you are already in the healthy body fat percentage range, then you should not eat less than TDEE - 10% (i.e. 10% less than the total number of calories you are burning in a day). If your body fat percentage is high, you can eat TDEE - 20%, and if your body fat percentage is extremely high, then TDEE - 30% is better. However with a BMI of 27, you really can't be carrying that much extra fat.... it really seems like you need to eat more than you are.