Added Jogging = Plateau?

Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I guess it's really common to plateau after 6 weeks or so, and I'm there. I'm also just 2 lbs away from my goal weight, which probably gives me even more of a slow down.

I've not budged the scales in a week. I haven't changed up my diet, but have added morning jogs, because before, all my exercise was coming from gardening and mowing the lawn. Now, I'm jogging about 5-6 mph for 40 minutes in the morning, and things seem to have gotten worse, not better! I really thought this would kick start my weight loss again, but the scale just won't budge.

In happy news, I did lose 6 lbs in 5 weeks (make that 6.5 weeks with this stupid plateau), and lost 3 inches off my waist and 2.5 off my hips. My waist is now just .5 inches larger than it was before I got pregnant last year!

In not happy news, I NEED to lose these last 2 lbs by June 2. I know that's silly, but if I don't, I owe my sister $100.00!!!! ERRGGG!!! I think she lost her 8 lbs and is in maintenance right now. I just can't lose face!


  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    ugh....thats a dilema, i hate losing! maybe up your calories for a day or two and then go under on a day then try for your goal...."they" say when you confuse your metabolism by changing your calorie intake it can jump start weight loss. As for the jogging and gaining, i know how you feel, since i have taken up running i have hit plateau and stayed on it for 3 months....i just eat a hell of a lot more because im more active....i still have 5lbs to go, but im not worried about it, however, if it were a bet, i would be flippin out! lol

    Good luck!
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    i would try a different type of run. it's part of what i do to train for races...called a "fartlek" training method...Excuse the title :indifferent: :blushing:

    just like neenaleigh suggested with confusing your metabolism with food, this will keep it guessing with start with a walk or light jog...then you sprint or walk on steep incline or jog on incline then walk every one or two minutes. So, you say right now you run at a 5-6mph pace for 40min. Try:

    5min warm up - 4.0mph
    2min - run 6mph
    1min - walk
    1min - walk 5.0 incline
    2min - walk
    2min - 5.0 run on 3.0 incline
    1min walk
    1min - 7.0 sprint
    1min - walk
    2min - run 6.0mph
    1min - walk
    2min - run 6mph
    1min - walk
    1min - walk 5.0 incline
    2min - walk
    2min - 5.0 run on 3.0 incline
    1min walk
    1min - 7.0 sprint
    1min - walk
    2min - run 6.0mph
    1 min - walk
    1min - 7.0 sprint
    5 min - cool down

    just an example..but you get the idea. hope this helps.
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
    I'm a trail runner, and don't have a treadmill, but I'll try to work something out with the hills I do. It's a hilly course, up to a vista from my house, then down to a creek and then back up to my house again, which is topographically in the middle.

    As for diet - I think I'll try that. I'll eat more this weekend, and then cut back next week. That was was I was inadvertantly doing a few weeks ago, when I would have splurges on the weekends, but lately, I've been just chugging along, earning what I eat and eating everything I earn (have to be careful about that because I breastfeed, too).
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